South Sudan: Never Put Democracy at Risk after Peace and Reconciliation
By Arok John Garang Dut, Australia

December 22, 2015 (SSB) — After 21 years of war with Arab we were expected true democracy from the SPLM Party, the main aim of formed SPLM Party was about to bring true democracy and deliver services to all citizens, when the achieve their goal. What next again! We have achieved our goal now, which is Republic of South Sudan.
Juba government should not hostages citizens in the name of hypocrisy democracy which does not reflect ample democracy the whole World enjoy and expect us to exercise it in right way. Democracy is a right system of rule by law, not by individuals or one-man show!
South Sudanese let us lower ourselves and be equal as people living in one nation, under the same law and ensure that no one should be discriminate against ethnic group or genders.
We need SPLM Party to applied real meaning of reunify this time, SPLM split several time and reunified itself again and again without proper reconciliation. However, this time you SPLM members should know that we citizens (people) are sovereign nor SPLM in Juba claimed it, citizens are the highest form of political authority. In fact, power flows from us, we citizens to you (leaders) within the government, who hold our power temporarily. Yes it’s us who elected you in that power.
We need this peace to be implementing as soon possible, if we believe in polices of democracy than democracy also require compromise. We have to forgive one other, no matter what!
Concerning the G-10
We youths across South Sudan nation should appreciated work done by this group known as G-10 and other few individuals in government side. Let us reflect good part of their personal sacrificed contributed toward Independence of South Sudan, most of them were heartedly dedicated their lives for the freedom this fabulous nation before our country gain her Independence.
I urged all citizens to take the challenge of identified really liberators, so that they can be honoured by some government officials, Khartoumers who never felt pain of bullet from Arab. They deserve to be rewarded greatly as they gave up everything during our struggle of Independence. Let us give a chance and fully respect to ourselves.
To those who accused them of corruption, if G-10 were lovers of money, because majority of them were in Khartoum includes Hon: Deng Alor Kuol, Hon: Pagan Amum and Dr Majak De Agoot and many others. It would have been difficult for us to attain our Independence in 2011, but they rejected every bribe Khartoum was offered to them, either in form of money or other materials.
It is because they had one vision to liberate our country from oppressor and indeed none of them ever betrayed our movement since and to date.
No one should denounce a political opponent as evil and illegitimate, just because they have different views; people question the decisions of the government but do not mean you reject government authority. When people express their opinions, you should also listen to the views of the people, ever people you dissent with them. Everyone has a right to be heard in the country.
Nobody above the law, not even a King or an elected president, rule of law places limits on the power of government. It doesn’t mean if you are government officials than you violate right of others!
Let us join hands and reject all those who want bring division to our country as they attempt to use sentiment of tribalism through Council of Dinka Elders. We are one nation! One people! Which does not stand for tribalism, we need to cease this group immediately.
By Arok John Garang Dut is a law student from Charles Darwin University (Australia) and can be reach through this email:
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