PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Where is Our Home, Where is My Country

2 min read

By Zack Jive Blessing  Kampala, Uganda 

Grandma mourning besides the grave of her grandson, Panriang, unity state
Grandma mourning besides the grave of her grandson, Panriang, unity state

We are mistreated in foreign lands,

We always think of going back home

But where is the home we want to go back to?

When we walk in the darkness,

We always get suspicious

Because we might get into the hands of the cops

Where is our home, Where is our country?

Who will dare us in our own country?

When we pretend,

And engage ourselves in their activities

Segregation must be exercised

Either indirectly or extremely

I am really tired

And feed up of being in foreign land

Where is our home, Where is our country?

There are so many good institutions in foreign countries

Good ones than what we have in our own country

But when shall we start building our own good institutions?

There are good roads and airports in the neighboring countries

How many of such do we own in our own country?

Where is our home, Where is our country?

There are few cases of food shortage in part of the world

Tell me if food shortage is not the main issue to our citizens in our country?

There are Thousands of youths who graduate every year in some country

But how many of us always join military

And graduate by owning two AK 47 or so?

Where is our home, Where is our country?

Other people laughs at us because are swindlers

We fight our bloods

But does that even make us to stop and say sorry to them?

Other people tends not respect our reputations

Just because we don’t have respect for ourselves

But tell me who really give a damn about our dumbness?

Where is our home, Where is our country?

Our Neighbors are minding their business when they see us messing

But do we really mind their business

And may be call for their helps?

In some parts of the world

People are busy building their future generations

But aren’t we busy killing our future generation?

Where is our home, Where is our country?

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