Disgruntled Africans: Are African people born with losing attitudes?
By Marol Ariech Mawien, Kampala, Uganda

April 10, 2016 (SSB) —- “Africans from all walks of life are born with losing attitudes’ it is all over our blood’ and it innately goes from one generation to another. Africans whether living within or outside the continent’ can never’ ever have never’ and will never do anything positive.
We have a wrong attitudes to life and it won’t change unless if we first get down biologically and socially to solve genetic defects we all possess. we are known as the only human species on earth with losing attitudes which is being truly evidence by the way we mismanage our own selves through corruption’ aimless jealousy’ thugs’ self-inflicted poverty’ dictatorship without progress and development’ politics of division’ tribal hegemony’ social chauvinism’ and more annoyingly we are number one “rich beggars” or in other words Africans never believes that, they are rich or happy with what they have and instead subjected themselves to handout syndromes from western nations.
Africa is rated one of the world mineral riches but still lead the world in poverty beyond descriptions. Africans soil is graded the most fertile and unexploited but remain still the most hungry continent in the world. Africa trade industry is one of the virgin on the planet but thousands of people risk their lives every day trying to cheat their route to Europe for better lives. African leaders are best rated number one beggars of the west’ but they first to condemn their givers and funders not to interfere in their politics tide around dictatorship and intolerant human rights record.
In the word of Republican front runner Donald Trump’ “African are lazy fools’ good at sex’ begging’ thugs’ causing senseless wars’ best at stealing opportunities from their own people” etc…And i heard many people condemning his argument’ but i believe he is right in any sense; because what else are we known for apart from what he had said? Mr. Trump might be a bad person but i love his ideas specially the idea of cutting off all sort of aids Africans get from USA and i wish he win in November election.
Africans issues are beyond description…young people are ripped off their hopes and their dreams ruin through wars caused by the so-called African elders. We always play game of hate and division against our very own people. Have you ever wondered why young Africans never do better compare to their counterparts in Europe and America? It is because they are born into a system that does not encourages development for young people and one of the example is education which is depleted due to carelessness from leaders and elders alike.
Africa challenges are beyond the description and who else do we blame? Off course we have to blame ourselves because all of the debris our continent is set on is our own making. Nothing bitters me much than seeing an Africans suffering of solvable problem such as poverty’ diseases’ corruption which steal opportunities’ underdevelopment’ dictatorship without progress’ unending dependency on donations and handouts’ etc.
Social disorganization as a result of copying and pasting outside cultures and behaviors which conflicting against our very traditional values and norms. We are very good at appreciating other people way of living while disgracing our own and terms it a useless and throw it in the dustbin. But you can never be developing by throwing your own away in exchange of foreign one.
Africans must understood that we can never be better, if we cannot change our attitudes toward the world of weird civilization…we can only be better if we act smart and appreciated what we have and use it to develop ourselves…off course i knew some people will say I’m being so radical and not living in realities; but i got to tell you’ there are countless number of reasons which make me annoyed with Our beloved Africa…i love Africa but in matter of facts, we Africans need to develop ourselves and act independently instead of depending on somebody’s ideas and assistants, whereby, we challenges our own thoughts, thinking that what is in America and UK are brilliants than ours, who are they? And who are we? The same creator who created them is the same one who created us but different in colors.
But since the world has no justice that is why we witness the murdered of brilliant leaders in Africa who are capable to thinks well and brought us together and make ourselves better than them.
Marol Ariech Mawien is a concerned South Sudanese living in Kampala to be reached @ marolnyirou@ymail.com
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