PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

For how long shall we import food from neighboring countries?

By Machar Garang Mabior, Bor, Jonglei State

Your need food, seriously?

April 25, 2016 (SSB)  —-  South Sudan is a newly independence country  in 2011 with eight million plus population according to 2008 census, it had recently joint East African community and stood number six amongst  EAC countries, these are Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Buundi and Rwanda. South Sudan had got a vast fertile land compare with other countries but getting food from outside as if we do not have land and rains, in South Sudan there are parts that had not been used for farming since the creation, only small parts habituated.

Since 2005 South Sudan is transporting food from surrounding countries e.g. Uganda Sudan, Kenya and the rest of the countries, when shall we produce our own food? We can produce our own food when we improve on the following points. Farmer’s attitude,   it had been difficult for farming to commence as wanted, because most of the farmers are reluctant when coming to farming activities this is due to laziness coupled with lengthy time taken without farming practices. The only group doing the farming are the elders when you see a farm around the home state then definitely there is an elder person in that particular house hold. Most of the youth have not taken farming as a business.

Lack of improved seeds and tools contributed negatively to continue hunger; though some farmers wanted to do farming then again the issues tools and seeds are becoming difficult most of the seeds were lost during the war time. Socialization amongst others, in the South Sudanese’s societies you may find that people stays together that even though your brother or sisters can survive weather working or not working because the little the family has can feed all of us so long us we are related since tomorrow will be my turn.

Dependency, staying together as family regardless being above eighteen years is contributing negatively to our economy. Technology toward vegetables production, there are now individual who practices vegetables production along the  Rivers side, the only challenges to these farmers are technologies around crops /vegetables production, they couldn’t differentiate dry season nursery preparation from rainy season that calls for sunken beds during the dry season and raised bed during the rainy seasons.

Farmers to be supported with loans though there are potential farmers who are doing farming the issue of capital to expand farming as a business is challenging, when farmers are supported with loans they can increase their farming acreage for market which will certainly reduce the food import from neighboring countries. Training farmers will boost their production because training will make them to adapt modern way of farming e.g. timely planting, seeds preservation, land preparation, post harvest handling and storages improvement.

Adapting farmer field school (FFS) is a school without wall, it will relief farmers from classes training by facilitating training  in their fields it allows the farmers to  learn and take the knowledge and transfer it to their respected  farms and practice on their own. Agriculture expert to be close with farmers fields, extension services delivery to be extended to farmers since extension agents are change agents they will change farmers negative attitude to positive so that farmers does their work of farming.

Security to improve. Since the peace is signed then it will be up to each and every individual farmer to do his/her farming wherever he chooses. Roads, if most of the rural areas link with roads connection farmers will be able to produce crops with the hope that their crops will reach to the needy. Market; there is need for farmers to be guided on market oriented crops production, because market needs differed from one season to another according to season and needs.

Crops diversification, crops diversification will support farming allot because if a farmer plants more different crops that will compensate because when one crop is affected, the other one which is not affected will fill the gap. Mechanize Agriculture to be introduced, use of tractors will increase the land plough and that will also increased crops produced. Dry season vegetables farming integrated though there are vegetables produced during wet season then there is also need to continue vegetables production throughout the dry period to next rainy season so that the volume of production rose.

Water pan to be dug for more vegetables production, in support of dry season production there is need to dig water pan that will keep water when dry season come so that the water can be use for watering vegetable. Distribution of treadle pumps, treadles pump will be use by farmers to water their vegetables during the dry season. Treadle pump does not need fuel but only energy.

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