VP James Wani Igga: Nairobi Peace Rally is a Misplaced Priority
By Tito Awen Bol, Nairobi, Kenya

May 16, 2016 (SSB) —- Yes, every South Sudanese needs peace and reconciliation but not corruption by the name of the MIGHTY peace. In fact, anybody trying to loot the crippling economy under the pretext of peace should be considered by the right minded nationals as an individual advancing the war against the innocent citizens of our nation. While People are starving in the Country, how priority is the Nairobi Peace Rally or lecturing about unpopular East Africa Regional Integration?
The war which broke out in Juba on 15th December 2013 until the shaky peace was signed mysteriously in different locations (Addis Abba and Juba) in August 2015 has exposed our politicians to be far away from the interest of the nation but their own. This reminds me of the statement from Nhial Bol Aken who said “when SPLM is divided it kills us and when SPLM is united it loot us.” I paraphrasing state, our politicians are once again united against the state and the nation!
This statement from prominent journalist who was severally been imprisoned by Arabs in Khartoum while fighting for the right of South Sudanese in support of the party that turned against him is proven right by the following three scenarios:
- The very following week when The Government of National Unity (TGONU) was formed, each ministry slaughtered a bull or two to add the blood of the bulls to the blood of our people which they killed while struggling to get and to protect such ministries
- After the formation of TGONU, each minister including the first time ministers were busy seeking political attentions from their bosses and international community instead of planning for the ministries to save the sick nation through such ministries. I have seen and learned that our politicians mind only two things: their bosses and the international community, nothing like nationals because they think that citizens don’t know what is good or bad unlike their bosses and international community, that is hilarious; and
- Worse of all “the Nairobi Peace Rally.”
If someone has been following the latest local development at home, one can understand that people are currently starving and diseasing in Kapoeta East , Fangak, Aweil and across the Country including the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Awerial and Guolyar plus those thousands under Protection of Civilians (POCs) in Juba, Malakal, Bor and Bentiu.
Healthy minded South Sudanese were expecting three things after the formation of TGONU: First, SPLM factions including the SPLM-IO, SPLM-IG and SPLM-FDs plus Opposition Alliance to call a joint rally in Dr. Garang Mausoleum (Juba) and explain their plans on how they will save the nation from their unending political interest and curve the hunger and polarization which are embattling the nation.
Secondly, both members in the TGONU to go to the POCs and IDPs’ camps and do the same to sensitize them so as to restore their tainted hope on how they can be resettled and; Thirdly, they now think of going to South Sudanese outside the Country including those in the Refugees camps in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo.
Nairobi Peace Rally of yesterday (15/5/2016) left me shocked of how it was planned and agreed. War started in Juba, spread across South Sudan and TGONU was sworn-in in Juba not in Nairobi, if the common people in Juba still do not know what the peace is about and one think of rushing to go to Nairobi and lure the South Sudanese elites in Nairobi then where are we going. I feel it was just nothing but a plan of getting free tickets from the government so that individuals can visit their families in Nairobi as well as siphoning the little money into their pockets.
I intentionally refused to attend that function simply because there was nothing right about it though I am an advocate of peace. I feel that peace must begin at home and extended abroad but this tendency of overlooking our people at home will retrogress and continue to degenerate our future. The architects of Nairobi Peace Project or ‘’Rally’’ must feel guilty that the money they wasted would have saved the starving lives in the Country. There is no different between such people and the architects of division, discord and war in our Country.
Remember, since the formation of TGONU, not even SPLM-IG, SPLM-IO, SPLM-FDs or Oppositions Alliance ever thought of visiting the Protection of Civilians (POC) within Juba leave alone the far ends of the Country and someone think that Nairobi is nearer and strategic to hold rally than in the Country! Or are our politicians set to mobilize their Facebook propagandists in Nairobi?
My dear friends in Nairobi, our politicians have known us for two bad things which they use to advance their interests: Being the conmen among all other South Sudanese in East Africa and not separating between what is bad and what is good as long as it is done by your tribesmen and women.
To God and my Country, we must break the silence “we suffered in a dignified silence for so long!” statement of the icon and a teacher-Late Dr. John Garang (R.I.P).
Author is a South Sudanese and can be reached at: awenbol2007@yahoo.com
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