Weeps the Pomegranate Tree
By Riak Marial Riak, Yei, South Sudan
And he moved down the descending
Seeing his small shadow diminishing
Running so quick down the pomegranate
Which had grown on a blue hill
His mouth was soft
For the kiss he had given the leaves
Was like blissful lips of Angelica
Some distanced drums came salient
Although the river was resilient
The wind passing there still roars
And that was his love of same tree
When the young boy kissed his dead
The affection for kissing the leaves grow
Still raves of the yellow buds blows with
the wind
And they sleep in day time
Fearing the light to strike their windows
But when they sleep there is no fear
Dark nights descend
Our dark ancestors pinned their ears
against the walls
To hear our lies
That we kiss in dark nights
And sleep in day light
Fearing the punishment of lights
When he was down the tree
His shadow grew bigger
That was in the same shape with rusts
grown in Juba
Beside the dingy roads of Juba moths stood
in waiting
At last he saw his dead brother
His head hung on the flying bud of the
pomegranate tree
His single eye glances and saw a red sea
drawn in colours
And decided he should move to Juba
To sleep on the streets of the sunny city
Where children kiss their mothers in
yellow room
Where they sleep in day lights
Where dark nights roar
And the bell rang and beaten to clays
Beside the streets of Juba a column of
smokes billowed
A pomegranate tree bends to pray for its
The wetness of the day lights
The hotness of the sun-city
Became malady to the buds of the
pomegranate tree
~Riak Marial Riak@2016