The Triangle of Evil in the Oil industry of the Republic of South Sudan
By Dr. Monykuch Maluk Anyar (PhD), Juba, South Sudan
Dear Editor, it is high time that we speak out about the circumstances that engulfed our country, and especially the oil industry in South Sudan. As you are aware that in Brazil this same situation happened there and most people were indicted. Unlike South Sudan, there is rampant corruption and no one speaks about that. I am now going to attach an article about it titled: The Triangle of Evil in the oil industry of the Republic of South Sudan. I hope that it is well constructed. Thanks, Dr. Monykuch Maluk Anyar (

December 30, 2015 (SSB) — The trio that forms the triangle of evil in the oil industry in South Sudan comprises of Hon. Stephen Dhieu Dau Ayik, Mr. Moses Machar Aciek Ader Nyang, and their planner, Mr. Paul Adong Bith Deng. These people have common interest but different goals, their shared interest is to dominate and enrich themselves by taking as much money as possible, whatever the cost.
Before I elaborate on their evil activities in the oil industry, I am appealing to my readers and the people of the Republic of South Sudan to take this seriously, because it is for the interest of our Country South Sudan and the ruling party, SPLM. People were killed due to the formation of tribal militia funded by oil money, public funds squandered through sham schemes and contracts awarded to their relatives.
The people of South Sudan should have learnt from the Brazilian Petrobras oil scandal in which almost thirty people have been indicted most of them belong to the ruling Worker’s Party which Ms. Dilma Rousseff lead. Unlike Brazilian ruling Worker’s Party members which have been implicated, this trio group has little connection to the ruling party of the Republic of South Sudan, SPLM; Mr. Stephen Dhieu Dau Ayik, a former banker has not declared himself as an SPLM member officially, but found his way to the Upper Nile State cabinet as minister of finance after the CPA before he was appointed national minister of Petroleum and Mining. Some quarters believed that he was brought in by Pagan Amum in order to gain popularity among Jieng Padang Community of Upper Nile.
Mr. Moses Machar Aciek Ader Nyang , former Wali (governor) of Warrap State under Bashir’s National Congress Party did not make any declaration either, after being removed by Bashir from gubernatorial post, he returned to work as a civil servant grade 3 special in the Ministry of Energy and Mining, he swallowed his pride and accepted to be humiliated by Jalaba. After independence of the Republic of South Sudan he was shifted to Ministry of Petroleum and Mining as senior civil Servant before he was appointed as 1st Undersecretary of Petroleum. The same humiliation this time by Stephen was a kind of reward after having gone through marginalization and fund scarcity. Recently he was appointed as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Nile Petroleum Corporation (NILEPET). It is amazing that this time he accepted to descended from 1st Undersecretary of Petroleum to a mere MD and CEO because of money.
Mr. Paul Adong Bith Deng, former NILEPET Managing Director was an African National Front (ANF) supporter or sympathizer. He was appointed in the early 2012 as NILEPET Managing Director, he was fast-tracked by some friends for their interest after having failed to secure Schlumberger head office in Juba. He went to Accra, Ghana to look for a job, because Ghana was cheap and affordable, something that angered his friends who worked very hard to make him return to South Sudan.
Having stated brief backgrounds about these gangs, it is crystal clear that their actions and motives have nothing to do with SPLM and should not be blamed on the ruling party because; initially they are not committed members. It is also very interesting to see how these people ganged up to form the triangle of evil in the oil industry in the Republic of South Sudan.
Mr. Stephen Dhieu Dau Ayik, a man with difficulty spelling the word “oil” the industry of which he leads as Minister was opposed to the appointment of Paul Adong as Managing Director, but after some lobby he reluctantly accepted. He might not have known Paul Adong’s personality; he was even labeling him as stubborn and hypocrite. After some few months they teamed up and formed the tribal front called Padaangism. The two men, Stephen Dhieu and Paul Adong hail from Jieng Section of Padaang from Upper Nile and Unity State respectively, Mr. Moses Machar Aciek from Warrap, seen as naïve, coward and selfish was marginalized, manipulated and used as puppet by the two guys in order to achieve their project of Padaangism.
