Sunnyman soars into heights of music industry: The originality fuels his music
By Kur Wel Kur, Adelaide, Australia

February 14, 2016 (SSB) — Churning out lyrics, which are both entertaining and educative, pushes his music into the up notch of the music industry. Inspirational and talented people such as musicians find it hard to stay focused in making music because rising to and staying in fame is hard. It’s hard because their focus and discipline are sometimes soiled by other indulgences such as drugs, women, and plateauing out [settling for less].
However, the legends who overcome these hurdles, grow in their fame and compose ageless songs. Some of the songs are out of the musicians’ dark pasts and hardships. Music fans love sincere and vulnerable musicians. Vulnerable in the sense that they don’t hold back their emotions and secrets.
Music fans come from the cross-section of the world population. So some fans could be highly educated, some could be homeless, some could be single parents or children of single parents, some could be drugs addicts, alcoholics, some could be prisoners and some could be normal or average people. All these people need the music or songs, which speak to their souls in privacies of their homes, cars or prison cells. Musicians who dive down to the bottomless pit of the living hell of this world to reach the broken spirits with their [musicians’] songs are the messengers sent by God to save the wrenched souls. These are the musicians who can make music for a living and their fans can sustain their [musicians’] fame for decades.
The rest of the musicians who can’t emulate the fast moving world, a world where God and devil are working side by side, will wither. Among young South Sudanese rising music stars, Sunnyman is the most aesthetically consistent and committed revolutionary of South Sudanese music. Anyone who has listened to his music would agree or conclude that his music and his unfading songs will stay for sometimes [for many years]. The revolution of South Sudanese music and survival of Dinka language in these isolated corners of the western countries is solely in the palms of the artists such as Sunnyman.
What’s it that’s different in his music?

This question centralises the whole message in this article. The “humans shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” The “committed” Christians may think I am blaspheming against God, but I am rightful to quote this verse from the Bible because celebrities, the wealthiest and the powerful people sometimes take their lives not because they don’t have anything to eat, but they always find themselves at the end of ropes, of their own guns, or overdose or poison themselves because their hopes or the ‘bank accounts of their self-esteem’ are reading negative. One word of hope from God can save these souls. God never shouts from Heaven to someone tying a suicidal knot, but He uses people: Musicians, preachers and motivational speakers to speak to the wrenched spirits on His behalf. Our country is a country broken twice by the enemy and again by her children. People of the broken land need hope, high self-esteem and songs, which remind them of good memories about their countries. Most of Sunnyman’s songs are filled with hope and are educative.
One can make good music, but it’s another for one to exoticise the music. To make music that encompasses the cultures, lives and reflection of origins of the people, forces a lot of people to relate to this kind of music. Sunnyman produces an emblematic music. As an artist who has lived in different worlds, his music carries the memories of a refugee life, memories of a child from a war torn country, and finally, memories of his growth in a cutting-edge world(Australia). He is young and free so he sometimes eroticises his music for his special fans, his age mates.
However, can we hang him for that? I believe he is squarely in the frame work of the poetry, or call it Dinka poetry. I am sorry for the readers from other places because I would like to give a local Dinka artist as an example. For those who have listened to Pandäk Kwai Nai, you’re aware that he used erotic language in his songs. Songs, which contain phrases such as [“Acuul löh” or Ci löh köu athiir cϊkë yii nyϊϊr möny”]. These songs didn’t make Ajong de Mabil a bad artist. The same applies to Sunnyman.
His Upcoming Concert and Album

Sunnyman is preparing for a concert, Cuk Döῃ Ë no? Concert. This track [#7] is one of best tracks in Ciεῃ ALBUM. In the concert, Sunnyman will be giving his fans the glimpses of his music future direction. To fans, making music seems sometimes, as a solitary job of the musicians, but fans are the lifelines of talented people. The fans are the skyrocket gasoline that lifts musicians off the ground into the air. The fans’ support, forces musicians to stay focused. So, on the 20 February 2016, come out to Albion hall on 27 Talmages, Albion. And support.
Sunnyman is defying the odds so another album, LUEL YÏÏ PIÖU is coming out in July, this year. On his Facebook, he played one of the tracks in this album. And it sent the fans crazy. I believe LUEL YÏÏ PIÖU ALBUM will win more hearts than Ciεῃ ALBUM.
Thanks, that’s the glimpse of the Sunnyman’s music.
Kur Wel Kur has a Bachelor Degree in Genetics and Zoology from Australian National University (ANU). He pursues a Masters of International Security Studies at Macquarie University (Australia). He is presently the General Secretary of Greater Bor Community in Adelaide, Australia. He can be reached via his email contact: kurwelkur @
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