Congratulatory Message to Gen. Alfred Manyang Agok, Jonglei state director of prisons service
“Hard work pay better than wealth: you have to look after wealth, and you have spent on work’’
By Abel Majur Leek, Bor, Jonglei State

Your Comradeship,
February 9, 2016 (SSB) —- Congratulations on your mission you accomplished that give joy to all Officers, NCOs and Men plus entire people of Jonglei State. We look forward for having a loyal and hardworking General among your comrade , proud as the communities of Greater Bor for the task in putting such infrastructure building within your state.
Sir Winston Churchill, a famous British politician who served as Prime Minister twice (1940-45) and (1951-55) once said that ‘ a leader must have ‘the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen’. Hence, a leadership career is meant for the people of high integrity and additional skills to achieve results and finding better ways of making life better for the people they represent.
Politics are not meant for dropped-outs, area fathers, thugs, assassins, criminals, illiterates’ god-fathers, inept, dubious and corrupt politicians. These person, apart from being greedy doesn’t know the importance of education and can never invest properly on it. Good governance, transparency and accountability will be eluding states and nations where these above mentioned set of people found themselves in the corridor of power.
Just over some two year back, you unveiled your plan in Jonglei state, a plan that set Jonglei State on a path to long-term prosperity and development, you have accomplished our hero Dr. Garang Mabior says of taking town to people. With great conviction, your committed toward development efforts and unique solutions to both sustain and revitalize the state.
Gen. Alfred Manyang Agok, who as a loving man, a consummate public servant, an astute patriot man, ironically, through simplicity of character, humility, philanthropy and love for fellow Comrade advanced to become a leading hard working of his generation by positively touching many lives of his fellow senior and junior officers ,NCOs & Men. Meanwhile, past performance/achievement or result orientation in the workplace is the very best indicator of what to look for in a candidate to represent an organization. Besides, there are seven important qualities of leadership.
The first is Vision of building prison structure: This happens to be the most important single quality of his leadership and administration. A leader sees into the future with ease to make the day-to-day decisions necessary for the same future expectations. Leaders have a clear idea of where they are heading to and what they are trying to achieve for themselves and the organization they are leading or representing at the end. Some of present African leaders got to power by accidents.
The second quality is foresight that makes leaders have ability to graduating a batch Eight(8) of prisons warders look into the future and get prepared for future of prisons affairs within Jonglei state and across 28 states of Republic of South Sudan. Inauguration and opening of new building of National Prisons Service of Jonglei state is milestone and successful step to young leaders who had plan on development.
A good leader knows that simply giving consistent effort in the little task of services, social reforms, kindness or sacrifice in day-to-day life leads to true greatness of a nation. If all leaders make it a point of responsibility to develop and make life better for people in their units, wards, constituencies, states and regions-we will definitely have a great country with courage, hardworking leaders.
Long live Gen. Alfred Manyang Agok
Long Live to People of Greater Bor Community
Long live National Prisons of South Sudan
Long Live Republic of South Sudan
The writer is author book entitle ‘’ Two army under one umbrella’’. He can be
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