PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Ms. Ellen Margrethe Loej: Another Hilde Johnson inciting violence in South Sudan

5 min read

By Deng Malueth, Juba, South Sudan

Ellen Loej
Ellen Margrethe Loej is the Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)

May 7, 2016 (SSB)  —  South Sudan is a very unfortunate country in the world where ever foreigner has a say in its affairs. I have been listening to the news on the foreign agents media such as Miraya FM, Eye Radio and Bhakita Radio in the whole day of yesterday that is on 4th May, 2016 and their main heading news was  “ UNMISS do not recognize 28 states”. I asked myself is UNMISS the government of South Sudan? I read the Agreement that most people refer to as CPA two several times and I did not find any Article that gives UNMISS mandate to govern South Sudan, so where Ms. Ellen Loej derived her mandate to talk on administrative affairs of South Sudan? Ms. Ellen Loej assumes that the freedom that is given to them to air out any information as they wish without any restriction plus freedom of movement of their massive forces in Juba town every morning and evening is a recognition of their authority over South Sudan which is not true.

I want to inform our citizen that UN missions do not exit easily in any country they enter. They must try by all means to stay and to fulfil this requirement they have to incite/agitate problems among communities or political parties and examples are so many (DRC, Central Republic of Africa, etc.) Therefore, the first thing for our leaders to do is to put our house in order by implementing the signed peace in letter and spirit and get rid of UNMISS.

The Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni says and I quote:

“South Sudan can prevent foreigners for getting involved in its internal matters if the government ensures that there is peace in the country. You need to get foreigners out of your affairs. When your house is in chaos, all the neighbors turn up, when they hear you fighting with your wife and children; they become experts in your affairs. You need to get foreigners out of your country, the United Nations and all those fellows. I have never invited United Nations to Uganda. To invite United Nations into your country is vote – of – no- confidence in yourselves. Therefore, to get rid of the foreigners, bring peace to your country”.

This statement should be the focus of our leaders, please – please – please leaders put our house in order.

The humanitarian assistance UNMISS use to offer to the affected areas should not be used as an entrance gate into internal affairs. South Sudan is one of the countries bless with many natural resources and I believe if our leaders put their personal interests aside we can be able to move ahead and develop faster within a shorter period of time. The issue of 28 states is irreversible as one of twenty eights engineer member’s honorable Lawrence Korbandy, the Advisor to the President on Legal Affairs says. So any foreigner who do not recognize 28 states must exit the country, how can’t you work in a place which you do not recognize its system and structures.

I have been posting this question to whoever I know: why UNMISS wants to incite South Sudanese who are about to embrace peace after the return of Dr. Riek Machar, the First – Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan, but the reply I got from many people is that UNMISS has seen that the activities of its projects are coming to an end and it is their sole responsibility to make sure that they renew them by any cost since their projects are connected to bloodshed, displacement, refugees, fabrications of lies, sabotaging of government programs, incitement of people and fleeing of citizens to neighboring countries  and list is very long…..therefore, rejecting of 28 states is a clear signing of their new contracts on the expenses of the innocent South Sudanese who will take army against someone who wants to revoke 28 states with its  28 Governors, 588 State Legislative Members, 70 state advisors, 196 State Ministers and average of 560 County Commissioners and many other beneficiaries such as civil servants that were employed.

So Ms. Ellen from where you did you derive this power of which you want to dismantle all those structures and relieve all these working forces who have benefited from creation of 28 states? If you want to continue working in South Sudan then comply with Article 2 (7) of United Nations which says and I quote “the United Nations has no authority to intervene in matters which are within the domestic jurisdiction of any state” South Sudan like any other United Nations member state has a constitution which gives powers to its institutions (legislature, executive and judiciary) and therefore, the creation of 28 states was the mandate of these bodies.

So please I advise you to move your mouth out on our internal affairs otherwise you will follow your sister foot Ms. Hilde Johnson, South Sudanese are not your jewelry product which you can sell in any supermarket and earn an imaginary profit. Our leaders known what they are doing, they have now realized their mistakes and I think they are going to correct them forever and you will see within three or six months South Sudanese will be together as before. Our grand – grand – fathers taught us how to forgive, reconcile and unite, it is a matter of time and you will see.

Long Live South Sudan

Long Live South Sudanese People.

Deng Malueth and can be reached at

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