PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Federal Democratic Party (FDP /SSAF) calls on their supporters to be patient, alert and supportive

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Federal Democratic Party/South Sudan Army Forces (FDP /SSAF) calls on their supporters to be patient, alert and supportive

“Dear Comrades, Sympathizers and Supporters of Federal Democratic Party/South Sudan Army Forces FDP /SSAF.

peter gadet and changson faction
Peter Gadet, Gathoth Gatkuoth and Gabriel Changson’s faction signing a MOU with the gov’t in Nairobi Kenya

March 3, 2016 (SSB)  — “There are an importance breakthroughs which are going to occurring sooner started from today onwards I urged all FDP/SSAF supporters and all South Sudanese to stand very firmly with our Generals, we shouldn’t worries or stressing about anything else. As you know our top military commanders are doing their level best on how to bring peace and unity of South Sudanese””.

“We’re going to fulfilled the memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed on 24th last year in (Nairobi-Kenya) as part of negotiating with the government of South Sudan to reach a final agreement, our people are desperate the deserving peace not war. We shouldn’t keep continuing fighting ourselves while our country is heading to unknown direction due to the circumstances challenges that are facing our country as you can see the on-going collapsing of our country” economically .The government and other political parties should put their interests aside and displays the will” of South Sudanese people for the betterment of this nation and the next coming generation,

it’s time for advancement toward development it’s not time for degradation let us not sleeping there are individuals super powers countries who wants to impose sanctions on our country, to get a way to put their noses on our resources.

“Let us commit ourselves on the Compromise Peace Agreement CPA-2 signed by all political parties and stakeholders, instead of involuntarily allowing the wishful thinker to take our country’s leadership from us for trusteeship which is against constitution. Yes there’ are some countries who wants to rule us South Sudanese as the thinks. But it’s unexpectedly and we will never agree with them ever, since they are known for hunting our natural resources.

“I call upon the government of the Republic South Sudan to negotiates with all different factions who are continuing looting and causing more destructive of the country natural resources especially in Western Equatoria and Greater Upper Nile, there are encompassing more defectors from the SPLM-IO, who are forming more parties in order for them to continually fighting with the government of South Sudan for their own benefiting and become famously with well titles as they wishes which is not unexpectedly to happen once against by South Sudanese.

“We the FDP/SSAF officials included our generals has taken the right decisions to negotiates with the government apart from peace process and the resolution of South Sudan conflict, the government of South Sudan also show his commitment regarding in a sending of its mediations team to Kenya last year. Which resulted in a sending of FDP/SSAF its advance team to Juba on 4th 2016, we come here for the sack of peace and bring together our people and make reconciliations, unity and love. We shouldn’t be happy while innocent civilians are commencing suffering in both UN protection sites, Refugees Camp and across the country.

“It’s very clear we didn’t come to (Juba) for the sack of hunting positions from the government. As it was stated by the ant-peace elements who are against our move on how to bring everlasting peace and stability. We’re not hunting for positions anymore, as long as there will be prevailing peace across South Sudan.

“Also On behalf of the FDP/SSAF, we call upon the SPLM-IO Chairman Dr Riek Machar and Commander in-Chief of the SPLA-IO to return home and resumes his assignments as a First Vice President of South Sudan since he was appointed by President His Excellence Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit, and he also expected to work with his boss Gen Salva Kiir based on the peace agreement dragged documentaries. There’s no way for Dr Riek Machar to delay his troops from transportations to Juba and him also for the implementations of the Transitional government of National Unity. As civilians are suffering continues “meanwhile Dr Riek running his business in foreign countries without coming to Juba and hold his old post, JMEC, IGAG, UN and Troika should push Dr Riek Machar to come to Juba for the implementations of peace agreement.

Captain Kim Lony Gatluak,

The Spokesman of Federal Democratic Party/ South Sudan Army Forces.

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