PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Short-sighted politics and bickering in the wake of government formation in Jonglei State!  

4 min read

Andrew K. Michael, Juba, South Sudan

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The founding fathers of south sudan

March 4, 2016 (SSB)  —-  ‘’Our clan is not represented….we did not nominate him or her as a community…..Mr. XYZ should not be named a minister this time’’. These statements and many more, some very negative and demoralising are filling the air in the new Jonglei State as the government is being formed.  The insiders are doing this deliberately. It must be a hectic task for the governor. But it will act as an acid test for his leadership approach! The governor has set his goals and in a bid to realise them in the near future, he is consulting with state communities to hunt those who will help him accomplish the goals-not the status-quors who will never use any word for development!

But it annoyingly appears those who claim to be influential members of the communities want who they prefer named ministers, not on the basis of their professionalism and capability. This is where they do not rhyme with the governor who is more inclined to able bloods, the folks who will do the job. Those whose capabilities have been tested!  The professionals in various fields! For those opposing the governor, these are some of the questions they might ask: why did the governor appoint ministers he did? Are they his relatives or friends? Are they from other states or communities? The answers to those questions can be summed up in a single word: NO!

The only rationale behind the governor’s thinking is those who will do the job. Period! Now, what is the point of squabbling over trivial issues of whether or not the appointed minister is from X community? I think I must mention before I forget that these ministerial posts are not easy jobs which people should be politicking about in tea places. In other countries, it is the prerogative of the president or the governor to appoint ministers and only based on their level of professionalism and capabilities. Sometimes, they are forced to prove their credentials before a panel of experts. Please note well, it is not because Mr X, who is unfortunately not well verse in a certain field, is Y community’s MP and so should be appointed a minister! No, it doesn’t work that way…

I want to laud what his Grace, Bishop Ruben Akurdit, said when he cautioned those rallying and wanting to incite communities about this ministerial issues on the basis of clans that they should not do so in the ‘name of innocent civilians’. It’s such a powerful statement and speaks volume about how he cares for the people. It’s so good to hear the man of God talk about and condemn practical issues capable of causing commotion in the communities. Please keep it up his Grace.

If your communities are not represented, please tell us where the governor imported the appointed or named ministers. I think it’s worth mentioning at this point in time that that myopic politics being played at the moment should stop. People need to think in terms of what should be done to attain development and stability. And development and stability come when there are hard-working, capable and visionary folks in technical ministries, not the-our-persons as a community!

What good does it make if people can leave their families as far as in the Middle East or Asia to come and stay in Bor with the hope that they would be appointed as ministers? Isn’t it ridiculous? You cannot stalk appointment like that! One must show his patriotism to the community by being part of the community…

We must act maturely and support our governor in doing his best to form the government of the people. Please beware of the fact that we can unknowingly fail our governor if we continue to act the way we are now, for it can be frustrating to him to hear such meaningless politics time and again. We only have time to focus on work, but not on gossiping and name-calling…

Finally, I would like to encourage our elders and leaders, including church leaders like the bishops to denounce any negative moves by the communities and mostly politicians in the name of politics. And Mr. Philip, you hold all the aces, please do what is worth doing and go for the right choice. We will support you….

Andrew K. Michael is reachable at

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