Servant as a leader: Hon. Makiir Gai is not the leader of Aguok Kuei community
How many times have Aguok Kuei community leadership been affirm on Makiir Gai as community leader, Mr. Sunday?
By Lino Lual Lual, Juba, South Sudan

May 31, 2016 (SSB) — All of you, except Mr. Sunday de John, might have been aware about what had seriously going on in Aguok Kuei community leadership since in the fourth 4th conference Dec/27-29 2014. Which left so many things unclear over the community leadership and on the community nominated son to be the next community leader, Hon. Ludoviko Lual Aken of Aguok-Chiek of Gogrial payam after Makiir Gai’s cousin and former commissioner of Gogrial West County, Cde Aciec Kuot Kuot (Marialawet). Another gossipy, unknown-nominated Makiir Gai Thiep of (Aguokdit) Alek South payam where the former leadership which supposed to be only two years had gone to almost eight (8) years with Makiir as he was finance secretary.
How, nonsense are Mr. Sunday depending points against his pop, Makiir Gai and his uncle, Akot Abiem be but he won’t say he don, ever read how much are my articles most especially when it comes to disturbances. He Sunday who share name with Sunday my female friend does not know our integrity in Aguok community and he cannot make us lose all what we want to achieve in the alter of his greediness of food. What Mr. Sunday de John Know only is to give money value and respect money more than any other but Sunday is dealing with Lino Lual, anti un necessary gifts and money resistance. Sunday should remember that the man who always swallow born get bloody anus, I don’t know how long will this life of interfering in privacy affairs take Sunday in this kind of treble movement in South Sudan.
I would like to tell my brother from Yirol, Mr. Sunday that, I Lino Lual Lual here have come to have known him as commercial writer who write to get hand back to eat no matter true or false. Sunday ‘s pop Makiir Gai has never deliver any food items to either Aguok community nor former Warrap state community in previous years.
What we all know is in 1997 known as famine and drought which result in hunger in greater Bar el gazelle region and before that year in 1994.Makiir Gai himself join Mangook Kerubino Kuanyin Bol in Gogrial and he was rank of 1st Lt. Makiir Gai duties were to sale a way the civilian looted properties from outside villages near Gogrial town where he (Makiir) took huge number of cows to Wau where he sold them and run away with Mangook Kerubino Kuanyin ‘s money to outside Wau to form his own business of cooking larco in Mayen Rual market in the same year, Some of Makiir Gai parents dies on the way going to Khartoum for your information.
I beg all of you to hold on for five minutes in honored of our great veteran and hero late Maj Gen Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, may his soul rest in eternal peace.
Kerubino Kuanyin Bol was a flamboyant, trigger-happy southern Sudanese soldier best remembered for supposedly firing the first rebellious shot when the imposition of Islamic Sharia law in September 1983 triggered a second round of civil warfare in the undeveloped, largely animist and Christian southern regions of the Republic of Sudan. Kerubino was born into a simple Dinka family of mixed farmers in Twic County in Bahr al Ghazal province in 1948 – along with many Africans of those times, his exact date of birth is not recalled – during the uncertain closing years of the Anglo-Egyptian condominium. Kerubino attended a Roman Catholic mission primary school and passed on to the intermediate level. Those were anxious days for bright young men such as him who worried what the future might bring. That Sudan was to be the first of the new independent nations of Africa meant less to him than the imminent re imposition of Arab and Islamic influence – even dominance – in his region which he had been conditioned to dread. Despite talk of federation, in 1955, the year preceding national independence, a battalion of southern soldiery mutinied and the era of civil conflict was born. Along with many of his age, Kerubino at once abandoned formal education to enlist with the rebel southerners – the Anya Nya – and fight for the independence of southern Sudan. Kerubino, as a lieutenant-colonel, complete with a shooting stick with a silver handle, was soon prominent as an SPLA field commander. In 1986, after the overthrow of President Gaafer Mohamed Nimieri, another attempt to bring peace took place, this time at one of the former emperor Haile Selassie’s old residences at Koka Dam, Ethiopia. Along with Awad El Karim Mohamed, Secretary-General of the National Alliance of the Sudan, Kerubino countersigned the declaration as “deputy commander-in-chief SPLA and deputy chairman SPLM provisional executive committee”.
