By Ayuel Madut Chan, Nairobi, Kenya

October 4, 2015 (SSB) — First, I don’t know how to express my heartfelt joy and jubilation for the work well done by the people’s President of the Republic of South Sudan H. E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit. Saying thank you is not enough or dancing the whole night of that day (2nd October, 2015) is not enough or shouting with joy for neighbors to hear is not enough. What then could be enough and equivalent to return to you as an appreciation for hard work Mr. President? Huh! You are more than a man Mr. President and for that reason God will add you 50% of your current age and I, personally with the powers of great ancestors in the name of Longar Jel, I will add you blessed fortunes for you and your family generations.
Mr. President, I am a citizen of new state in the name of Tonj state in the heart of Bhar el Ghazal region and why do I choose to give my personal thank you to you? It is because the devolution and decentralization of powers for good development have come to life on that night your Excellency. Kleptocrats and medicorats in the names of Dr. Riek Machar, Pagan Amum, Prodigal son Deng Alor Kuol, Taban Deng Gai, Dr. Majak Agoot among the long list of losers will stand with embarrassment before South Sudanese. Their brokered behaviors in brokering or selling South Sudan to enemies is done deal and it is South Sudanese affairs now because you have done your best and silent both armed led opposition under Dr. Machar and self-proclaimed leaders of SPLM aka detainees, so do the international community.
In and outside South Sudan you are selfless hero whose objective and kind-hearted decisions are driven by public but not by power greed like that of Dr. Majak Agoot or Dr. Machar or Self-blessed leader without a village Pagan Amum. Bravo Mr. President keep the ladder going for South Sudanese are all with you now even the armed opposition supporters now except the normal greedy self-blessed leaders you know are the ones not celebrating because Lucifer never rejoice on happiest day or in the light but in the dark.
Coming back to the point concerning my new status as Tonj state citizen and as a proud South Sudanese under your able leadership your Excellency, you didn’t create a tribal state but a South Sudanese state for development. On my own behalf and on behalf of Tonj State citizens with whom I am unworthy to fill their shoes for leadership, I want to say our Tonj State aka Genanyuon is your home, so do your rivals as well as South Sudanese at large. You can move and sleep at any point at any time without fear crisscrossing your mind. We are welcoming citizens as our ancestors taught us.
Welcome home and together, let us take South Sudan to the next level where roads, hospitals, schools, communication networks among others will be music of the day. Are you, South Sudanese happy like your colleagues in Tonj State aka Gen–Ngew? I know you do as I witnessed from uncountable calls I received across the world in sharing our feelings over President Kiir’s bold decision. Many thank you Mr. President.
Your rivals are jealous individuals who will never say thank unless done in their names as either President Dr. Riek Machar’s decrees or President Pagan Amum’s blessed decisions or President Dr. Majak Agoot’s contributed ideas or President Deng Alor kuol’s decrees or President Mama Rebecca Nyandeng’s Decrees or President Taban Deng Gai’s decrees among others. If you were so impatient like them, would you have stood behind Dr. Garang for 21 years without a single spat between the two of you?
Please let us support our President for he has hit what is in the heart of every single South Sudanese society and only thing left is to implement our new status without dragging dirty politics into it again. Please opposition give a break to your endless backstabbing for enough is enough let us come together in helping him push South Sudan to next level.
To my fellow members of Tonj State aka Jurkatach, what are you waiting, and the time and opportunity is here? Devolution and decentralization is all about competitive development. Our new state is a land lock land mass/state and only positive ideas will give us positive progress and I believe in you that we shall shine and be the first best progressive state in the Republic of South Sudan. Do you believe in that spirit? Yes, we can do more than being the best in the middle of South Sudan. Let us be the best example in all good aspects of life in as far as South Sudan is concerned.
