PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan government needs strong institutions to avoid future civil wars

4 min read

By Michael Nyuonmakuach Jr., Queensland, Australia

 Kiiriek messy South Sudan

February 24, 2016 (SBB)  —-  It is obvious that our communities are oriented on how to use violence more than living in peace and harmony among themselves due to the lack of strong constitution in the country because when you have a strong constitution in the country that can allow everyone to have his or her own rights without fearing, then everyone would respect your government, but if the law is only targeting an ordinary citizens, and leave the government officials not to be prosecuted in court that means, people have no trust in your government.

And also, our government need to have a strong economy in the country because when you have a strong economy in the country, it will create more jobs for everyone in the country, and that would engage the youths not to be exploited by the politicians who used them as their human shields in order to change the government through violence.

It is important to identify the challenges that your government will face in the future, then to wait for the citizens to identify your weakness, why? Because if you don’t have that vision of having a plan before an action, it will make it difficult for your government to have a strong economy for better future if the government plans are based on international donates, and ignored the use of agriculture in the country because if you invest more money in agriculture sector, it will help the government in term of resources and lives of living in the country.

The reason why people chose war rather than living in peace and harmony in South Sudan, is because people are poor, and they are illiterates to identify the consequences of waging war, and all these problems are supported by lack of strong army in the country that are supposed to deal with the national issues rather than dealing with tribal issues.

Our people need better lives, and if there is no better lives, it means that war is the only way to change the life cycle of poverty for example, when you rebelled and you signs a deal with a government, and you get more than what you could not have before, which mean that everyone who is poor, need to form his or her own tribal army in order to get more money and more ranks than before, but if there is a strong army that can put a national interest first, more than to have a mindset of tribalism, and believes in prophets, with no tribal interest first that mean people will not choose war as an alternative way to change their lives.

And if people are being punished according to the crimes they have committed during the war, it will discourage people to form their own militias because you will know that the government will use force against you as soon as possible. But when we divides ourselves based on tribal lines, it will cause more damage on our properties and human lives as well, and our country will not go forward as we expected it to be in the future. We must build trust and confidence among ourselves in order to have a better country.

And lastly, our government need to train a professional police that can respect the rule of law, and the right of citizens. Once you have all these in place, it will reduce the number of crimes committed in the country, and people will love you more than someone who will come and talk rubbish.

Michael Nyuonmakuach Jr. Live in Queensland-Australia. You can reach me at

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