VP James Wani Igga’s Speech at the UN Security Council Meeting on South Sudan, New York
Statement of H.E. James Wani Igga
Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan
To the UN Security Council Meeting On Building International Support for the 26 August 2015 Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan
29 September 2015 -New York

Your Excellency the President,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and gentlemen,
September 30, 2015 (SSB) — On behalf of H.E. the President of South Sudan who could not be here today, I express sincere gratitude for the role the United Nations and many genuine friends have played in South Sudan culminating in its full independence in 2011.
I am happy, to mention here that the war that had raged in my country for the last twenty months has now been brought to an end through an agreement mediated by the esteemed IGAD, the Troika, China, etc. on the 26th of last month. This was followed by a ceasefire declaration by our President on the following day. Unfortunately, the Ceasefire has not been holding in many areas.
Our future political situation, security and stability are not as gloomy as the media would want to portray. Nevertheless, we all know that civil war is the single most disabling social ailment that causes wherever it occurs, unthinkable destruction, and in all countries wrongly diverts the scarce funds meant for implementing development agenda. We are determined to implement the Agreement and to promote peace, stability, prosperity and happiness in our war-torn country. Our people have been unnecessarily subjected to untold sufferings in over four decades of civil conflicts. Enough is enough and this trend ought to halt.
Your Excellencies,
Like in all post-conflict settings, our recovery path from the war shall remain a slippery slope. Yet we are confident that we shall manage to quickly recuperate and prosper. Hence, as many times mentioned by H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit, we need the ‘regional and international partners who were instrumental in drafting the current agreement to navigate with us all the way and not despair when they encounter humps and bumps during the implementation period because the determination is there’.
As for the expected role of this renowned organization, the United Nations, we are encouraged by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s statement that “the United Nations stands ready to support the parties in the implementation of this agreement in close cooperation with IGAD-Plus, the AU and the international partners.” We thank H.E. the SG for this highly responsible statement of commitment, positive stand and solidarity with the people of South Sudan. He earlier demonstrated this unshakable commitment and dedication during his first visit to my country just a few months after assuming his seat. This reality is triggered by the pressing humanitarian situation created by the war. I hope this is the area where donors will have to strongly pay attention.
Ladies and gentlemen,
On the reservations in this IGAD Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan, they were never meant to denounce and condemn the accord. On the contrary, they are intended to act as a constant reminder where we concentrate and focus on during the implementation. Hardly a week ago, the Joint Ceasefire Committee in a workshop in Addis Ababa practically agreed on 95 percent of the Security Arrangements. But at the end, my brothers in the rebellion declined to sign the Minutes, over misguided interpretation and dissatisfaction on their participation in the Joint Integrated Police of the three states, and the size of the Presidential Guards left in Juba contrary to the articles of the Agreement. Therefore, the ball is now in the compound of the esteemed IGAD-Plus to convince our brothers in the rebellion to expedite joining the boat of peace by signing as required by the mediators, even today here in this historic City of New York.
A further proof and serious will that our government is highly committed to this Agreement and as a way to expedite the implementation of the Agreement, particularly the Security Arrangements, the SPLA’s General HQs six days ago ordered movement of its troops outside Juba city to the radius of 25 km as stipulated in the provision. Therefore, part of the international support should quickly go to assisting the SPLA in constructing military barracks in the new locations in those forests.
Our government has vowed to establish the upcoming Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU) in accordance with the spirit and letter of the Agreement, bearing in mind our country’s unique diversity and the dire need for inclusivity. The upcoming government is definitely going to be for all and without any form of discrimination. Surely we will carryout the necessary institutional reforms and transformation as demanded by the Accord. In fact last year, our government laid down a comprehensive program to transform our institutions in both the civil service and the organized forces under the famous project of P.C. (Performance Contract), and therefore, the new provision is just in line.
Your Excellencies,
In conclusion, I seize this opportunity to appeal to the international community for a speedy reaction in financing the demands and dictates of the Agreement. These encompass funding for humanitarian assistance, repatriation, resettlement, rehabilitation and reconstruction of the country. It is difficult to see the ultimate success of this Agreement without adequate finances, which our young country cannot obviously do on its own.
I reiterate our government’s absolute commitment to implementing the current peace agreement signed with SPLM-IO. I am sure, with goodwill from our partners, we will succeed in this path of the implementation. There is no greater assurance anyone can expect us to make than this solid will.
We call on all the relevant Security Arrangements such as the Ceasefire Verification and Monitoring Mechanisms to be swiftly and immediately operationalized and equipped so as to discourage violations of the Ceasefire. It is apparent that financing this process is the biggest impediment of the determined IGAD. As mentioned above, my brothers (and if any, sisters) in the Opposition are yet to sign the Minutes of the Workshop from 13-18 September 2015 on Security Arrangements. I thus ask the esteemed IGAD and this august body to quickly persuade them to do.
Thank you very much, Your Excellencies.