Padaangism has gone well with Stephen and Paul, and for them to facilitate their project without hindrance, almost eighty per cent (80%) out of three per cent (3%) of the oil money that goes to the Ministry of Petroleum and Mining from production was transacted directly to NILEPET bank account so that they could dip their hands there without consent or approval of the 1st Undersecretary of Petroleum as the Accounting Officer. Most of the positions in the join operating companies (JOCS) are held by Padaang including the Vice Presidents of the two big companies like GPOC and DPOC, which are Chom and Paul Adong respectively.
Thangrial RefineryProject was also hatched up by Mr. Stephen Dhieu Dau in order to squander public fund and also the Unity oil Refinery was also another fraudulence scheme leave alone Akon Refinery that was awarded to Asharef Cardinal.
Pual Adong did not hesitate to make up his mind on how to scoop as much as he could get, he created sham schemes that never yield fruitions. The L.P.G. which is a gas station and Depot at Jebel are well built and constructed, but the intentions for making these projects were not met. If the project did not meet the purpose intended for, then it is a sham scheme. These projects were made so as to get money out of them and to also create jobs for their folks. These are not small projects; in South Sudan if you want to get rich quickly, is to create more fraudulence projects, no auditing of course.
The Data Centre now the Training Centre was also meant for accommodation of their fellow folk who completed his PhD in 2013 in the Netherlands, now this man is a Director General in the NILEPET. One wonders just within two years or so, one has to become a Director General and there are a lot other folks who obtained their PhDs longed enough to be above Director General if that is the criterion, they are now still lingering down the company’s payroll.
Moses Machar Aciek was left with no choice but to fight for his survival after having gone through humiliation, and all kinds of marginalization. He developed stooge behavior and managed to install his two sons in the industry. This manifested behavior met the consent of these two men; they liked it and he was incorporated into the group to be used as puppet and to also reflect their veneer image as non-tribal people. Machar was compensated by accepting to leave his higher position as 1st Undersecretary of Petroleum and descended to a lower oily position and in less than a week after his appointment, he airlifted his son, Deng Machar Aciek to Dubai, to go and cash five hundred thousand US Dollars (500,000 USD) as his compensation. What will be the fate of NILEPET in the days to come, given the fact that the man is a retired person and would want to fatten his bank account quickly before the apocalypse.
After the outbreak of war following the attempted coup by Dr. Riek Machar in 2013, Mr. Stephen Dhieu wrote to the Ministry of Defense and Veterans Affairs asking for the release of Padaang sons in uniform to go and defend the oil fields. This may sound well but he should have asked for more army around the production area not his tribesmen. He places himself in the command of that tribal militia and funds that by raising the operation cost. And for the sake of my readers not to have doubt I am now publishing the names below.
The Republic of South Sudan
To: H.E. Gen. Kuol M. Juuk
