The great culture of our ancestors is the only pride of our national identity
Our great ancestors’ cultures are the only pride of our identity to become what we are in the eyes of the World
By Lino Lual Lual, Juba, South Sudan

May 30, 2016 (SSB) — It was very painful to every young people to talk about harms, but when we become a grown man, we understand that all bad and goods are universals not even human being alone but any living thing can later on experience the same just depend on how good one want to use his /her lifetime, But the question remain is, Was God pool to create all of us in different colors white and black? If not, why do our girls, young women and old women whose sons and daughters get married, other has grandsons and granddaughters bleaching their bodies with cream?
Sudanese and especially South Sudanese were known for their cultural brotherhood over the world, many people sharing food in one plat, drinking with one cup in the house, walking together, respects for elderly people, not to steal and etc. In fact, it’s widely seen here common with the big people’s wives, daughters in every occasions in juba. Does cream for skin bleaching need our parliament to debate or police to intervene?
The author thought it was just matter of time, we would have asks our national ministry of youth Sport and culture together with ministry of education science and technology to forms the experts teams to go and carried out proper research and write down all our cultures to be taught in primary and secondary schools that will also help school girls from joining the beauty of cream, if only female in South Sudan bleach their original black beauty just to become white, whose daughters will bears us good leaders of tomorrow? , The daughter is like the mother but what husbands in that house saying to his wife and his daughter? This is to be stop. It’s against our culture, we are not white of that kind, being husband and wife in the house is actually a collective responsibility and still there must be someone heading the house who leave those misbehave to happen. Is it a trader whose specifically develop their businesses in all types of creams only?
When government was initiated by move of women since in the guerrilla movement up to now has made sense to allocated for them [25] percentage in whatever activities in the country that why you see our women heading so many national ministries, parliaments and in the states government. But why are Pregnant Women smoking shisha and other misbehaving around? We wanted great women of those days who give birth to truth heroes and heroines, fathers, leaders of South Sudan, strong mothers like Mama Ayen Parek Machar married to one of the founder late Deng Nhial Maboch, a mother to beloved son commarde Nhial Deng Nhial and Mama Ghak Malual Kuol married to Mabior Atem Aruai, mother of an icon commarade Dr John Garang De Mabior the father of the people, just to mention few, we want those mothers legacy forward for better tomorrow leaders in south Sudan which mean only to be pure natural south Sudanese without any influence from any tribes background whether Mr. x or MS y can unite us because it is the common factor to all of us.
Let us also drop this crazy ideas that we must all be whit people and lets our children go to schools to have knowledge in the head than to be smart in appearance with nothing in mind, I often have the quoted the gospel of John [14 v 1-2] Says, do not worried and upset, Jesus told them. Believe in God and believe in me. There are many rooms in my father’s house, and am going to prepare a place for you. I would not tell you this if it was not true. I would like to thanks the few mothers including the author‘s mother that made it possible for this young generation to become this way.
One can’t deny the truth that marriages and other women misbehaviors in today are in trouble, because Juba city is leading other states in divorces which are climbing much faster than marriages. A group of church leaders and women leaders must have met to discuss what some people refer as a dying institutions, some parents even abandon their young children to go on streets. Today, the traditional marriage as family unit system which was left to us by our ancestors is now constantly under pressure because old values have changed and the permanence of marriage can no longer be taken for granted.
The discussion identified several factors explaining why women remain so under-represented in local politics although in socio-cultural norms that do not value women’s role in public life. Women have right on how they want used their bodies on legal access to oral contraceptives gave women control over the timing of childbearing. Political participation of women in the mother mainstream (SPLM) and government is in need to promote democracy within political parties. It is essential that political parties reform their policies to ensure gender balanced access to internal positions as well as on nomination lists.
Are there any mechanisms made or good practices from those current women leaders that will encourage the appointment of women in the future? Observations made outlined the during the four main types of strategies that encourage the appointing of more women in local politics only, increasingly the visibility of strong role models, creating collaborative support networks, implementing training and capacity building programs for women developing stronger legal frameworks and ensuring that responsibility for gender equality is shared between men and women.
The author is a master of strategic studies at Centre for Peace and Development Studies University of Juba, He can be reach via
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