PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Wrestling over the proposed state capital for Aweil East State

By Marol Ariech Mawien, Aweil, South Sudan

December 10, 2015 (SSB)  —  The game began as Malualkon verse Wanyjok the current county headquarter for Aweil East since 1993, which was proposed by the president of the Republic as state capital for the new state of Aweil east since Northern Bar El Ghazal has been divided into three states, which composed of LOL State with it state capital in Raja, Aweil State remain in the mother town of Mading Aweil and Aweil East in Wanyjok.

The change of Wanyjok has come the meeting which was converged by the chief of general staffs in Malualkon on 7th of November and announce Malualkon as state capital for Aweil East. He also urge Malualkon residents to allow survey  of the town without resistant  and cited example to be him since he is the one which has very many building, that if the survey fail in to his houses I would allow it to pass and accept his houses to be demolish.

As reaction comes from Wanyjok communities of makuac Athain Marial, Ajoungthii and Apothyel Aker, they said that this is hijacking of the state capital from Wanyjok to Malualkon the home area to chief of general staffs, and drop their letter to president of the republic.

They expected Mr. President to intervene into this matter because Mr. Chief of general staffs is very powerful to defeat whoever is resisting, in fact Malualkon and Wanyjok are not so far but the mention communities above are based on presidential decree where he announce Wanyjok and others states capitals, so if there is a change its should not be made locally, the case should refereed back to President in order to release another decrees for the change of state capital. I don’t know who is powerful than president if system is follow whatever president is decree out whether good or bad is unchangeable.

Since the above communities have shown their grievances for  changing  of Wanyjok for Malualkon where is the position of Ajuongdit and Lou Aguer Geng, they haven’t show up with their reactions on whether they are supporting taking State capital from Wanyjok to Malualkon or remain as it is announced by the president of the republic.

As I wrote in the article on 21-10 -2015 that did we find a Solution to South Sudanese problems by creating 28 States, because I have seen though we have 100 States in our country South Sudan still our problems have not solved because we have one disease that is killing South Sudanese societies, we don’t sit down and discussed everything  amicably in good utmost where all under grass root are participating together which would allow any decision to continue, here in South Sudan somebody who think himself is powerful in everything can sit alone and decided what is favoring him and leave the rest with hang over.

People need to be convents through discussion where reasons are presented to all people and they agreed with you, but should not just I decided since am Mr X or Y, walai we will not progress forever.

I see no reason for people of Wanyjok to resist shifting of state capital since Malualkon and Wanyjok are like mouth and nose, so where it is putted it can expand to distance of three hours but they decision did not satisfy the communities through it genesis that why there is grievances.

Marol Ariech Mawien is a concerned South Sudanese, living in Aweil NBEGS to be reached at

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