Minister of Defense and
Veterans Affairs
From: Hon. Stephen Dhieu Dau
Minister of Petroleum and Industry
Ref: Release for Community Police in Defense of Oil Fields
May you please arrange for the release of the following Army officers and men to defend oil fields under Police of the area:
S/N | Rank | Names in Full | Unit |
1. | Brig. Gen. | Majok Lang BielKuei | |
2. | Brig. Gen. | Wour Majok Panyil | |
3. | Brig. Gen. | Guot Akuei Khor | Administration |
4. | Brig. Gen. | Chuok Kuek Nyok | Ministry of Defense |
5. | Col. | Peter Ajith Adet | Police |
6. | Col. | Juac Bol Ayiik | Director for Admin. |
7. | Lt. Col. | Monyakuac Chol Dor | Ministry of Defense |
8. | Lt. Col. | Ali Kur Ajak | Ministry of Defense |
9. | Lt. Col. | Awan Chan Deng Lual | GHQS |
10. | Lt. Col. | Narom Chol Diing Agot | GHQS |
11. | Lt. Col. | Abiel Deng Ajak Bol | GHQS |
12. | Lt. Col. | Geang Bang Deng | GHQS |
13. | Maj. | Bol Ayong Ajak | |
14. | Maj. | Samuel Monyring Ngok | Directorate for Gen. Training |
15. | Maj. | Ngor Loi Kur | Directorate for Administration |
16. | Maj. | Gor Buny Dau | Directorate for Education |
17. | Maj. | Francis Bol Dau | Directorate for Administration |
18. | Maj. | Bol Deng Lual | Ministry of Defense |
19. | Maj. | Thuch Chol Anyar | Directorate for Administration |
20. | Maj. | Amol Nyok Lual | GHQS |
21. | Maj. | Majok Nyok Ayuel Akuei | GHQS |
22. | Maj. | Anyang Amol Nyok Ayuel Chol | GHQS |
23. | Maj. | Angong Bol | GHQS |
24. | Maj. | Kur Ayuel | GHQS |
25. | Maj. | Kur Aming Kur | GHQS |
26. | Maj. | Bol Baping | Br 43 Div 3 |
27. | Maj. | Deng Nuol | GHQ- Admin. |
28. | Capt. | Aramdan Deng Jok | Ministry of Defense |
29. | Capt. | Riak Monkai Ayuel Chol | GHQS |
30 | Capt. | Anyow Nyok Angow | GHQS |
31. | Capt. | Monyak Bol Deng Akol | Mechanized Division – Bor |
32. | 1st Lt. | Samuel Monychol Ajag | Ministry of Defense |
33. | 1st Lt. | Samuel Ayiik Ajok | Directorate for Officers Affairs |
34. | 1st Lt. | Khamis Anyak Jok | Commando |
35. | 1st Lt. | Juac Chol Bol | Directorate for Administration |
36. | 1st Lt. | Deng Aloi Akouc | Ministry of Defense |
37. | 1st Lt. | Nul Ajak Nul | Directorate for Administration |
38 | 1st Lt. | Samyuel Akec Deng | Ministry of Defense |
39. | 1st Lt. | Lual Angui Monydhot | Directorate for Administration |
40. | 1st Lt. | Chuok Chear Akol | Directorate for Administration |
41. | 1st Lt. | Yac Kom Yac | Sector one |
42. | 1st Lt. | Abong Ayuel | GHQS |
43. | 1st Lt. | Majok Dau Reang | GHQS |
44. | 1st Lt. | Makuei Manybuang | Directorate for Officers’ Affairs |
45. | 1st Lt. | Akuet Nyojk Ayuel Akuei | Directorate for Officers ’Affairs |
46. | 1st Lt. | Weer Jal Deng Juac | Directorate for Officers’ Affairs |
47. | 1st Lt. | Thor Juac Thop | Directorate for Administration |
48. | 1st Lt. | Abraham Peadiat Deng | “ |
49. | 1st Lt. | Fathouma Abdrazek Akol | “ |
50. | 1st Lt. | Manyring Malou | Div 2 |
51. | 1st Lt. | Achuil Athuai Ajak | SPLA Commando |
52. | 1st Lt. | Padeit Aduop Ajing | Div 3 Br 27 |
53. | 2nd Lt. | Deng Nhial Bol Kuek | Division 2 |
54. | 2nd Lt. | Dau Adanga Deng | Mapel |
55. | 2nd Lt. | Deng Chialbong | Div 2 HQS |
56. | 2nd Lt. | Dau Adanga Deng | Mapel Div 3 |
57. | 2nd Lt. | Peter Nyok Padiet | Administration Command |
58. | S/M | Thuch Chol Nyok | Directorate of Administration |
59. | SGT | Thon Chol Kuot | Operation |
60. | SGT | Chol Dok Lual | Military Police |
