By Buay Kandong Liem, Ethiopia

April 13, 2016 (SSB) —- Having gone through the reactions produced by the article I shared, The SPLM/A IO, a Stolen Movement, with some being dropped to me at privacy, I knew I had a task to respond to all. I had gathered though that it will be of much load to me and financially demanding responding to every individual’s comment dropped; so I want to do a one comprehensive reply to all based on the summaries I have gathered from those comments. Those who would like to hear a more personal reply than this have chance to let me know of their intentions in my private e-mail given here:
Were I to rewrite the article in question it would have looked much stronger than the first. Surely comments do mirror ambiguities in the work. I must have done injustices here and there, over reacted in some occasions, failed to elaborate or just can’t strike it enough in others ; more importantly of course, what was I advocating for in the article? I want to focus on the latter since it seems the common denominator for all.
I want to make this clear though from the onset that the whole attempt of mine wasn’t for recognition’s sake. Those with that in mind are misunderstanding me greatly and it is very unfair from them. The exact road where the man is heading need not be confused. What I thought I’d spent the most energy on to avoid was exactly what I received in return. The article wasn’t motivated by the want of recognition I want to repeat. Is that clear enough? Taking a man for what is not is a crime punishable by law for it amount to character defamation.
South Sudan suffers because its citizen do not speak heart to heart about the things that are real and do affect them. They like to pretend as if all things are fine. Destinies shouldn’t be taken for granted. You need to take this from me, our Movement is not going in the right direction. This needs not to alarm us. Relax and give time for those who have something in mind to say concerning what they have learned from the Movement’s odds. Who knows within the words they will speak out the redemption of South Sudan can be realized. Back once more to my defense, I am not the kind of person who can beg for what he himself has produced from his own fields through his own hard work. As I speak now I do have titles in this Movement like anyone else. Maybe I should have disclosed them so that I don’t appear as someone who wrote so that he can be noted.
Enough with that, three good years into the struggle would have provided enough time space for people to judge whether they are going accordingly as far as the objectives for which they had rebelled for in the first place are concern. My coming out was just a snap shot towards that direction. I am one among those that believe that evaluation has no timeout. It is a constant thing. Things are evaluated in contrast to the original set goals in mind. What was wrong with me trying to evaluate the current developments we are dealing with in close contrast to the original objectives we held guns for? Shouldn’t this have been the work that a real honest revolutionary person can do? I meant it to fight for real change in South Sudan when I declared myself a rebel since that very time in Nasir.
Those whose heads are occupied by that cheap peace going on in the country, the peace that retained a murderer the figure-face of a nation he had killed will not buy into this argument I know. Let them freely go back to Juba together with their leader Riek Machar under the very Kiir they know, the very Kiir who had wiped out the entire half of their tribesmen, for in the first place they have not joined the bush to change South Sudan’s disgraceful image. We will fight them all. Who knows the noises that they were making in Juba prior to December 15th which were the very reasons for Kiir’s irritations resulting to those violent actions he did, they must have been making those noises simply because they were removed from their comfortable seats they were occupying under Kiir. Now that a provision that promises them the restoration of their lost seats is made, they must go back to Juba the defiled city to occupy them once more. In vain had been the sacrifices of the Nuer youths with their move to make an accommodative peace with Kiir.
As for us who meant it, struggle is that an endeavor that is not left half way. Though it can take a thousand years to realize, it ought to be pursed. That is why it is called struggle. Kiir must go is the objective rooted deep inside my soul and there is no compromise in it. Any compromises would mean an outright betrayal of those we have put to death under the banners to remove the regime. I must fight Kiir to the last drop. Should this mean I died a rebel I must die…! I am praying that it will be a lifetime commitment I am humbly willing to take and accept through the length ascribed for this struggle I am committing my soul into. Anything that tries to alter that be it heaven or earth is a devil and I must not succumb to it.
