PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dinka and Nuer: One Nation, One People

2 min read


Dinka and Nuer
Dinka and Nuer under one nation, one people.jpg

“You are a Dinka, I am a Nuer, Kiir is the President, Dr. Riek is opposition Leader. You are poor; I am poor (by their standards). Both of them are wealthy and call one another brother and every time they meet, they hug. I and you have one thing in common, poverty. The fact that you come from the President’s home base does not make you any better than me. Neither does the fact that I come from Opposition Leader’s Region make me worth than you. We both have to struggle to survive. The day we will start thinking beyond our tribes, we shall make this country a better place and a place where there is no room for ‘‘tribalism’’. It starts with you and me my dear brothers and sisters of the soil. It’s time for you and me to start hugging. Let’s embrace the peace! It’s time for peace to prevail. Do not wait for Leaders, it start with us. One South Sudan and One Nation!”

unity of nuer and dinka


You are a Luo, am a Kikuyu. Uhuru is the president, Raila is opposition leader. You are poor, am poor.(by their standards). Both of them are wealthy and call one another brother and every time they meet, they hug. Me and you have one thing in common, poverty. The fact that i come from the president’s home base does not make me any better than you. Neither does the fact that you come from the opposition leader’s region make you worse than me. We both have to struggle to survive. The day we start thinking beyond our tribes, we shall make this country a better place and a place where there is no room for ”mtu wetu.” It starts with you and me. Its time for you and me to start hugging. DO NOT WAIT FOR LEADERS, IT STARTS WITH YOU AND ME, PERSON TO PERSON. Lets share for more people to recite it

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