The question of political “satisfaction” in Jonglei State
By Yach Atiop Yach, Juba, South Sudan

May 16, 2016 (SSB) — Dear benevolent citizens of Jonglei State. Allow me to address the question of satisfaction starting from my own self and extended to your door-step. I will begin with asking you how well do you define how satisfied are you with all you want? Whether spiritual, political or economically? Well to refresh your memory, I will give you the definition of satisfaction universally or to the contiguous you would understand so that we derived our political definition of satisfaction.
My few of the very many definitions of satisfaction are with referencing to the first of it as happy or pleased feeling because of something that you did or something that happened to you. In light of the first definition, we Jonglei citizens are happy or please because of the historical facts that began in Jonglei with respect to how politics in South Sudan have started those days of uncle Abel Alier, substantial inspiration and lead by Dr. John Garang and now being implemented by our very own sons like Gen. Kuol Manyang, Michael Makuei, Deng Dau, Philip Thon and many other brave men you all know, aren’t we satisfied at the nation national level for producing such people the nation have no doubt in them as we do?
What else can we say we are not satisfied with in Jonglei State that we have not done? This has happened to us and we carry the flag if not flags of bragging and shown the face of fear to those who doubt these, please accept all we have done and explores what others won’t do.
The second definition of satisfaction is the act of providing what is needed or desired; the act of satisfying a need or desire. The prospect of providing what is needed is already a manifestation of adhering to the cause of leading and we in Jonglei State have done it without fear or favor. National calls are hundred (100%) met in Jonglei and that is being defined by desire, because we lead with example, When children were contributed to join the national army, SPLA. Our numbers were not in question and it has paid back to each family as of now having benefited with education everyone has and is hankering for, unfortunately for those families who have not seen the fruits of their children who joined the liberation days, we are still proud of their cause in their absence. Count them one by one and you will prove yourself if you are not satisfied by what you have done as a living citizen of Jonglei Sate.
The third definition of satisfaction is my favorite part of it as we are seemed not satisfied within ourselves as citizens of Jonglei State since the creation of 28 State. A result that deals with a problem or complaint in an acceptable way. If we believe that problems or complaints are acceptable, how do we lay down the ground rules for such grievances to achieve our desired satisfaction?
In my personal view, our current dissatisfaction in Jonglei State came as a result of our satisfaction as I alluded to in some section of this article. Because we nag a lot to all what we provides to outsiders, we seem to fail how we appreciate ourselves and it has surfaced under the current watch of Col. Philip Aguer who steer the nagging citizens in all aspect being it military, academia, religious, business and ladies’ beauty.
The current anguishes we soared in Jonglei is how we define satisfaction in ourselves, we are not satisfied enough with Philip Aguer to govern us as we were satisfied with him when he was the official spokesperson of the military, SPLA because he was not passing through each of us village or payam unlike he is currently doing.
Please this man was chosen by one part of Jonglei State with the view of unanimous acceptance which we all attested to, that it was done, but manipulation is normal as one manipulated him/herself in other ways round and this is politics which is not straight rather smooth, one has to take some N or U turns for those who drive cars no one approaches such turns with high speed, that is how we survived in politics but the lead must listen and remain impartial when there is dissatisfaction with but not to take one side all cost as we recently witnessed in MPs, cabinets and counties allotment. Some part of Jonglei State remain dejected despite many attempts to have their needs address while another part of the state got what they have demanded in the similar passion and need base. This is why I will nearly concludes this piece with the gospel or biblical quotes as said, “If you are given this earth to be yours”, what will you do with it?, Even if Jonglei is ours and we don’t know how to handle it, we will be like the huge South Sudan land space but we over crowed our settlements in small towns. We must deal with what we can and that is what will satisfy us not Philip Aguer.
How do we give back to the one who don’t do the wish of all who claims to be extremely educated but can’t find the equivalent of what one’s own? The problem or complains we have now can’t be satisfied unless we value our own satisfaction in our own families and clans.
We can’t be satisfied politically, when local government arrangements of chiefdoms elections can’t satisfy as it has clans’ disintegration or disunity in some of us in Jonglei State defunct counties. Therefore, I am in the view of restructuring our hearts so that we don’t “promise heaven and afford hell”. The notion of this phrase is that we give much nationally and forget to replicate within our system in our dear state.
Yach Atiop Yach is an Atlas Corps Alumni (USA) – Atlas Corps is an International Network of Nonprofit Leaders and Organizations, He holds Bachelor Degree of Business Administration (Accounting) from Kampala International University (KIU) – Uganda. You can reach him through his email: Yach Atiop Yach <>
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