The SPLM-IO should expedite the split and formation of a new opposition political party in South Sudan
By Gatluak Khot Keat, Juba, South Sudan

May 23, 2016 (SSB) — Recently on the 18th May, 2016, the media outlets reported that SPLM – IO broke the ice and hinted on a split and formation of a new political party. A move attributable to the failure of President Salva Kiir to willingly honor the implementation of the SPLM reunification as stipulated in the framework for Intra-SPLM dialogue document signed in Arusha – Tanzania.
Dissolved on the 16th October, 2015 was the SPLM leadership structures followed by the SPLM registration with the political parties’ council on the 13th January, 2016. Both events treated SPLM – IO leadership in isolation and undermined the Arusha agreement. Here reads a statement by Kiir subsequent to his party registration, ‘we came here as a political party to register our name so that nobody comes to take away the name of SPLM.’ The President also declared his interest to run for 2018 presidential poll as he secured a party ticket by maneuvering as the party chairman.
For God‘s sake, it is entirely wise for SPLM – IO to form a separate political party and elect or confirm their own chairman so that he also becomes the flag bearer. Unless that takes place, internal conflict within the same SPLM which leads to a repeated bloodbath will not end. Direct political confrontation in that case will make sense.
Notably, a number of people on social media got attracted and invariably reacted on the new developments. Almost every commenter supports the decision should it hold. It is under no substantial circumstance that anyone casts doubt on the preempted idea. The idea overwhelms people’s conscience and that they cannot wait to see it effective.
It is anything within reason that the historic SPLM is a governing party in the Republic of South Sudan despite the fact its splitting into splinter groups: SPLA/M United, SPLM DC, SPLA/M – IO, SPLM FD and SPLA/M – IG.
There has always been a wide spectrum of reasons which impedes any of the SPLM veterans to form their own political parties. Standing to reason is the fact that SPLM is the only party which stood firm and brought about the independence of South Sudan. The perception of the citizens if a potential challenger splits and forms his own party and the abandoning of the party legacy among others deprive our comrades from taking on the opposition.
However, it makes a lot of sense to form a parallel political party that challenges the dominating and ruling SPLM party. By so doing so, it creates a very conducive environment for a check and balance in the government. It serves a great deal of meaning to have a strong opposition political party that can form a coalition with another parties to gain ability and uproot the unwanted party.
In spite of the fear of uncertainty which remains imminent that the legacy of struggle engraved in SPLM will be lost, the liberation movement has lost vision and become too deformed to reform. Hence, the need to introduce a new political party that takes our beloved country on the democratic path.
South Sudan and its people is not like Uganda where a clique would imagine that they can manipulate citizens with the tendency of dictatorship and autocracy. It is a country which absolutely needs a dissent leader who comprehends both its ethnic and cultural diversity. A democratic leader in the right sense that can honestly serve and give back power to the people when his tenure ends. He who cannot depend on meddlers hither and thither.
We need not subject our country to animosities which in the end detrimental to our properties and annihilate human and other natural resources. Dr. John Garang built his own legacy and he will always remain in our indelible memories. What legacy does every citizen want to leave so as to be remembered like Dr. John Garang? That is a question every concern citizen will have at the back of their minds.
It is up to everyone to choose either destruction or construction and dictatorship or democracy as legacy. As citizens of the Republic of South Sudan, we do not have to limit our visions to the desire of individuals who cannot independently stand on their feet to build our great nation.
Desirably, multiparty system is the only tool to take into account in order to clear the mess clogging sustainable development in the country. Personally, I add my voice to the voices that started to support the split and formation of a separate party by the leadership of SPLM – IO. The would be created political party will stand a chance to strongly oppose the conduct of SPLM – IG and bear out the running of the TGoNU by the opposing parties; putting the cabinet ratio between the opposition parties and the SPLM – IG to 14:16 respectively.
Forever more shall reign Justice, Liberty and Prosperity.
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