President Salva Kiir Appoints 28 Governors; IGAD Peace Deal in Great Limbo
In exercise of powers conferred upon the President under Article 165, (I) & (b) of the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan, amendment No. 2, 2015, H. E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, issued a Republican Decree for the appointment of the Governors of the Twenty-Eight (28) States of the Republic of South Sudan, with effect from 24th December 2015, as follows:
December 24, 2015 (SSB) — The full list of all Governors of 28 states of the Republic of South Sudan as was decreed today by President Kiir on SSTV.
1. Hon. Nartisio Loluke Manir, Governor Imatong State (Torit)
2. Hon. Louise Lobong Lojore, Governor Namurnyang State (Kapoeta)
3. Hon. Africano Monday, Governor Maridi State (Maridi)
4. Hon. Joseph Ngere Pachiko, Governor Amadi State (Mundri)
5. Hon. Patrick Raphael Zamoi, Governor Gbudwe State (Yambio)
6. Hon. Augustino Jadalla Wani, Governor Jubek State (Juba)
7. Hon. Juma Ali Malou, Governor Terekeka State (Terekeka)
8. Hon. David Lokonga Moses, Governor Yei River County (Yei)
9. Hon. Elias Waya Nyipouch, Governor Wau State (Wau)
10. Hon. Ronald Ruai Deng, Governor Aweil State (Aweil)
11. Hon. Rizik Zachariah Hassen, Governor Lul State (Raja)
12. Hon. Deng Deng Akuei, Governor Aweil East State (Wanjok)
13. Hon. Bona Pariek Biar, Governor Twic State (Mayen Abun)
14. Hon. Abraham Gum Makuach, Governor Gogrial State (Kuacjok)
15. Hon. Akech Tong Aleu, Governor Tonj State (Tonj)
16. Hon. Ring Tueny Mabol, Governor Eastern Lake State (Yirol)
17. Hon. Abraham Makoi Bol, Governor Western Lake State (Rumbek)
18. Hon. Madang Majok Meen, Governor Gok State (Cueibet)
19. Hon. Dr. Joseph Monytuil Wejang, Governor Northern Lich State (Bentiu)
20. Hon. Teker Riek Dong, Governor Southern Lich State (Leer)
21. Hon. Mayol Kur Akuei, Governor Rweng State (Pariang)
22. Hon. Philip Aguer Panyang, Governor Jonglei State (Bor)
23. Hon. Dr. William Othon Awer, Governor Western Nile State (Kondok)
24. Hon. Chol Thon Balok, Governor Eastern Nile State (Malakal)
25. Hon. James Kok Ruai, Governor Western Bieh State (Ayod)
26. Hon. Peter Bol Kong Nguoth, Governor Eastern Bieh State (Akobo)
27. Hon. Peter Lam Buoth, Governor Latjor State (Nasir)
28. Baba Medan Konyi, Governor Boma State (Pibor)
Issued under my hand and seal of the Republic of South Sudan in Juba, this 24th day of the month of December 2015 in Juba – signed: President Salva Kiir Mayardit.
1. Hon. Louise Lobong Lojore, Now Governor Namurnyang State. (Formerly, EES)
2. Hon. Patrick Raphael Zamoi, Now Governor Gbudwe State. (Formerly WES)
3. Hon. Juma Ali Malou, Now Governor Terekeka State.(Formerly CES)
4. Hon. Rizik Zachariah Hassen, Now Governor Lul State. (Formerly WBGS)
5. Hon. Akech Tong Aleu, Now Governor Tonj State. (Formely WS)
6. Hon. Dr. Joseph Monytuil Wejang, Now Governor Northern Lich State.(Formerly US)
7. Hon. Chol Thon Balok, Now Governor Eastern Nile State.(Formerly, UNS)
President Salva Kiir Mayardit on Friday, October 03rd 2015 at 8:30 pm appeared on the National T.V aka SSTV and read out a 13 page containing 10 orders including; established 28 states, border areas, fundamental objectives, Abyei area, interim orders and amendment.