A lasting settlement proved elusive and, in 1987, Kerubino led SPLA forces north and succeeded in capturing a string of towns in Blue Nile Province. Deceived by the ease by which he had defeated government forces, he aspired, it is believed, to seize the SPLM leadership by ousting Garang, but his conspiracy was betrayed: he was arrested and spent six uncomfortable years in a necessarily itinerant guerrilla prison. By 1992, when he managed to escape, serious divisions had developed within the SPLA and Kerubino decided to throw in his lot with a group of renegades who co-operated with a Peace from Within initiative sponsored by the Sudanese government. In January 1998, forces under Kerubino’s command briefly seized Wau, the main town in Bahr al Ghazal, on the strength of which, ever impulsive and governed by whims, he promptly applied to rejoin the SPLA. His decision was welcomed by Garang, but he was attached to headquarters rather than being given a top field appointment.
He wrote an order letter to Salva Mathok Gengdit asks him to arrest Makiir Gai in hand cap and transport him to his designated for allegedly running away with money Mr. Sunday. But Mathokdit did not in other reason. What if Gen, Salva Mathokdit agreed to arrest Makiir and transport him to Kerubino? Hopefully, it would have been a different thing by now because of Makiir greediness to eat what not belong to him? Though, the man secretly detects to be abusing one big image somewhere by abandoning his true name(Makiir) and start posing people to call him (Kiirdit), he sometimes said he is twin with? Sunday said that Makiir Gai recently deliver food items to Aguok is white lair because what has happened in Chinese food aid which was donate by Republic of China to vulnerable people of Gogrial state should not remain everlasting secret to public Mr. Sunday. Both Makiir and Akot Abiem are my community members but they lack single quality of leadership, Akot Abiem being deputy governor in Gogrial state is questionable by people of Gogrial state Mr. president, Makiir Gai his rich are questionable too. What is he selling? Where are his shops? Where are his hotels? Or Dollars in black market because Makiir children are like their father. They do not go to school. They love money more than their father (makiir) and their mothers.
Those guys are gossipers and troubles makers, such kinds of Akot Abiem who paid Sunday de John from Yirol to attack my personality and insults people of Gogrial state and Aguok Kuei community as poor hungry people cannot be a leader unless one paid his money to buy respect and loyalty from just those who hear by their stomach as they were saying. Do not mind Sunday if you are doubting me about Makiir and Akot just go and see their messes by yourselves in respective places. H E Salva Kiir Mayardit will makes sure that he will remove out unnecessary red tape in Gogrial state government so that we celebrate the statehood. Sunday should know that Makiir Gai has never done any things to people of Gogrial state nor Aguok community, probably the more Makiir is given (LC) the more he married a new wife and create unnecessary travelled to go and enjoy the remaining balance without fulfilling all what he was told to do for innocent people. I ask Mr. Sunday several times to stop responding anyhow and indicate for me and the public the evidence shows that Makiir deliver food to Aguok community, where and when? Sunday continues to say that I am homeless of which I don’t think so, this is manners why I call Sunday poorly brought up boy or bastard. How can a big grown up man with wife and child be homeless? Sunday is eating from Makiir Gai and Akot Abiem in zero work, so am appealing to my community members Makiir and Akot Abiem to kindly accept my request to change this incompetence weak dependent with the qualified strong man who can depend with truth articulated points rather than that of Sunday boring my almighty readers of the day.
Briefly, after the Aguok Kuei leadership was escaping an attempt grab from the hands of dealers on 28/Dec/2014 which outcome to it suspension due to the fatherly call made by the president of the Republic to Hon, Nyandeng Malek, former governor of then Warrap state, the governor order Makuc Aru, former commissioner of Gogrial West county to stop the conference after second day. The orders from Hon; Nyandeng Malek says, without better understanding between two sectional communities known as (Aguokdit) and (Aguok-Chiek) then their leadership should be suspended till further notices. Immediately after receiving the note by the sons and daughters of the above community, the (15) members from each of four payams (60 members) were nominated. Gogrial payam, Alek West payam, Alek North payam and Alek South payam to go and discus the differences in community where also, (5) high committee were selected a part from secretary and they were headed by paramount chief sultan 1 Edward Nyang Kuel, 2 deputy chairman, sultan Ayom Wek, Ex, director Deng Malual secretary,3 Bol Deng Mawien member,4 Mayar Kuech Mayar member,5 Akot Maror Kuek member. All have sat in the county (hqtr) and came out with solutions agreed that the community leadership will be rotate in four payams as started first with Gogrial payam and follow by other payam.
