PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Letter to President Kiir Mayadit on South Sudan joining East African Community

4 min read

To: President of South Sudan,

General Salva Kiir Mayardit,

Chairman of SPLM and Commander in Chief of SPLA


Cc: Chairman of SPLM in Opposition,                                                              

Dr. Riek Machar Teny,


Cc: Comrade Pagan Amum,

Leader for Former Detainees,


Cc. Dr. Lam Akol,

Chairman for Democratic Change Party,


Cc. South Sudan Legislative Assembly


Cc. Council of States Assembly


Cc. EAC Secretariat

RE: A calls to nullify or cancel admission for South Sudan joining East African Community (EAC)


Your Excellency, accept my salutation and greeting!

RSS joins EAC
The Republic of South Sudan has joined the East African Community (EAC), a group of nations that cooperates in the areas of trade, travel, tourism and harmonization of tax regimes and other regulations. EAC includes Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda.

March 4, 2016 (SSB)  —-  I think you are doing well? Without wasting time, please Mr. President, why taking a decision without consulting South Sudanese Stakeholders as per joining East African Community is concern?

It is noted that South Sudan applied for EAC membership soon after gaining its independence from Sudan in 2011, but the process of its admission delayed for a number of reasons, key among them being internal conflicts.

According to the treaty establishing the EAC, new members can only be admitted if they respect the principles of democracy, rule of law, accountability, transparency and social justice, which are not in place at the moment in South Sudan.

The treaty also says the countries must, besides being geographically near any of the existing members, practice “equal opportunities, gender equality as well as recognizing, promoting and protecting rights in accordance with the provisions of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

Another point of worry is that South Sudan has an estimated population of over 12 million people out of which only 20% is literate, while the remaining 80 percent are illiterate. This thus means the country has little or no human capital at all to compete with other members of East Africa Community unless otherwise you don’t see the implications.

To my surprise, your leadership took a dictatorship decision without consulting the civil population of South Sudan, because this process deserves collective responsibility from all the different stakeholders like civil society groups, academia and the general masses to participate.

You know very well that South Sudan is a young nation with no infrastructures, Rule of laws is not in place , human rights abuses are still going on , democratization processes is abused, lack of good independent institutions, no proper judiciary system, no proper Public and private Universities in South Sudan but what is currently in your Country is only promotion of corruption, killing civilians and advocacy on tribalism that has been the mission and vision of your Leadership since you took over by chance after the death of Dr. John Garang in 2005.

However, your government is failing to employs the young graduates who finished their studies in different disciplines. Instead to open for job market in entire Country, establishing good government policies that promote democracy, rule of law, infrastructures than you are rushing with your government to admit the Country in to the hand of people who have gone ahead in Education sector, economic sector, politically stable and their foreign policies is well articulated compare to South Sudan which has no proper foreign policy. What will South Sudanese Citizens benefits from the EAC at this particular period of time?

I therefore, calling for immediate cancellation or withdraw from EAC and take the issue back to South Sudanese to decide through, Referendum process, or collecting views of citizens first on how they feel about joining the EAC than dictating on matter of national concern. All South Sudanese are aware that you are the dictator in this 21th Century but issue to do with International treaties agreements always need proper study and consultation from the grass roots.

Your Excellency, Let build our schools, hospitals, roads and put strong government institutions in place first that can compete with the rests of East African Countries than this reckless decision you took quickly.

We the Citizens of South Sudan are not part and parcel of the decision you took and your cabinets.

Mr. President, Please learn to respect people opinions because South Sudan belong to all of us or if you think you are everything than continue but God of universe is there to give answers!

God bless South Sudan!

Signed by:

 Peter Gai Manyuon, South Sudanese Independent Journalist and Columnist


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