PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Give your rivals enough time to hang themselves through their own making

5 min read

Give your rivals enough time to think for peace not to hang themselves through their own making.

By Lino Lual Lual, Juba, South Sudan

President Kiir receiving the advance team of the G-10 in Juba, South Sudan
President Kiir receiving the advance team of the G-10 in Juba, South Sudan

November 6, 2015 (SSB)  —-  Life’s greatest dangers often come not from external enemies but from our supposed colleagues and friends, who pretend to work for the common cause while scheming to sabotage us and steal our ideas for their gain. Although, in the court in which one serves, you must maintain the appearance of consideration and civility, all of us must learn how to defeat these types of people.

We work to instill doubts and insecurities in such ways, getting you to think too much and act defensively. Bait them with challenges that get under their skin, triggering an overreaction, an embarrassing mistake. The victory President Salva Kiir after is to protect the lives of every citizen he bow not to go to war again including the greedy and power struggle politicians in an isolate place and Make them not to hang themselves through their own self-destruction tendencies, leaving you blameless and clean in the image of public.

One should find himself or herself fighting on two fronts, first is the external front, your inevitable enemies but second and less obvious is the internal front, your colleagues and some fellow countries where many of whom will scheme against you advancing their own agendas at your expense.

The worst of this is that you will often have to fight fronts at once facing your external enemies while also working to secure your internal position, an exhausting and debilitating struggle. The solution is not to ignore the internal problems in South Sudan (all of us will have a big mistake of life if we do so) or to deal with it in a direct and conventional manner by complaining acting aggressively or forming defensive alliances.

Understand internal warfare is by nature unconventional. Since people theoretically on the same side usually do their best to maintain the appearance of being team players working for the greater goodness of this country, because attacking and killing ourselves will only make us look bad and be rejected in the eye of other world. Yet at the same time, we can expenses ambitious types to operate underhandedly and indirectly. Outwardly charming and cooperatives, behind the scenes they are manipulative and slippery.

We need to adopt a form of warfare suited to these nebulous yet dangerous battles which go to everyday. And the unconventional strategy that works best in this arena is the art of one –unmanship. Developed by history’s savviest courtiers, it is based on two simple premises. First your rivals harbor the seeds of their own self-destruction and other rivals who are made to feel defensive and inferior, however subtly will tend to act defensive and inferior to his or her detriment.

People‘s personalities often form around weakness, character flaws, unconventional emotion. People who feel needy or who have a superiority complex or are afraid of chaos or desperately want order will develop a personality-a social-mask-to cover up their flaws and make it possible for them to present a confident, pleasant responsible exterior to the world. But the mask is like the scar tissue covering a wound, touch it wrong way and it hurts.

Our victims’ responses start to go out control, they have shown the arrogance so hard to conceal and for moment the mask could falls. When your sense have colleagues who may prove dangerous or are actually already plotting something you must try first to gather intelligence on them .Look at their everyday behavior, their past action, their mistake, for signs of their flaws. With this knowledge in hand you are ready for the game of one upmanship. Begin by doing something to pick the underlying wound, creating doubt, insecurity and anxiety.

It might be an offhand comment or something that our victims sense as a challenge to their position within the court. Your goal is not to challenge them blatantly, though, but to get under their skin; they feel attacked but are not secure why and how. The result is a vague troubling sensation, a feeling of the inferiority creeps in.You then follow up with secondary action feed doubts. Here it is often best to work covertly, getting other people, the media or simple rumor to do the job for you. The endgame is deceptively simple, having piled up enough self-doubt to trigger a reaction, you stand back and let the target self- destruct must avoid the temptation to gloat or get in a last below, it is the best to act friendly even offering dubious assistance and advice.

Our  targets reaction will be an overreaction .Either they will lash out make an embarrassing mistake reveal themselves too much or they will get overly defensive and try too hard to please others working all too  obviously to secure their position and validate their self-esteem. Defensive people unconsciously push people away. At this point your opening action especially if it is subtly aggressive will be forgotten.

What will stand out will be your hands are so clean, your reputation unsullied.Thier loss of position is your gain, you are one up and they are one down. If you had attacked them directly, your advantage would be temporary or nonexistent, in fact, your political position would be precarious, your pathetic suffering rivals would win sympathy as your victims and attention focus on you as responsible for their undoing.

Instead they must fall a little help, but to whatever extent possible in their own eyes and certainly in everyone else does, they must have only themselves to blame. That will make their defeat doubly galling and effective.

Win without your victim knows how it happened or just what you have done is the height of unconventional warfare. Master the art and not only will you find it easier to fight on two fronts at the same time, but your path to the highest ranks will be that much smoother. Opposition gives us means of their own destruction.

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