Please allow me to put into action our expected gains by suggesting names of our new counties to speed up development to the designated new state aka Tonj State. The following are my personal suggestions as new counties of Tonj State to kick-start development:
(A) Tonj North County
- Pagakdit County – comprise of Noi Ayii and Atok Buk Alok with their capital at Warrap town;
- Farsika County – consist of Abiem Mayardit and Abuok Kon Arou with headquarters at Manalor;
- Pagol County – made up of Nyang Akoch, Nyang Lou and Loch with Pagol as capital;
- Leer Akeen County – made up of Manyiel Akeen, Madhiath Chol Chan and Ajak leer with Kirik as capital;
- Akop North County – made up of Aliek-Konggor and Alabek- Lou Ariik with Romic as Capital;
- Akop Center County comprise of Apuk Padoc and Lou Paher with Bundiir as Capital
- Rualbet County consist of Awan Parek and Jur Bol with Rualbet as headquarter;
(B) Tonj East County
- Paliang County with Paliang as Capital;
- Makuach County with Makuach as Capital
- Ananatak County – comprise of Akook and Luachkoth with Ananatak as headquarter;
- Rumic County consist of Thiik and Jalwou with Romic as headquarter;
Tonj South County
- Thiet County – comprise of Angol, Jurwiir Wathok/Wathalel and Mayom Abun with Thiet aka Tango Hotel as capital;
- Tonj Center County – consist of Thony, Muok and Agugo-Bongo with Tonj Town as headquarter;
- Malony County – compose of Yar (Ayei Cikom) and Malony Ayuel Makech with Gekic as capital;
- Jak Malekdit County made up of Jak and Panaak with YithKuel as capital
NB: I therefore also suggest that our balance point or mid-point in all directions east, west, south or North of our Tonj State will be in Leer Akeen County especially Manyiel or Madhiath.

In the North of our state we have beautiful swampy land for grazing and tourist attraction with Marshara port connecting us to Northern Lich state. Marshara Port, in the Akop enter County, will be busy port that will not connect us to Northern Lich State and also feeding route to all Western Bhar el Ghazal region states. The Swampy land in the North of our State is good for rice farming among other goodies. It also provides fishing grounds due to present of perennial rivers in the area. It has arable land as population in the state practice mixed farming for livelihood.
In the East of Tonj State especially in what is to be Makuach and Paliang counties we have abandon swampy areas for grazing and tourist attraction as it hosts a large number of uncountable animals of different types. It is believed to be an area where undiscoverable species of biodiversity dwell. Welcome to Tonj State, the home for life for all South Sudanese of different walks of life and all their visitors.
In the South of the Tonj State, we have River Wathalel connecting to Wau and Gok States with beautiful grazing and tourist attraction scenes. Tonj town in the South of the State has state Archives and shrines of our heroes in the names:
- William Deng Nhial Mayol, one of the founding fathers of South Sudan who was martyred in the name of South Sudan struggle in 1968 and father to current Chief negotiator of government team in Addis Ababa, Abraham Nhial Deng Nhial who formerly served as Defense and Foreign minister during and after post CPA,
- Dhol Acuil Dhol, (died in 2000), The First governor of Bhar el Ghazal State who also stood in the shoe of great Deng Nhial after his demised in 1968.
- Muor Muor, the SPLA General who served as SPLA General Information officer of radio till his unexpected death in 1999 among many other heroes and heroines could one day be part of national archives of the Republic of South Sudan.
In the West of the state, we have beautiful arable land for farming and grazing with large forested areas with huge present of wild animals in them. The writer is the resident of that beautiful part of the state. Take a tour of your big home, the Republic of South Sudan and Tonj state will be one area you will think of and live to dwell in throughout your life.
The communities of the Tonj state are Jieng-(Dinka), (making more than 90%), Bongo and Jurol-(Luo) making the rest of the percentage of the state’s population. The three Tonj State communities lived for centuries in peace with each other as well as neighboring states’ communities making the state the most peaceful in the middle of Former Bhar El Ghazal region. Welcome to Tonj State your home to be and place to live without fear of being discriminated by your color, ethnicity, race, religion or gender. The main economic activity is farming because the area is well blessed with abundant arable land.
In conclusion, I therefore advise President Kiir to stand his ground and leave this as South Sudanese affairs with opposition or your rivals and only thing we want Mr. President is devolving more powers to states to allow them to develop their economic and human resources for prosperous South Sudan. I am also appealing to opposition to understand that your cause of differences must be for South Sudan and it is time to assume the decision taken by President should make parts of your decision for our country sake but not individuals’ sake. Federalism is a common demand in your differences and I therefore want you all to size this common ground to iron out your differences and push South Sudan ahead.
I can’t wait anymore not to see my people of Tonj State and South Sudanese as a whole not being given chance to participate in developing their states and a country as a whole. Ayuel Madut Chan, I am a Proud South Sudanese and what about you, what are you proud of? Drop your guns and join hands to develop our country.
God bless Tonj State;
God Bless South Sudan;
God bless President Kiir;
God bless People of South Sudan.
The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to paanluel2011@gmail.com. SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.