PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Naming President Kiir a potential ICC candidate is an anti-peace slogan!

By Sunday de John, Nairobi, Kenya

President Kiir's speeches after independence
Salva Kiir Mayaardit: The Joshua of South Sudan. Grab your copy at

May 27, 2016 (SSB) — Hm! It is inevitable that South Sudanese are now experiencing peace. The very peace we have been yearning for is amidst. But that is to say, it is being experienced most in the cities and particularly in Juba.

However, peace needs to spread everywhere in the country and beyond. It needs right advocacy and civic education. South Sudanese need to be informed about the peace recently signed. Adequate information is a necessity now.

Despite people’s quest for peace, justice for all is necessary.  It is necessary so that real culprits aren’t omitted in the trial chambers should the oblivious happen.

This author wasn’t amused by the fact that some quarters are insinuating fictional figures of murdered people to might have been perpetrated by the President.

It is because of his humility that President Salva Kiir Mayardit has been considered a toy to be played with even by self-seeking individuals who are desperately fighting for their survival as they are being submerged by their own mess.

Recently, one South Sudanese, a self-exiled gentleman wrote an article on his blog that President Salva Kiir Mayardit was a potential International Criminal Court’s candidate.

He continued with his ridiculous writing that Presidents, Museveni, Mugabe, Kagame and even Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya are seasoned robbers of power.

That Museveni has robbed Kizza Besigye of power and too Kiir was doing the same to Dr. Riek. That sounds correct elsewhere but not for the case of South Sudan.

It is a common knowledge of the world that Dr. Riek has a long history of power robbery right from the time of Dr. JOHN GARANG DE MABIOR to as recently as 2013 when he almost robbed PRESIDENT SALVA KIIR of power.

Methinks, President Salva Kiir Mayardit has not robbed anyone, instead he was nearly robbed. He as well had not orchestrated any act of murdering.

He had killed nobody and as a dully elected President of the Republic of South Sudan and the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces he stood with South Sudanese against dark forces.

He hasn’t murdered civilians and the idea of presidential guards being implicated as the source of rebellion has no basis and shouldn’t be continuously enhanced as a point of contention that would create havoc.

For this reason, even the sanctioned Major General in the person of Marial Chanuong needs to be acquitting now for having committed not even a single criminal offence.

Negative forces should now cease so that South Sudanese could be given a window of opportunity to experience peace. It is indeed unwise to blame Kiir and even hold him responsible for a crime he hasn’t committed.

It is pathetic as to why one fallacious boy would pamper a murderer by acquitting him innocent and instead earmarks someone as indictable for crimes he had not committed. When will perpetrators of Bor massacre go to court? Bor massacre perpetrators need to face justice.

Would shedding tears in family functions wipe away the blood of innocent civilians murdered in their thousands? Would going to churches and begging for forgiveness cool the broken hearts of South Sudanese?

It is my firm believe that neither of the mentioned nicks can create the conducive environment South Sudanese want. The panacea is peace. It is peace that can heal our broken hearts. It is peace that can give chance for a possible reconciliation.

Naming President Salva Kiir Mayardit a potential ICC candidate doesn’t bring back our loved ones. Kiir isn’t guilty.  His innocence is apparent in that he has accepted to even reward a murderer with a position.

Nevertheless, covering up one’s wrong deeds in the name of bad governance doesn’t create conscious liberty. It doesn’t wash one clean for eating blood’s money. Blood money is bitter, it can even madden one to commit suicide.

This author is urging the writer in question to eat his blood money without creating unfavorable environment for himself. Those who get paid to murder others but when that fail, had opted to run to foreign lands with bribes aren’t clean. They aren’t pure. They are pending murderers and too deserve going to court.

If the writer in question could be asked to reveal the whereabouts of his friend, what would he say? Of course, he would mumble and therefore he must acknowledge that his hands are soaked in his friend’s blood and for that reason, must not touch anybody because he is himself unclean.

Please, South Sudanese want peace, give peace a chance. Stop writing rubbish. Accept the responsibility of your deceased friend and confess and seek forgiveness.

I hope this serves the day. Till then, yours truly, Mr. Teetotaler!

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