PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Glorious Return of Dr. Riek Machar to Juba, South Sudan

5 min read

“As we keep on with our lives to save the lives of majority innocent civilians; in our daily lives, we often attempt to understand other people and to explain their actions in order to gain insight political momentum into their tribal motives and beliefs. A great nation destroys with interest of fulfilling community pedestal achievements as they ceaselessly denied the hopes of majority for a solely public astray, everlasting corruption, public funds embezzlement, injected insecurity, total disaster of citizens’ stands, human rights violations, misdirection of spiritual leaders, destruction of peace implementation driven by anti-peace troupe without nationalized ideology. The anguish civilians, who suffered in different ways; starvation has displaced south Sudanese people from NBG-State to northern Sudan, lack of education, no preventive methods of controlling minor diseases’’.

                                       By David Lony Majak Makuei, Kampala, Uganda         

when you coming Riek Machar, said kiir                            

April 11, 2016 (SSB)  —-  The returns of Dr. Machar to Juba is scrutinize as the first time coming of Jesus Christ in South Sudan, we must celebrate it countrywide. The apparent realities behind these are the discriminative tyrannical leadership, the economical deformed, control-less inflation downfalls, foreign marginalization by foreigners entering in our own state Affairs, continuous never-ending death of our blameless civilians, the long time suffered IDPS in their own country must be rescue, bewildering gunmen and enduring insecurity in all parts of South Sudan.

The revoking of divisive one man’s exclusive established 28 states, the unconstitutional one, is believe as the instantaneous future obstacle to South Sudanese stability, hence it is amid the prioritized national outstanding issues to be address by the two administrations beneath one government, as in-depth in the agreement of compromised peace agreement signed in 2015.

Economically, currency devaluation; as the dollars’ rate in black market is very high, many citizens has been affected by the high prices of no quality products and expired commodities in the market, exploration of new preventive methods of controlling prices once Dr. Machar land in Juba be required  of changes as the nation is heading to no future.

The astray economical trepidation and lack of trust amongst South Sudanese people should be put into contemplation as the national political road map, and the last thought of rebuilding our forth Unity is indefinitely uncertain.

Resilient of Anti-peace groups; consequently the marginal anti peace clicks should not be given more opportunity to hamper peace deal as it was formally signed by the two main parties, the leading national opposition SPLM/A-IO and her counterpart SPLM/A-Juba.

Reunification of the most pretentious political parties and their political players behind bars under the leadership of SPLM-Juba, their trust and political hope must be reinstate by the coming of popular political leader.

Unpredictable security situation; it has been circulated in a distinct media houses, both online websites and national printed newspapers that; the coming of the designated first vice president perhaps assemblage by intended parallel insecurity initiated with the interest of devastating the peace implementation.

According to the press statement issued in the office of the president, the Presidential spokesperson Ateny Wek Ateny said they have not yet made a decision to hold a public reception for Riek Machar who is scheduled to return to South Sudan’s capital Juba on 18 April. He said it will only defend on security measures and no decision yet on public rally for machar in juba, (quoted on radio Tamazuj/Sudanese news crossing border).  They said, there are planning a joint internal suicide once Dr. Riak arrives the capital city of South Sudan, the headquarters of peace implementation, with regards to this irresponsive naughty of one sided regime, international, regional communities  and South Sudanese people must be aware of this ongoing plans by Juba government.

Chief of general staff of SPLA-Juba, Gen: Paul Malong Awan has apparently unconfined astonishing tribal and military statement in his own small village called Malualkon in NGBS adage that;  Dr. Riak Machar will never be a president of south Sudan unless in his absence. Yes Gen: Malong may die or joins ICC before the general elections of South Sudan; but what superiority, aptitude, competence and power to dissonances the eligibility of the current designated first vice president of the Republic of South Sudan. Malong’s decisions should be seen as of that destroying the temporal initiated two years Dinka kingdom in South Sudan, a small Kingdom of great opportunists.

pessimistic conservative physiological perceptions by the so called Jieng Council of Elders over state affairs is about to come to an end as their tribal tenure is completed after destroying the unity of South Sudanese people.

As we, nationally recognized the participants eager to receive his excellence the designated first vice president of the Republic of South Sudan. All nationals are paramount to the reception of Dr. Machar which may later lead to the last agreeable peace in South Sudan.

It is time to celebrate interminable fruits of peace and we ought to continuously lament for our beloved mothers, sisters, fathers, professional and unprofessional army who lost their lives during the anticipated difficult time imposed on us by him and his leadership.

Centering all these pains onto ourselves, it is politically defined as prospect political achievements to salvage the lives of our anguish populations. Majority are crying day and night for the reason that South Sudanese lacks peace, stability whilst our lord’s messengers have prayed for peace, unity and last sorting chapter of national healing and reconciliation at all levels.

May his imminent will be the end of the endless situation in South Sudan; our political stand is the only mechanism to develop South Sudan as a Nation.

Your coming back in South Sudan is nationwide welcomed and accepted as the first time coming of Jesus Christ in South Sudan; they are so eager and dancing. Come help them out from poverty line, death caused by the simple diseases because of your absence, adjustment of internal policies and general administration, improvement of insecurity, rejoining schools by our innocent orphans and the entirely citizens.

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