That peace, promising as it appeals to many would not take away what has held South Sudan a cripple child since its birth. If the international community wishes well for South Sudanese and they are tired with the ongoing killings and the immense suffering of the poor South Sudanese, accountability must come first not additional years to Kiir’s Presidency. For those who want to know where I stand in all this, I am an anti-August peace deal. I am against any dealings that can be made with Kiir involve whatsoever the package. Whatever camp you wish to line me up with is totally your choice. For all I know, there is little hope for the August signed peace in South Sudan. Complications to its implementation will always meet us as we trail along its confusing paths. Jang Council of Elders designed it that way. All possible obstacles to the peace implementation have been masterfully calculated and will be employed by them one by one until everyone of us burns out and fuck it for a lack of better word (excuse my language).28 states is one of those masterfully calculated blockages to the August signed peace. Sadly Machar has surrendered to Kiir’s 28 states already.
Many are they that regard any move or idea contrary to the side of Machar as an attempt to divide the Nuers. Such thinking is prevalent among the Nuer and does annoy me a lot. People shouldn’t be held hostage and victims of this babbling reasoning any longer. People need to speak out their minds as honest as they are able to do. That is healthy in life. What is happening in South Sudan is a politics of greater scopes and depths than tribal assumptions and sympathies many hold. Those who don’t take it this way need orientation lessons. Nuer need not to be necessarily in one front to fight Kiir or Dinka as many of you will like it stated. As long as we agree in principles that Kiir is our problem we are allies. Machar’s supporters need to get this point straight. Different groups with a common enemy are friends and they supposed to collaborate not to fight each other’s. If we are able to form different blocks provided that they are effective in their own ways, we can at best divert Kiir’s focus. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Nuer fighting at different fronts. Sometimes I wonder with the logic majority of Nuers have. I have come to learn that the typical Nuer reads logic from an upside down position. Why should I be nullified while my objective is the same as that of the nullifier? Where is logic here guys?
The misleading belief that anyone who is not with Machar is a betrayal of Nuer needs to be rejected especially by us the intellectuals for it is not binding and dangerous to be sincere. If one can look just humbly enough one will arrive at the same conclusion many had arrived at long time ago: Machar doesn’t have a clear constructed salvation plan for the Nuer; trust me for that. Take it or not, Machar has failed. The Nuer must learn how to do without.
My decision to fight Kiir wasn’t triggered by the killings of the Nuers alone. I have other equally sad reasons to fight his roller-ship of the country. I would have fought him even if it was a different ethnic group that he had targeted for one. Kiir had abused South Sudan in the strictest sense of the word. He had enriched himself, his family and his tribesmen with public funds for he has no limitation to South Sudanese resources. The man grabs from public properties as he wishes; gives to any who he decides to give as he wishes; gets anything that money can buy in this world as he desires. The saddest of all, the man leads the country by designs given him by Jang Council of Elders. That was not the country I voted for at referendum.
The Movement I will dedicate my life on is not in existence as yet. Its birth has only been necessitated by the way things play themselves right now in the country. Those with great reservations on present developments in the country are its founders, its forces and its affiliates. You are a member of this newly would be Movement if you are among those who are not satisfied with the way things are in the nation as we speak now. Its members will have to come from the wider spectrum of South Sudan’s boundaries representing the true makeup of South Sudan. I realize many South Sudanese are tired of Kiir and Machar and their supporters and their likes but do not know how to get rid of them. Are you really tired of these heartless self-centered people but only doesn’t know how to rid of them? Let us identify ourselves. When we did, salvation of South Sudan will be sooner than we might predict. Show yourself. We can save South Sudan if we can just pull it tightly together. We are many and more than them by enlarge. We must stand and claim South Sudan back from the hands of its abusers. Rise salvation of South Sudan is at the corner. For how long should we go on suffering with the making of few individuals created in every way like our fashion?
If you are a change seeker, we are together. We need to know ourselves now and not tomorrow. Let us get in touch for Salvation of South Sudan is underway. FRONTIERS BLOCK FOR THE SALVATION OF SOUTH SUDAN….!!!
Buay Kandong Liem, one among Nasir Liberators in December 22, 2013; a discontented figure is reachable at . Kandong is now in Ethiopia visiting his young family after a long field stay.
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