Comrade James Wani Igga: A South Sudanese Nationalist and an SPLM Patriot
By Dut Agostino Agei, Nairobi, Kenya

May 14, 2016 (SSB) — One thing all countries must agree on is that—Nelson Mandela of South African ANC was great and a good man—statement by former US Ambassador to United Nations Mrs. Samantha Power. Similarly I must say that in SPLM one thing that many South Sudanese must agree on is that James Wani Igga the second South Sudanese Vice President is good and a great man also. This is in the sense of patriotism. He has our nation South Sudan in heart. So why do several of us South Sudanese disputed the fact that in SPLM there are no nationalist a part from Dr. John. Quoting South African ANC President Nelson Mandela who once said it that– a real leader is the one who is ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of his people.
This is great to be read and to understand it implication. In political Science there are some qualities of leadership types that South Sudanese ordinary citizens like me would like to see with out periphery in our country. These are made of citizen leaders, democratic leaders and ordinary leaders system but let me say our Vice President demonstrate all these above and that is the standard my heart among other South Sudanese admired most in him. The principle of good governance made of true idea of being cool and collected are what made some one a great leader, you deserve special thank our dear Vice President Cde W. Igga.
In several democratic societies, a leader is somebody who denied himself/herself. This is by letting in several others first and being last almost in many occasions and eventually the accolade of being good to all— this is best summaries in famous South African anti apartheid leader word that clearly state it that – true leader should be modest , a shepherd of his people that stays behind the flocks letting the most nimble one go first a head and whereupon the other follow not realizing later that all along the were being directed from behind—and the way I like this statement personally.
In SPLM liberations years and during the independence, leading the people from behind has never been simple. This is to elaborate that being an ordinary citizen leader has never been as easy as such so to speak. Also in the whole of Africa the breach of state protocol of any body to lead from behind like any body else has and had never been an easy task. Seniorly, all needs to be in front otherwise sorriest not to that attainment any body can defects and that of course put the country into a lot different mood of being different people and factions the wars that are difficult to be solved by non other then international community. South Sudanese, there is no body that common people dare to call a leader. A leader must be a leader because of some extra ordinaries that are managed and to emerge as victories. Several peace agreement in South Sudan disservice commander James Wani Igga and the admiration come in with a lot of willingness for the sake of peace and freedom in South Sudan.
One of them was the comprehensive peace accord that was signed in Kenya. In several peace protocol Machakos one was complicated after all that was the whole issue of war in South Sudan.
In brief peace was not practical simply because there was no unity within SPLM as South Sudanese party. In Summary it was Dr. John to asked out James Wani in Yei leadership councils to give up his deputy position to bring in Machar hence allowed the uniform voices for Southerners to attain peace in South Sudan- in toto Igga – did that and peace was signed.
Interestingly the CPA two procedure between the SPLM and the SPLM-IO require the another sacrificing of his deputy position to allow the agreement of peace in South Sudan under the transitions durations of the national Unity. Also he did that with a lot of passions. All these attributions win him respect from every body—thank you very much Mr. VP. A man of people who in several times that can be asked to do diplomatic move for the sake peace in South Sudan and he accept honorably. Some body who can put first South Sudanese interest instead of his own—to me Igga is a great leader.
In medieval Sudan up to South Sudan leadership has never been for granted. This cause us a lot simply because everybody want to rule. I therefore petition our government not to encourage leaderships system a lot. Whenever someone opens SSTV, the televising events are made of the systems of leaders’ ships in South Sudan across the states and nationals government.
This therefore promote youth interest to participate in the country politics at very wrong time leaving out the other initiatives that would have fostered us fastest development. Should our government introduced national policies that are nationals with no body to do anything about them in term of any violations- within shortest time possible South Sudan can catch up with world in modern forms of development.
South Sudan is great, should we all embrace Laconic ideology by asking not –what the country can do for you instead of what you can do for your country just like Igga.’’ I here by wish our second VP. Cde James Wani Igga best lectures and great stay with diaspora South Sudanese tomorrow at Kenyatta conventions Conference Centre.
Dut Agostino Agei Dut study International Relations Specializing in Diplomacy and TV Broadcasting at American University and can be reach at
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