President Kiir Signs MOU with Peter Gatdet, Gathoth and Changson in Nairobi, Kenya
Breaking News: South Sudan Government signs MOU with break-away rebel group in Nairobi today, 25th December 2015

December 25, 2015 (SSB) — The Government of the Republic of South Sudan signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the break-away rebel group operating under the name; “Federal Democratic Party (FDP – political wing) / South Sudan Armed Forces (SSAF)”.
This group broke away from SPLM/A-io of Riek Machar several months ago, and their political leader is Mr. Gabriel Changson Chang, and military leader is Gen. Peter Gatdet Yaka – commanding twelve (12) other military Generals and Tens of Thousands of Soldiers.
Summary of the MOU’s content:
This MOU states that; “Cognizant of the recent compromise peace agreement signed by the government of the Republic of South Sudan and the SPLM-io, SPLM-fds. Considering the President’s call for peace and harmony to return to the people of South Sudan, and recognising the efforts of the President to unite all South Sudanese for building and developing the country, the government delegation and the delegation of the Federal Democratic Party/South Sudan Armed Forces, with support of the Kenyan Government, met in Nairobi – Kenya, on 24th December 2015 at the Intercontinental Hotel, and agreed on the following steps aimed at furthering negotiations:
1. The FDP/SSAF welcomed President Salva Kiir’s peace initiative, and agreed to make peace with the government in-order to achieve a comprehensive peace and stability in South Sudan;
2. The FDP/SSAF agreed to engage positively with the Government of South Sudan to build trust, and work together to address the underlining grievances expressed by the parties that broke-away from Riek Machar, in consultation with their political and military leaders;
3. The FDP/SSAF agreed to send their first advance team to Juba by 30th December 2015 to continue consultations and finalize the details of the peace agreement, and
4. The government of South Sudan to make press release statement on this important peace initiative.”
The MOU was signed by Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth Nyang on behalf of the FDP/SSAF, and by Hon. Tut Gatluak Nimni, South Sudan Presidential Adviser, on behalf of the Government of South Sudan
Breaking News SSAF/FDP signs memorandum of understanding to negotiate peace with GRSS today on December 24, 2015.
By Dhoal Larjin
Our SSAF/FDP signs a memorandum of understanding to discuss peace with the GRSS. We have signed quick minutes of understanding with the GRSS today on December 24, 2015. The note is signed and witness with members of IGAD countries and international communities at the Intercontinental Hotel Nairobi -Kenya. We do appreciate the mediation efforts by Kenya government. We believe the minutes of understanding between GRSS and SSAF/FDP will make the two parties to proceed with peace to end the civil war and grievances.
The two sides recognize the comprise peace agreement signed August 2015 between SPLM-IO and the GRSS. It is the comprehensive peace that will address all the root causes of the civil war. We are considering the call of peace by the President of South Sudan for people to return home. We recognize the effort by the president of South Sudan to unite all people in South Sudan. We appreciate the support of the Kenya government in assisting in this process.
We decide to resolve several issues that the GRSS shall further negotiate with us and make trust building for the sake of achieving a just peace with the SSAF/FDP. SSAF/FDP and the GRSS will make press releases on this peace initiatives.
We agree that the advanced team of the SSAF/FDP shall arrive in Juba on December 30, 2015. We are going to negotiate and resolve holistic issues with GRSS.
The leadership of SSAF/FDP under Gen Peter Gatdet Yak declare that there shall be a mutual understanding between GRSS and the SSAF/FDP. We want to inform the public that SSAF/ FDP is willing to resolve any outstanding between GRSS and the SSAF/FDP. We want the citizens and our communities to unite and give the peace a room because our people have suffered more in our country. The minute’s signs today shall be the truth of peace in South Sudan.
The minute’s document is assigned by two leaders from both delegations of the two parties. The two principals who sign the minutes of understanding.
Lt Gen. Gathoth Gatkouth Hothnyang -Deputy Chief of C-In-C for SSAF/FDP
Hon. Tut Gatluak Nimni –Chief Negotiator Government of South Sudan
Our SSAF/FDP wish you all a great Christmas and peaceful coming year 2016. For more information, please contact the SSAF/FDP spokesperson.
Brign Gen. Dhoal Larjin is the official spokesperson of the SSAF/FDP can be reached through Email: