Life on the Lily’s leaf: South Sudanese diversities in transition from anguish, anticipation and despair
“Nhialic wäda duɔ̈në wuɔ mɛt wëi, aye awäny de kɔc rac, bom wuɔɔk Nhialic bom wuɔɔk në run ke rɛ̈ɛ̈c ku buk ya pïïr ne gɛ̈mdu Nhialic” an extract from Jiɛ̈ɛ̈ŋ Bor Hymnals book.
By Petero Kɔ̈ɔ̈r Bullen, Juba, South Sudan

May 23, 2016 (SSB) — Calamity isn’t a total grief, the winning opponents rejoice and the losing one wails. After an observations of an insect laying it eggs on the Lilli’s leaf, it is always a possibility, either it will rain heavily to watch the eggs away, should the leaf got matured and dry off while the eggs are not hatch or the river dry its bed and eggs find their fate. All the circumstances surrounding eggs can be determined by the fortune of a leaf. When the eggs hatch; they will use the leave as chow and start living on it or keep it as a shelter.
At a time where they are able to trail from one leaf to other, their life will also be determine by the state of wind; should it puff harder, they will fall off from the leaves into the water and die away, or end up being consume by water dwellers; when there is no wind, the name of the lord will be praise and they will move on until their stage end and come to the main land to start another stage of metamorphosis and life goes on until it matured to become adult insect, those who met their fate in; and on the process of transition from one stage to another will be forgone and the rest have the benefit of surviving.
Today still if you ask an old south Sudanese whose child has no place to study, no clean water to drink, no clinic, no roads and even no security; about the status and what is his opinion on South Sudan as a country, he will say am happy because our enemy “Arab” is gone. Which mean he was in severe agony when Arabs were still with us because of all those species of inequalities and oppression they did to our population; I think and I do believed; the only enemy told to all South Sudanese by SPLM (in its diversified names) is Arab. They are not told about Corruption, diseases, tribalism, hunger, crimes and many more as their enemies.
When SPLA/M emerge as a savior, the population move away from agony to hope until when Dr. john crash, there was still hope, people says though the leader is dead the vision is still alive, a lot of misbehavior started during the transitional period when the SPLM programs of development were thrown away and there was no development programs adapted and put in place, the V8 account by Author Akuien Chol was the focus for diverting public funds, no one was held answerable, follow by the disturbing Dura saga by Kuol Athian Mawien; still no one was held liable but hope continues and life goes on till independent. I accept as true that those guys were about to build Aweil as a paradise on Earth but they were misunderstood by their clients back home there and in Juba.
After sovereignty the government enter into what I later belief to be prowling, Army Generals building palaces in East Africa, and always the most blessed and intelligence ladies and gentlemen that always passes rigid test and interviews to go for scholarship are their sons, daughters and close relatives in addition to all sorts of lavish life their families live on outside the country. the population enter into another face of dejection, when the monetary jihad enter into the house of the president, when the domicile in the SPLM secretariat caught up in unknown blaze and burn down completely, follow by a residence in the president’s quarter.
The public raise the eye brows and ask over; why here and there? Something fishy in it, why the whole compound didn’t caught a blaze but single rooms? There was nothing reported as the cause of the two selective fire and the materials destroy there, People say may be the next target for this unfriendly fire is the parliament; God forbid, it didn’t happen.
When the government was under heat from burgeoning looters, the president decides to reorganize the government by reshuffling out all the cabinet except him and appoint new groups and a portion of the formers. The public was happy hoping that there will be change in services delivery, it was later not achieves when those reshuffle out start to see for the first time that the government is distorted and it need change. Those left in the government start to open their dictionaries and start to decide on vocabularies to be used in addressing their colleagues to show to them that they have start a new page, terms like disgruntle, Renegades, thieves, corrupt, betrayers and many more defending on their academics limit.
The disappointed faction threaten to call the public and address them; on what? The public saw it as a joke. Weeks later at 10:23 pm the gun roar at Gaeda the presidential (Tiger) barrack near Kor William. In the morning it take up again and the war swallow up the whole country, populace were push out of their habitat in Juba, Bor, Malakal and Bentiu to POC, others to IDPS Camp and more crossing to neighboring countries as refugees. The despair starts from then till now, no more hope for peace and stability in the country, the population was left in the torrent of desolation.
South Sudanese didn’t have a preference to hate and kills themselves, they were first subjected to brutal hunger to be hungry in order to make them more fuming and not expensive to be used and forced by those who first told them that Bourgeoisie are against the will of the people to liberty and prosperity in the then Sudan; not knowing today, they are the Bourgeoisie in the making. The widows and widowers are weeping, orphans with their chin on their knees while in tears and the old freedom fighters are on the street fighting another bitter warfare with alcohol to beat up invariable stress.
The transgression belong to them who devour without glancing back; though it has engulf all of us, we (Common people) are above suspicion for the fault, and we have reasons for pleading, “Nhialic wäda duɔ̈në wuɔ mɛt wëi, aye awäny de kɔc rac, bom wuɔɔk Nhialic bom wuɔɔk në run ke rɛ̈ɛ̈c ku buk ya pïïr në gɛ̈mdu Nhialic”.
Literally; “God our father, don’t lug us together, it’s a sin of the most wicked; embrace us firmly God, embrace us firmly during the years of wickedness, so as to lives by your acceptance”
You can reach the author via his email: Biar Bullen <>
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