Soon after the high committee together with a former commissioner Makuc Aru read out the resolutions indicating that the community leadership is given to Hon, Ludoviko Lual Aken of Gogrial payam, members from the businessman(Makiir) side came to Hon, Ludoviko to tell him congratulations (maburuk). And in the following day as Aguok community was joyful waiting for official announcement of their leadership from the state own 99Fm radio in Kuajok, the same high profile members who came to say (Maburuk) to Ludoviko Lualdit, immediately start creating threaten presence situation and rush back to both governor and commissioner and said if this leadership is announce given to Hon, Ludoviko, then supporters of businessman Makiir Gai will fight a seriously. So what governor did was to stop all Aguok community activities, this was how Aguok community got suspended till it was recently in Jan/2016 when the former commissioner of Gogrial west county Mr. Kuanyin Kuanyin first made himself to be Acting chairman of community and later move in and appointed Makiir Gai chairman as political position according to his congratulatory message display by SSTV in Juba.
Even if there were illegal practice of Makiir and his friends using suspended Aguok community properties as it was usual, then still Makiir could not have space to act on behalf of community leadership because community nominates person was Hon, Ludoviko Lual Aken. As community leadership is a process conducted by community elders and members to exercise their best expectation to choose who is their leader not creating more jobs either income or infrastructure for governor, deputy governor and forged tycoon, only help community to become fundamentally better able to manage change. We discussed earlier the concept of community as a group of people with a shared identity. Hence, community relies on interaction between people and joint action rather than individual activity what some of my friends call collective agency. It is the promoting peace within the society meaning the things people value not just South Sudanese pounds or dollars. Sometimes economic and social pressures threaten to break up the links between people to undertake new activities and create new more diverse releasing new energy and resources. If so, how can this kind of a double-dealing and unkind with the bad record become right one person to claim leadership? This is an attempt to explain why and to suggest how Mr. Sunday is fading for his two friends, Akot Abiem and Makiir Gai. Since I was telling my brother Sunday de John in my pervious articles that he should stop exposing out his two friend’s weakness indirect way by responding me on this issue.
One cannot interact with and build his live strength in believed of primitives than him to do it with a living wise one in that particular community if Sunday de wish to join Aguok Kuei community. What direction will Gogrial state head under this influence leadership of Makiir Gai, another hiding behind governor of Gogrial state and Akot Abiem as deputy governor? Much depends on whether those who spilt up the peaceful coexistence of beloved community and abuse the presidential decree on the appointing state powers will come to grips with the age-old problem of how to live in a human civilization, Because, most of Makiir Gai and Akot Abiem seek their personal fulfillment by making all hard choices, it all depends on what kind of hand back of it not for the peoples.
There is the guess that since the effort to alteration existing institutions has not brought instant perfection in Gogrial state, the remedy is to end them completely so that fresh new perfect ones can grow. Not much thought seems to be given to the problems of where the new seed will come from or who the gardener to tend them will be. The concept of having no servant-leader stands in sharp contrast to this kind of thinking. The normal willingly and freedom of exercising in participation are effectively denied by Akot Abiem, Sunday de John and Makiir Gai when people asks of it. No much changes can happen in Gogrial state nor Aguok and Apuk communal conflict than only unclean politics of Akot Abiem and Makiir Gai trade which will not solve anything but later result into something else. The person who would be better at this time in Aguok Kuei community leadership is the person with the ability to contribute something of great value to the community and South Sudan at large not those who kill for their interests.
The author is a master of strategic studies at Centre for Peace and Development Studies University of Juba, He can be reached via
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