South Sudan: a broken, demoralized, abused country
By Majur Abraham Mading, Kampala, Uganda

October 27, 2015 (SSB) — South Sudan continues to descend into anarchy by killing themselves this descends into abyss to another stage. The west has finally taken notice that South Sudan has become cesspit of tribalism fundamentalism and intimidation sadly, it would appear that our fears for South Sudan may after all come to pass and those whose belief that South Sudan is unviable provided them with excuse to do nothing to save her, would see their indifference and cold complicity as wisdom even at this very dark hour of South Sudan history.
I find reasons to be optimistic about this country and believe that South Sudan may survive but possibly not in the form of rebellion of Dr. Machar all the time. If the present regime can be persuaded to do the reasonable and right thing, South Sudan may arise out of the ashes of tribalism and rebellion, violence, murdered of innocent civilians, youth coopers of all ethnic groups, act of vengeance killings of innocent people in different states by rebels in Jonglei, Bentiu and Upper Nile state by burning people in churches, Mosques and institutionalized corruption of the ruling party Sudan people’s liberation movement (SPLM) a new South Sudan should be built on justice as fairness, equality, rule of law and liberty may materialize.
A South Sudan that would have learnt the lesson of corruption, impunity and ethnic intolerance and prejudice and ready to build a free society where men and women would be free to pursue liberty. It is for this new nation that this critique is dedicated whether the present problem make the realization of the South Sudan dream more herculean or impossible depends on what every well-meaning of South Sudanese who are watching this descend into anarchy does or refuse to do.
It is not enough to talk, issue condemnation, plan for the demise of South Sudan in clandestine ethnic enclave, what is required is commitment to a better alternatives in a one truly one nation, one people, we must find the determination to bring about the change we need and demonstrate it by getting involved in the search for solutions. These are the only things that can prevent the inevitable consequences of the way South Sudan has conducted its affairs since it independence on 9th July 2011 and it become misguided and fail state, if we ordinary South Sudanese refuse to reclaim our country from the cartel that have brought her to its knees.
With due respect, without attempting to distract from whatever good contributions they may have made in the development of our country and with equal conviction that they should be held accountable for their stewardship, it is time for Dr. Machar and president Gen. Salva Kiir and all those who have been implicated in the “thievery” that has gone in South Sudan for last 4 years, to step aside for a vision of the (SPLM/A) , it is time for the many honest and ordinary citizens of this country who have been sidelined for too long to try to build the country we deserve, we can no longer continue to watch South Sudan ripped apart by a misguided rich, corrupt adamant and powerful and self serving few.
The wind of change has come to South Sudan and we must now bring out our sail, the strength and resources of those who we must oppose to this country better are formidable, but our determination, discipline and the rightness of our course will ensure that we prevail.
History tells us that the people have always over thrown totalitarianism, no matter how strong and redoubtable when they are united and fighting for liberty, equality, tolerance and justice for all, and honestly South Sudan will prevail. We do not need to fight with AK 47 but with and within the obtainable imperfect political structure.
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