What is the best photography of government corruption in the nation?
By Abraham Majur Mading, Juba, South Sudan

February 10, 2016 (SSB) —- Government as an institution of the state is empowered with various resources to maintain law and order in the nation but with a rotten head, the body cannot functions as it should. However, with good head the body is certainly left with no choice than to perform.
Our government in my opinion is responsible for a greater part of misfortune that has befallen the country; citizens won’t be left out as well as onus lies on us demanding for good governance and show the persona of good followership.
You owe the support from South Sudanese citizens and what you should do is to give a leg to the people by improving an economic downturn to bring and create better value and that is the essential meaning of responsibility, accountability in human fulfillment in shaping the general public future.
One of the first steps should be to enquire; who is corrupt in the country? The line may not be clear because the government of the Republic of South Sudan is party to conflict and likewise to the corrupt gain need not be financial. It is not only status gain in South Sudan but political power and personal safety assurances.
In many contexts occurs not merely of anyone knowing any better but the worst criminal knows what they are doing is wrong and they did not care for the average of the citizens living under poor conditions in IDPS camps for some good three years.
The question of our policy, we South Sudanese rest on the application to our political decisions which is generated within and outside the government and our leaders are to be held accountable for closing the knowing doing gap and putting their development to wrong use. Leadership is to have the ability to step outside the background to start evolutionary change that people are more adaptive in today challenging economic in downturn.
Change has been seen the subject of fad and fancy in the mind of South Sudanese citizens for instance became popular with who like the idea of being able to improve process of the real challenge is that limitless and economy however, government habitually fails to materialize.
Many South Sudanese citizens found themselves wondering why there is no get-up-and-go for change in the government afar the prosper and why was the levels of tribal conflict so hard to contain? As we all know the economic crisis and ensuing depression have pushed national to the top of agenda and the social order as a whole.
Poor practice is now recognizing as a key factor in the causing the economic crash and in the wake of these events, previous reform of embark governance and financial check are likely to be revisited and strengthen since the current system clearly did not protect the interest of the people and other political stakeholders against risk they were ignorant of.
So great has been the damage to the country reputations that a few brand have been ineradicably tarnished and while whistle blowing has it place, more generally people in South Sudan are looking for great transparency for truth rather than spin and accountability as a reasonable basis gain truth from the citizens.
Something will have to change if not and if the impact of downturn on national economic worsens further the inequities inherent within this current system could become more sharply into focus and provoke strong reaction and this may become unsustainable unless lesson are draw from what has happened and better practice implemented.
The author can be reach via majur20155@gmail.com
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