61. | SGT | Diing Goch Ngor | Signal (Division 4) |
62. | SGT | Padiet Akuei Monywiir | Signal Division |
63. | SGT | Liei Aduer Juach | Signal Division |
64. | SGT | Alfred Golong Marial | Administration Command |
65. | SGT | Ayong Deng Athuol | “ |
66. | SGT | Ayaiwal Wiew Ajak | Operation |
67. | SGT | Peadiet Juok Ajuod | “ |
68. | SGT | Dhong Ahouch Ajak | “ |
69. | SGT | Manyeak Dau | Operation |
70. | SGT | Chol Lual Dok | “ |
71. | SGT | Tochruor Keajok Atem | Division 8 |
72. | CPL | Ayuong Ahauch Ayuong | Operation |
73. | CPL | Riak Weak Yuod | Administration command |
74. | CPL | Matewakel Ngor Ajuang | “ |
75. | CPL | Samuel Chol Nathanial | “ |
76. | CPL | Laul Thon | SPLA Command |
77. | CPL | Manymul | SPLA Command |
78. | CPL | Agaem Deng | Operation |
79. | L/CPL | Dau Zeaw Aguear | Administration Command |
80. | L/CPL | Chol Ngor | “ |
81. | L/CPL | John Ayuel Ayiik | “ |
82. | L/CPL | Nyok Deng Athuol | “ |
83. | PVT | Ahach Deng Ayuong | “ |
84. | PVT | Ameal Ajeath Luow | “ |
85. | PVT | Manyrieng Dau Ador | “ |
86. | PVT | Ajueer Manywiir | “ |
87. | PVT | Muon Chol | “ |
88. | PVT | Nyok Chan | “ |
89. | PVT | Anyang Ayuel | “ |
1 | Lt. Gen. | Peter Kuol Awan | HQS |
2. | Col. | Diu Awer Werker Chom | N.B.G |
3. | Col. | Wieu Pal Padiet | HQS |
4. | Major | Daffalla Bilal Juma | HQS |
5. | “ | Ali El Jak Akec | HQS |
6. | “ | Deng Aer Ajang | Mapel |
7. | “ | Machok Deng Agoth | SPLA/Malakal |
8. | “ | Monyjok Deng Ker | “ |
9. | “ | Lony Garang Aru | “ |
10. | “ | Makor Anei | SPLA/ Juba |
11. | Capt. | Chol Deng Nyok | SPLA/Malakal |
12 | Maj. Gen. | Michael Michael Deng | SPLA/Juba |
13. | Capt. | Faruok El Jak | HQS |
Reserved Forces to be returned into active list
S/N | Rank | Names in Full | Unit |
1. | Lt. Gen. | William Deng Ajuot | Reserved List |
2. | Maj. Gen. | Alaak Deng Pal | “ |
3. | Brig. Gen. | Samuel Monychol | “ |
4. | Lt. Col. | Awan Chan Deng | “ |
5. | “ | Namrom Chol Diing | “ |
6. | “ | Abiel Deng Ajak | “ |
7. | Maj. | Majok Nyok Ayuel | ‘ |
8. | “ | Anyang Amol Anyang | “ |
9. | Capt. | Riak Monybai Ayuel | “ |
10. | “ | Angau Nyok Angau | “ |
11. | 1st Lt. | Akuei Nyok Ayuel | “ |
12. | 2nd Lt. | Wer Juac Deng | “ |
13. | 2nd Lt. | Dut Guom Kuch | “ |
14 | “ | Andrew Gak Ngor | “ |
15. | Capt. | Abraham Monyur Monyluak | “ |
16. | Pvt. | Doctor Macok Dau | “ |
17. | “ | Chuk Kom Lual | “ |
18. | “ | Kaman Thon Wek | “ |
19. | “ | Ajak Gac Reth | “ |
The Republic of South Sudan
To: Hon. Aleu Ayeny Aleu
Minister of Interior and
Wildlife Conservation
From: Hon. Stephen Dhieu Dau
Minister of Petroleum and Industry
Ref: Release of Officers and men for the Protection of Oil Fields
- Abdel Aziz Deng Ngor
- Col. Majok Kak Deng
- 1st Akol Padiet Kak
- Atik Dau Jowit
- Saberi Chuli Guot
- Nyok Bol Ajing
- 1st Kur Kiew Deng
- Arang Lual Arang
- Thon Deng Diwuot
- 2nd John Agany Tong
- Gen. Solomon Chol Michar
- Diu Awer El Riko Com
- Wieu Pal Padiet
- Col. Daffalla Bilal Juma
- Col. Ali Kur El Jak Akuc
- Major Deng Awer Ajang
- Farouk Al Jak Deng
- Col. Akol Kur May
- Major Deng Nul Awer
- Major Monychol Jok
- 1st Padiet Akol Deng
- 1st. Lt. Yassin Deng Monygot
- 2nd Deng Nul Padiet
- 2nd Ajak Nul Padiet
- 2nd Deng Aguer Chol
- 2nd CholNul Aluong
- 2nd Angok Padiet Mohamud
- 2nd Awer Yel Akol
- 1st Deng El Hag Ajang
Dr. Monykuch Maluk Anyar is a leading researcher in good governance; can be reached by
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