Riek Machar: The Creation of 28 States by President Kiir is a Direct Violation of the signed IGAD Peae Agreement
By Mabior John, Kampala, Uganda

October 3, 2015 (SSB) — Dr. Riak Machar has issued a statement condemning the presidential order issued by president Kiir on 2nd October 2015 establishing 28 states in the RSS.
In his argument, the rebel lord contend that the order was a direct violation of the peace agreement signed by his rebel movement, the SPLM/A-IO on the 17th August 2015; which the President Signed on the 26th August 2015 on behalf of the government of South Sudan.
Whereas it is clear the presidential order issued on the 2nd September 2015 by H.E. Kiir Mayardit will inevitably have impact on the peace accord, the order goes a long way to practically implement Dr. Machar’s own political projects in South Sudan, namely devolving powers to the people through a federal arrangement. The only difference is he is not the one who made the order but H.E. President Kiir.
It was Dr. Riak Machar acting as vice president of the Republic of South Sudan in 2012 who initiated the creation of the new states by conducting wider consultations with grass root communities. At the time, he had hoped to use it to garner political support in his then project of toppling Kiir through the ballot.
When that move failed, Riak resorted to political agitation and later rebellion to push through his agenda for national reforms which included the creation of more states.
In his 20 months as lord of a rebel army, he created 21 states without citing any Constitutional mandate that empower him to do so.
Considering this is a popular demand of the people in which they want to take charge of their own affairs and limit influence of the central government in their internal issues, people all over South Sudan will expect the SPLM-IO to embrace this move by the president to create more states and devolve powers to them.
Yes, it will affect their power percentages calculated in Adis Ababa on the basis of the then existing 10 states. Yes, it will affect the rebels’ quest to control oil rich states which now have been torn into several parts. But i guest if your objectives are to promote what is in the national interest, then it is better you sacrifice some of your selfish interests for the interests of your country and people.
It is now a well-established fact that the people of South Sudan have been reduced to beggars for peace from those who think they hold monopoly for unleashing violence on the people when their selfish interests are not met. (The SPLM-IO included).
Can someone tell Dr. Riak and his group to abandon this childish reaction to whatever Kiir is doing as head of a sovereign state? Let them embrace the peace and reconciliation spirit ushered in by the peace accord he signed with President Kiir last month
This tendency of crying out to western powers whenever you don’t agree with your rivals on entirely internal matter is getting tiresome and is beginning to eat into the flesh of the South Sudanese public.
Americans, British, (the) UN and all the world powers do not have magical powers to solve all problems in the world or else conflicts would not be so prevalent in the world today. Nations where political groups work together to find solutions to their internal differences are the ones enjoying peace today.
Those who run to America, (the) UN and the rest (The so-called International community) are the ones in flames across the globe. Dr. Riak calling on international community to interfere with a decision taken by a sovereign government to devolve powers to its people is irresponsible, naïve and foolish
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