PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Bor County Diaspora (USA) Congratulates New Jonglei State Governor Philip Aguer

Bor County Diaspora (USA) Congratulates New Jonglei State Governor Hon. Philip Aguer Panyang

28 governors swearing in ceremony in Juba
The swearing in ceremony of 28 governors in Juba, South Sudan, 29 Dec 2015

January 16, 2016 (SSB) — Congratulations on your appointment as our new governor of Jonglei State. We are so pleased to hear of your taking leadership of our new state at this tumultuous time in the lives of our people back home in South Sudan. Certainly your willingness to volunteer your time and effort, as well as express your opinions, has contributed to your being appointment for the gubernatorial position. The members of the Bor County Diaspora– USA extend a warm welcome to you as our new state’s governor.

We have heard lots of glowing reports of your work in the inner communities you have served in the years past, particularly in Panyagoor in 1990s as well as your recent political position as the SPLA spokesman during the current crisis in our country and your patriotic service in that position has been well received and lauded by citizens across South Sudan. We are confident that your influence will continue to encourage our proud tradition of involvement in worthwhile political causes.

We trust that you will continue to work for improvement of service programs in Jonglei State, particularly upgrading the security and development projects.

Please be aware that you have our full support here in our diaspora community. We wish you all the best as you represent our communities at the national level. The trust that our people have in you as shown by the jubilation at Bor Town Freedom Square will enable to develop serve them well during your course of public service as our governor.

Mr. Governor, congratulations on your appointment. We look forward to working with you in the course of our service to our people back home in Jonglei State, South Sudan.


Akol Aguek Ngong


Bor County Diaspora (USA)

Cc: Manyok Maluil Joh

Secretary of Information

CC: Majur Deng Nhial

Press Secretary and Bor Spokesman

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