Mr. Lino Lual’s depreciating morals and truth deficit need attenuation!
Do not take it personal!
By Sunday de John, Nairobi -Kenya

May 17, 2016 (SSB) — Excuse me, the political tantrums, hate, sadistic mindset and fickle personality are the characteristically few qualities that make what we wholesomely referred to as Lino Lual, a chef of the government that has guts to bite the hands that feed him. Lino Lual has magnified insignificant issue in the name of blackmail.
His interest to blackmail Makiir Gai and Santino Akot Abiem is grossly a portrayal of misconduct and bad-mouthing pursued by unperceptive master student of the University of Juba. Lino Lual’s flare-ups are fictional in character and his libels are meant to belittle the charming community leader-cum-businessman, seasoned militant-cum-politician and myself. Lino Lual is claiming to know what he doesn’t actually know.
Cataloguing Makiir Gai as a thief, Santino Akot Abiem as a murderer that had created inter-communal conflicts, all these libels chiefly in the media but not in the competent court of law attunes to the fact that Lual’s empty rhetorical façades are just mere denunciations meant to blackmail Makiir Gai and to solicit uncalled for publicity.
Hoodwinked by sense of dishonesty, Mr. Lino Lual construed my reaction to his then small talk in a manner that illustrates that his arrogance clad with ignorance were actually meant to meet certain parameters and principally a quest to get money from Makiir perhaps, but in a rather uncertain manner. It is upon this that rampant Lual should lessen his act of libeling others on counts of profile-raising and handouts.
This very Lual has allegedly referred to me as somebody bribed by Hon. Santino Akot Abiem and Makiir Gai to respond to him and that Makiir Gai has stolen leadership from his confederate that he barely named as Hon. Ludoviko Lual Aken a wise man when Makiir was unwise. If one could ask Lual as to whether his claim here was wise or not, what would he say? Would his complaint bear any significant weight?
These mourning-types of complaints aren’t reasonable especially from a person who purportedly claims to be commanding respect country-wide. This nagging gentleman is probably a latent psychopath trying to pop-up in a rather worse comportment. Having acknowledged the great heights of Makiir Gai and his philanthropic acts isn’t what amounts to bribes. Makiir command respect and deserves appreciation for a few but vital reasons.
I have keenly read about what Makiir aspires for and watch on the television what he was doing to South Sudanese and they were actually portraying patriotism. Makiir has proven to be champion of victims, that is why he took to your state food during hunger time, that is why he donated ambulances to your state, that is why he donated X-ray machines to your state, that is why he feeds and releases some inmates, that is why he pardons your empty accusations.
In fact I was moved by Makiir’s patriotic stance, commitment to a cause of South Sudan and therefore opted to write in his support. It is true that not very many businessmen can give back to the society. As a writer, I do not have to be bribed to write about issues afflicting the world.
I had written about issues such as natural disasters in Asia and too I had lengthily written very many articles in condemnation of terrorists acts, on world’s socio-political events, about issues affecting Europe and Americas, and locally extensively but no accusations were leveled against me, and specifically accusations related to bribes. It boggles my mind as to why I would be bribed to write on home issues. Is that how Lino does it? Writes when paid? If so, then that is quite shameful.
I am an aspiring writer that select my topics and write about them irrespective of the geographical location and it beats my understanding as to why I shouldn’t write about issues pertaining my country? Is it good to be ones mother’s writer? Is it a crime to write about my country? It is all about Apuk and Aguok, it is about South, the statement that I jumped over three states and write about Gokrial is misplaced and sheepish. I am not tribally oriented, I practice not nepotism, and therefore I ought not to write only about my home state. Intellectualism has no boundaries and so don’t be a limited intellectual.
Mr. Lual is perhaps a hater of Makiir Gai and Santino Akot Abiem on petty sectional feuds. Rightly, Makiir Gai’s deeds are what I revere and commend. I urge Hon. Santino Akot and Makiir Gai to uphold their morals and continue doing their best for the good of this country. They mustn’t be distracted by derisory articles of homeless boys of Lino Lual’s caliber.
The professionalism Lual claimed to be teaching me about is a fantasy of regressive socio-political dwarf. Lino has advanced his loose lips to the level of calling me a street boy, he even referred to me as red-eyed alcoholic yet he could even see from my conclusive remarks that I am a teetotaler. All these, I guess are meant to enhance the sense of bloviating just to please oneself and perhaps for prevention of the rotting of one’s mouth.
Lual should now know that a teetotaler is a person who practices teetotalism. I don’t drink, I have never tasted any hard drink. I take not alcohol, wine, spirit and what not but pure water. It is inevitable that Makiir should be always commended for his philanthropic activities. What he does to my fellow countrymen/countrywomen is extraordinarily great and therefore he should be always appreciated.
It is my wish that Lual’s depreciating morals and truth deficit be attenuated now before he could recalcitrantly enhance his lunacy. I hope this serves the day.
Till then, yours truly, Mr. Teetotaler!
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