PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Transitional Government of National Unity: What will be the key priorities?

4 min read

By Isaac Akuoch Chol, Juba, South Sudan

peace for south sudan
peace for south sudan

March 4, 2016 (SSB)  —-  As the fear and anxiety of war begins to slowly evaporate-although not completely and the prospects of peace begin to appear on the horizon, South Sudanese are increasingly anticipating a bumper harvest from the dividends of soon to be realized  united and harmonious Motherland. The parties to the conflict have inked a political commitment to unconditionally constitute an all-inclusive transitional national government possibly this month of March.

A transition government will steer the country towards the elections while also focussing on the nationwide peace building, healing and reconciliation amongst the South Sudanese tribes(people).it will also solicit funds from our international community friends and development partners. There will be Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) of redundant former fighters most of whom will be child soldiers of white army to make them positively productive in their communities. It is also wise if demining is also done alongside DDR so that civilians from the areas affected by conflict are safe to return and piece up their tattered lives.

However, all these sound beautiful and promising but in the real theatre of our politics it is as good as landing on the moon! That is why citizens must stand up and demand priorities of services that are sustainable over a long term and are likely to be the ultimate solutions to our present status quo.chronic predicaments that have befallen our nation repeatedly need a radical shift in a way services and policies are implemented, I have therefore come up with the following ideas to be looked at critically by transitional government of national unity.

  1. Comprehensive education policy.

Prosperity without education has never been imagined, education is as essential to a country as is a breastmilk to an infant. Having this in mind our leaders should learn from our neighbouring countries and establish schools nationwide and especially in the marginal areas.

When you enrol a kid into school and sustain it through, you are slowly reducing their ignorance of cattle rustling or their chances of sheepishly joining rogue militias like the white army, this in turn reduces the level of insecurity and increase productivity on the side of kid.

School unites children from background into mates and foster harmony, children are never segregative until they are induced.

In Kenya, children sing loyalty pledge to the nation during the parade, this makes them develop love and devotion to their country thus instilling patriotism in them, why can we try this in South Sudan?

  1. Roads and Bridges

South Sudan cannot boast of any modern road accept the one from Juba to Nimule, is it not so embarrassing? We have money and we have devoted development partners like the America and Chinese. The only problem we have is failure to identify the importance of road connectivity. I thus would wish the incoming government to build roads, repair bridges and build new ones.

When roads are there, people and good move. And when people trade they develop understanding of each other’s cultures thus resulting in co-existence. This is already a prosperity!

  1. Agriculture

It is so amusing when we brag about our vast and fertile land. That any and everything can grow in it, if even a nail is planted in our fertile soil it can sprout. Seriously what do we have to show for it?

I strongly ask our government to forget about oil and embark on commercial agriculture, crops like simsim, rice, sugarcane and palm oil can be a source of hard currency to substitute oil which is a political commodity.

Agricultural and trade fairs when organised can promote the country and bring in multinationals which in turn bring jobs to both the educated and uneducated citizens.

As I conclude, I would not want to deal with matters of security because I believe that is what both the government and rebels know best. I hope with the currently security arrangements and implementation modalities, issues to do with the army, the police, prisons, wildlife and national security as the priorities of both partners.

If this is implemented to the letter, South Sudan will realise peace and prosperity combine liberty will ensue.

Isaac Akuoch Chol is reachable by email:

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