According to the order, cited as “The Establishment Order No. 36/2015 AD for the creation of the new South Sudan states” and comes into forces in thirty (30) working days from the date of signature by the President.
Order 3 Read, “The fundamental objectives of the order states that; it will devolve power and resource closer to the people, gradually reduce size of national government, attracts experts to work at the state and counties level and promote social and economic development amongst the rural communities”
Order 4, “For the Establishment of 28 states divides the Country into Equatoria Based States, Bahr el Ghazal Based States and Upper Nile based States with 8, 10 and 10 states respectively as follows;—–

Equatoria Based States as follow;
1. Imatong States; which comprise of Torit, Ikotos, Lopa and Magwi Counties with Torit as it State Capital.
2. Namorunyang State; comprises of Kapoeta South, Kapoeta North, Kapoeta East, and Budi Counties with Kapoeta as it state capital.
3. Maridi State; comprises of Maridi and Ibba Counties with Maridi as the state capital.
4. Amadi State; comprises of Mundri West, Mundri East and Mvolo Counties with Mundri as the state capital.
5. Gbudwe State; comprises of Anzara, Yambio, Ezo, Tambura, Nagero Counties with Yambio as the State Capital.
6. Jubek State; comprises of Juba with Juba as it state Capital.
7. Terekeka State; comprises of Terekeka, Jemeza, Tali, Tigor and Gwor Counties with Terekeka as the State Capital.
8. Yei River State; comprises of Yei, Kajo-keji, Morobo and Lainya Counties with Yei as the state capital.
Bahr Al Ghazal Based States as follow;
9. Wau State; comprises of Bagari and Jur River Counties with Wau as the state capital.
10. Aweil State; comprises of Aweil South, Aweil Centre Counties with Aweil as the State Capital.
11. Lol State; comprises of Aweil West, Aweil North and Raga Counties with Raga as the State Capital.
12. Aweil East State; comprise of Aweil East with Wanyjok as the State capital.
13. Twic State; comprises of Twic County with Mayen Abun as the State Capital.
14. Gogrial East; comprises of Gogrial East and Gogrial West Counties with Kuacjok as the State Capital.
15. Tonj State; comprise of Tonj North, Tonj East and Tonj South Counties with Tonj as the State Capital.
16. Eastern Lakes State; comprises of Yirol West, Yirol East and Awerial Counties with Yirol as the State Capital.
17. Western Lakes State; comprise of Rumbek East, Rumbek North Rumbek Centre, and Wulu Counties with Rumbek as the State Capital.
18. Gok State; comprises of Cueibet County with Cueibet as the State Capital.
Upper Nile Based States as follows;
19. Northern Liech State; comprise of Rubkona, Guit, Koch, and Mayom Counties with Bentiu as the State Capital.
20. Southern Liech State; comprises of Leer, Mayendit, and Panyijar Counties with Leer as the State Capital.
21. Ruweng State; comprises of Panrieng, Abiemnom Counties with Panriang as the State Capital.
22. Eastern Nile State; comprises of Malakal, Renk, Maban, Melut, Baliet, Akoka, Pigi and Koma Counties with Malakal as the State Capital.
23. Jonglei State; comprises of Bor, Duk and Twic East Counties with Bor as the State Capital.
24. Western Nile State; comprises of Panyikang, Kodok, and Manyo Counties with Kodok as the State Capital.
25. Western Bieh State; comprises of Fangak and Ayod Counties with Ayod as the State Capital.
26. Eastern Bieh State; comprises of Akobo, Nyirol, Urol Counties with Akobo as the State Capital.
27. Latjoor State; comprises of Nasir, Ulang, Maiwut and Longuchuk Counties with Nasir as the State Capital.
28. Boma State; comprises of Pibor and Pochalla Counties with Pibor as the State Capital.