Who is this Dr. Monykuch Accusing Pandang Sons of Corruption?
“Say what you mean and mean what you say.”
By Luel Yic, Kenya

December 31, 2015 (SSB) — Sometimes I wonder why some writers come up with some sandwich articles contain no mean, cheese or vegetable but garbage. They spend a lot of their time drafting, rewriting, revising etc. but in the end they give irrelevant information, which benefits nobody at all. One of these writers is Dr. Monykuch Maluk.
Allow me first to narrate what the name Monykuch means in Dinka dialect.
- When a child is born to a mother who loses her children at the time of birth or soon after the birth due to some chronic or genetic diseases, a child is given that name (Monykuch) meaning the parents or generally the family members are not certain if the a child will live long.
- When a woman conceives and refuses to tell who is responsible for her pregnancy, the child also is named Monykuch meaning a father of the child is unknown and leave alone the meaning of the second name for its meaning is in the public domain.
So I do not know on what purpose you were named Monykuch but one of the above-mentioned meanings is true.
As your name suggests, I have no doubt in mind that you did not really have an idea on how to elaborate your points just like the way your family still do not know who your real biological Father is.
I have no intention to offend you sir and with due respect, I did not know that some of PhD holders like yourself, Dr. Riek etc. are the most confused people in south Sudan. What does corruption in south Sudan or in the oil industry NILEPET to be specific got to do with PADAANG COMMUNITY?
I cannot deny the fact that most of the oil fields are found in Dinka Padaang areas but that does not automatically grant Padaang sons and daughters the first slots in the oil industry in South Sudan.
Those Padaang sons and daughters working for oil companies were employed based on their qualifications just like other fellow south Sudanese working in oil companies in Paloch and Unity state. Corruption is rampant in all institutions be it in public or private sectors in south Sudan.
It is not a one-man fight and there is no point at all to disrespect the community of Dinka Padaang just because Hon. Stephen Dhieu and Mr. Paul Adong come from Padaang. If they are corrupt as you think then it is they as individuals and not Padaang community so please take them to court Mr. prosecutor.
Let me ask you Mr. commissioner of anti corruption commission soon to be, are these two Padaang sons the most corrupt officials in the government of south Sudan?
A culture of corruption has been there in all institutions in the government even before the appointment of Stephen Dhieu and Mr. Paul Adong. As we all know corruption is a chronic disease, which needs urgent measures to be taken. Fighting corruption is not as easy as you think Mr. commissioner to be, it requires time and continued efforts to win and not falsely accusing these two individuals.
I think you did not mean what you wrote for there is nothing wrong to appoint a qualified and experienced person from Padaang as a DG. If you obtained your PhD many years ago but not been appointed to a higher position then there is something wrong with your doctorate.
Who knows it might be an online certificate because your doubt of your own article’s title proves that. And that is why you wrote and I quote ” I hope that it is well constructed.” Isn’t a way of seeking assurances from your readers whether or not your article is well framed? If it is indeed you said what you mean and meant what you say (fighting corruption) then you should have not include “Padaangism”.
It’s the only vocabulary that I do not like in your article
and by the way Mr. commissioner of anti corruption commission to be, what is the relationship between political party affiliation and employment. Who told you that people are employed based on their political affiliations? That is why I say you did not mean what you say, did you?
Again posting the name of army officers who went to fight rebels so that cowards like you would have a conducive atmosphere to open their filthy mouths and give irrelevant information will not earn you promotion that you want.
If it were not because of them (army officers you have mentioned in your article) you would have still dancing in a Jamaican style now. That is why I say you did not say what you mean and meant what you say (fighting corruption)
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