PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Bridegroom in between harlots and thieves; the bride is wailing.

By Petero Kɔ̈ɔ̈r Bullen, Juba, South Sudan

dating and marriage

May 20, 2016 (SSB) — The perception between bride and the bridegrooms in regards to marriage is different in one and look the same in another; contentment and grief.  The bridegroom will be happy because he is going to own his darling likewise the bride, but when paying prides price and provides all the requirements for marriage, the bridegroom will be a little bit overshadow by disorder and depression but the bride have no that feeling, what she want is to have that man on time no matter what it cause him. The bridegroom will be anticipating to be getting his second half in the future and the bride will be preparing herself to glorify the coming of the most awaited one.

In my community, there is an old saying I always heard from elders that “A beast can’t attack a girl travelling her long way in search for a family (Man to marry)” even if she move in a jungle infested by leopards, lions, hyenas and even snakes, she will just travel without restraint; maybe God has put a covenant or a mark that is visible to beasts and snakes when he (Almighty) say a man and a woman will abandon their home of birth and unite to become one body, I quest it that way based on that saying.

One lady confirmed it in her song long time ago; may be forty years from now. When she shout out to escort her sentiment through song “The beast of Bor’s jungle seem like they are de-toothed, when I was traveling yawning in the forest to find a new life prepared to me by Duciɛ̈k” (The creator)”…an abstract from the song. She was crossing the bushes of Agumbe going to Anyidi were the love one hail.

The prostitutes are not ladies who are none selective when coming to sex; but I think they are people who have too much love of every one and nature, they show each person love and that could be the reason why people love them, they use everything accessible in our ecosystem to lure and fascinate you to what she wants, which mean they are aware of the beauties from the nature and they manipulate it to magnify their appeal; I think they are scientists in silence. For that matter, he is seen by bride as a disaster and threat to the holy command and laws that guide marriage and family, they snatch and divert away the love from their promising partners.

Thieves are said to be those who take willingly without authorization from the owner; they take eagerly what doesn’t belong to them, but they always protest and accuse the people of rushing to conclusion of defining them. They say, they are investors who take the idle properties or wealth and put them in to uses for public consumption. And they sides idle money, according to them; they take it and open a business to help reduce price in the market, investing them for building estate that will provides employment to neighborhoods and solves accommodation huddle in town hence minimized street hood. They take clothes and sell them at a giveaway price to enable the low income communities’ afford to dress up; this is their arguments, may be.

All those groups, the bridegroom, harlot, thieves and bride are the manifestation of existing political structures in any country, each and every fraction have an equivalent, in a country like what we have today, bridegroom seem to be the revolutionary party who work hard to establish a family, harlot or prostitutes are groups that comprise of political parties, militias who fight wars and cause havoc of no explanation, and thieves comprises of former revolutionaries who have forgot why they were fighting but desperately need jobs to enrich themselves not out-marking the international community with special interest.

The bride is a country waiting to be adore, decorated and build, but it seem the prostitutes and thieves have hijack and engulf  the bridegroom in the middle, and the bridegroom is  so weak to defense himself because he has allow the harlots and thieves to build up around him. The bride is wailing because the bridegroom will either contract HIV, love being taken away or his belonging will be stolen and will stay for long in the court in search for truth or he may end up being murdered.

He may never bypass any of those ill because he has money and power that make him decides to marry; and for his sympathy and wrong choice to welcome everyone, the packs have examine his biting capability and bring into being that the teeth are blunt to cause severe injury, hence may guarantee them to loot and take at will and threaten to defecate at his door step if he mention justice. The only therapy is to rescue him through justice and give supremacy to rule of law, if that is not done, then let prepares for a funeral and a man who will inherited the bride.

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