PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

H.E. Philip Aguer Panyang‘s strategies of taking services to the people at the grassroots show some hopes

The newly appointed Governor of Jonglei State, H.E. Philip Aguer Panyang ‘s strategies of taking services to the people on the grassroots show some hopes  here in the State.

By Philip Nyieth Arou, Bor, Jonglei State

Governor Agwer Panyang
The newly appointed governor of Jonglei state, Col. Philip Agwer Panyang, with Defense Minister Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk and Information Minister Michael Makwei Lueth in Bor, Jonglei state

February 26, 2016 (SSB)  —-  When Philip Aguer was appointed on December, 24th, 2015 and sworn in as Governor of autonomous region of Jonglei on December 29th, 2015 along with his counterparts from other twenty seven (27) states in South Sudan, he immediately jetted into the State capital Bor after taking oath of the office and was accompanied by Hon. Central Government’s Minister for Defense & Veteran Affairs, Gen. Koul Manyang and of course, Hon. National Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Michael Makuei Lueth.

However, it was not only a journey of potential hope to the people of Jonglei State, but a trip of existing anticipation. Upon arrival, the expected Governor was highly and wholeheartedly welcomed by the local populace because he is a recognized Prophet in his own home area. From that day up to date, Philip Aguer, the former spokesperson of Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) has been enjoying community support from all walk of lives in the area.

The two Hon. Ministers who were accompanying him to the State did not have in mind any other interest apart from being mere supporters of the first federal appointed Governor of Jonglei State as some people who just see things on the face value were speculating.  The formers were expressing their excitement to an extent that they left behind their other commitments back in Juba, but instead escorted Philip Aguer to his new designated office.

On the other hand, it was not only those two ministers who accompanied H.E the Governor alone, the number was so big comprising of different interests group. Politicians who were yearning for positions were also part of the delegation plus common known; the so called advanced team jammed the State, as if Philip Aguer has had insecurity in Bor town before.  Koul and Makuei would have spent their weekend in Juba like rest of the Honorable members from Jonglei State community, but their patriotic sense of belonging to the society let them came to Bor along with Philip.

To begin with H.E. Philip Aguer’s strategies and slogans set to tackle the provision of services to the people in the rural areas around the State and motto of achieving these plans, the Governor mottos are unity of the people of Jonglei State with the neighboring States, teamwork for common development, human and food security, peaceful co-existent and other related issues. The Governor perfectly knows that having developmental programs in mind is dissimilar from an actual implementation that is why he separates developmental work plans from slogans.

The first group he met with was a council of chiefs from all the Counties in the State.  He convened a tradition chiefs’ meeting because he wanted to know exactly what is going in the remote areas of the Counties. What are the most pressing issues? How appropriately can those problems be addressed?  After meeting chiefs, he definitely extends his official tour to the Payams of the Counties of which he is still up to now! Philip Aguer is the first Governor to officially paid visit to Counties Payams in the twenty first century. He is currently sharing his views with ordinary citizens within the State. The author is not in a position now to reveal approach that the Governor will undertake to solve the State’s problems given the intricacy of the issues.

With Philip, he does not rule out the collection of ideas. All the opinions and information can be received but elimination methods can later be applied for sorting out between constructive and non-constructive thoughts. Aguer does not think of himself as too right to deal with perennial problems of Jonglei single-handedly, no. He wants every citizen of Jonglei whether within the State or abroad to at least has a say or comment on the State burning issues. The later has precisely identified the trouble concerns which the three consecutive Governments of Greater Jonglei State had failed to pick out. One may suggest that for man of the people to know what is genuinely affecting his or her subordinates elsewhere, one need to go where his or her people live, start sharing views together, eat what they eat, drink what they drink if need be, sleep also with them and brainstorm views jointly, then one would absolutely point out where the problems are. Interestingly, beyond reasonable doubt Aguer has already done all these.

What is more unique here is that, since Philip Aguer arrived from Juba and assumed his office; he is reluctant to meet politicians because he knows very well who are they? Secondly, he is also unwilling to schedule them on his official dairy because they will not obviously provide him with sincere advice. When he came on January 2nd, 2016, he came with handful number politicians combined with the ones on the ground. Both groups were looking for the job vacancies; and this was only their ultimate goal.

Some people think that H.E. the Governor of the State would just come and appoint Ministers and other constitutional post holders on the same day of his arrival, which is not the case from Aguer’s side. The real leader cannot just come straight away and start restructuring the institutions which already in place before even familiarizing himself or herself to the realities on the ground. H.E. the Governor deserves some appreciations for delaying constitutional post holders’ appointment, since it is not one of the priorities at the present. Others are not happy with the current official visit of H.E. the Governor to the Counties and Payams for the reason that Philip has given hundred percent of his time to listen to the voices of marginalized masses in the rural areas.

These are all ills intentions indeed; Philip was appointed by H.E. the President of the Republic of South Sudan to go and serve the needy but not the life-time luxurious hotel’s residents; and that is the only mandate he contested the post too. He is so more humanistic, therefore he does not ignore humanitarian crisis. There are some citizens, who have never heard or seen what is called a Governor throughout their life time in the State, but they have seen and heard from him now.

The next task left with Philip Aguer now is to meet with citizens of Jonglei who are in Diaspora. The Diasporas are more nationalists than the citizens here. They always monitored daily occurrences on the ground. They can play a greater role than the Government can do, as a result H.E. should involve them in every decision making. I am suggesting that when Philip find a time later, he can even go in person and explain to them how he wishes to see Jonglei State in the next three to four years.

Well-wishers like this writer wish for Aguer’s success in his leadership, but given the author experiences with the previous Governments; H.E. the Governor will be failed miserably by his immediate colleagues and civil servants like this author in the Government. Some people may disagree with this comment but that is personal opinion. The writer has been experiencing this since he joined Jonglei State workforces in 2012.  Philip Aguer will be failed on two phases.

Phase one is a sorry financial management system in the State. This author is not a career auditor to explain in much more details how exactly the State cashiers manage financial resources in the State, but common sense has it that those accountants and cashiers owned huge assets of all types than the Government. Where do they get money for buying land and commercial cars?

And their basic monthly salary cannot exceed two thousand South Sudan Pounds. It is a mind blocking state of affairs. But they are not alone in the practices; there is a seal network in place. To make matters worth Government sometimes borrow money from individuals, which mean Government servants are richer than the Government itself.

The second phase is reluctance in implementing out Government daily activities, many employees of the State Government just report to their duty station by the time for the salary. They spend most of their time outside workplace. However, the Government does not have strategic plans anyway. The employees should suppose to receive induction before starting work as well as constant intensive training for capacity building. Each and every staff should be provided with job description so as to guide him or her during execution of the duties.

Conclusion, for H.E. the Governor to be successful in his current and future tenure; therefore the aforementioned phases need to be reconsidered and systemically addressed so that to avoid the entrapment of the past. The former Governors had demonstrated a strong leadership style at political level but necessarily failed at the level of technocrats.

The opinions express here are exclusively views of the author only. Philip Nyieth Arou lives and works in Jonglei State and could be reached at

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