PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Fresh monetary scandal in the office of the President over students’ support

By David Lony Majak; Nairobi, Kenya

April Fool? The 6 millions is not stolen; rather it has been successfully recovered from the real thief.

February 29, 2016 (SSB) — South Sudan is becoming a country without deliberate future generation being headed by typical liabilities holding public offices with aim of promoting theft cases. The outrageous financial thefts in Kiir’s office is proved as extraordinary culture by his subordinates, and have endlessly stealing money given to students from various countries represented by South Sudanese Students’ Union. The leading delegations were from Kampala-Uganda and the Republic of Kenya-Nairobi, the said teams were tasked to go and lobby for funds in South Sudan.

Entrusted delegation came from divergent countries with an intention to mobilized funds to help drop-out students and to run their scholastic activities which include interuniversity’s competitions, academy forums, sensitization of peace and reconciliation among South Sudanese Students and youth living in Diaspora.

According to students’ delegation to South Sudan, those who were delegated to meet president of the republic with an endeavor of seeking financial assistance to facilitate students’ educational needs. They said they got disappointed due to misconduct of staff in Kiir’s office. In disengage development; the staff in the office of the president has vetoed the students’ delegates to call the media for thanking giving to the president after he approved their request. The original document of students’ approved financial statement was not revealed to the teams by the staff concern.

The transitional president has approved more than hundred United State Dollars as presidential aid assistance to the futuristic students and youth residing outside the country. Staff in his own office has once again involved in financial deceitful, the entire delegations were promised by the president to come back after one week to confirmed what he approved. The leading delegations were told that the president has only pledged 25,000 USD to each group since the country is facing economic challenges.

This was not true narrative from the president, the sacking blood group in middle seat over the money and deceived the various delegates by saying the president approved the stated 25,000 USD to each group. In a couple of days; the team went back to the staff in the office of the president asking to allow them to call for press release in appreciation with what Mr. President have done to the entire students, they were not allowed to calls media houses for news coverage in regards to president’s contribution.

The illegal bloc in Kiir’s office met in a close-door meeting discussing on whether they should add more money to the given 25,000 USD, the meeting went on very successful and they have had agreed to added more 35,000 USD and the total amount became 60,000 United State Dollars. This has been reported officially by delegation from Kampala-Uganda under the leadership of Mr. Albino Akol Akol representing South Sudanese Students’ Union in Uganda.

Team in Kampala-Uganda; have agreed to distribute the money, (60,000 USD) to the students but there are no criteria set yet for the allocation of money. Some former president (s), of the Union are trying to advise the newly elected president to just share the money with his cabinets instead to give money to general students as they did by themselves during their tenures. They said South Sudan is being supported by corruption and since there is corruption from the top leadership who else to fiddle with all these looting and corruption cases.

Kiir’s office is convincingly confirmed as brotherly financial counterfeit public institution in South Sudan. The same people in the same office of the president with the case of 14 million Dollars scandal pending in court are the ones overwhelming students’ support. Abundant paying-off cases have been reported in the same office, saying my stomach and God for all of us in South Sudan.

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