Politicians and the Sad Pact of our Country, the Republic of South Sudan
By Abel Majur Leek, Bor, Jonglei State, South Sudan

October 23, 2015 (SSB) —- Of all the categories of powerful people on earth, the weakest are politicians. Business people have their earned resources and do not depend on the people. Kings and queens have their throne inherited.
But politicians? Not at all. They have wardrobe allowance, official cars, police security, and control public fund. Everything that makes them powerful belongs to the people. Yet, they are the most arrogant.
Today, you’re this, you’re worshiped, the people see you as their god, they worship and venerate you. Tomorrow, the office is taken away, given to another, and the attention shifts.
But they are also the worst learners. They are the ones who never see any truth in history. Saddam was there, Gadaffi became almost omnipotent, but as usual, the wind blew, and swept them away, and with that most of what made them gods.
But our politicians don’t see any truth in this. Clinging to the notion that once rooted they can never be uprooted, they embark on their inglorious journey of control, suppression, oppression, and subjugation.
Surrounded by close allies who spend more time seeing the bad in others, who spend more energy pushing others away, who spend all their efforts trying to keep the people, the same people who voted and who own the resources your mini-god manages as far from their resources as possible.
Why don’t you make more effort towards making him loved? Why don’t you ever see that what he doesn’t give to another might never be given to you? We all read the Bible, but hardly remember the parable of the servant and his master’s debtors. We don’t at all, but end up making an apprentice of Gehazi.
Dear politician, show love. Think more about leaving a name. A lot of things can be monopolized, but only for some time. When the source of your strength moves from you to another, will you still have anything to make at least a few stick around you?
But this won’t stick. Those coming now will still walk the usual path. The path of control and suppression. But things change. People change. And after all the lies, the truth will come calling.
A good name is earned, and it stays years after you’ve left the scene.
The writer can be reach abeleek2@gmail.com
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