Appointment of Commission members revoked in Jonglei state
By Mach Samuel Peter, Bor, Jonglei state

June 9, 2016 (SSB) — The Governor of Jonglei state Col. Philip Aguer Panyang revoked Thursday the appointment of Mr. John Wuoi Chuit and Agok Manyang Agok of Jonglei state Employees and Investment commissions respectively.
In the state decree no: 11/2016 issued on Wednesday June, 8th, 2016 came into force upon its signature same day by the governor of Jonglei state.
Governor Philip exercised the powers conferred upon him by the republican order No. 36/2015 and No. 126/2015 for the creation of 28th new states in the Republic of South Sudan replacing the former defunct states and for the appointment of 28th governors to the newly created states respectively.
On Friday, April 15th, 2016 Jonglei state governor Philip Aguer issue state decree for appointing Mr. John wuoi Chuit as a member of employees justice commission and Agook Manyang Agook as a member of Jonglei state investment commission.
Governor Aguer has appointed Mr. John Madit Abui Kuek as a new member of employee’s Justice Commission replacing Mr. John Wuoi Chuit.
In the same state decree no. 12/2016 governor Aguer appointed Mr. Khor Panchol Khor as a new member of Investment commission replacing Mr. Agok Manyang Agok.
The state decree did not explain why the two members of employee’s Justice and Jonglei state Investment commissions were revoked. The maturity period for state decrees is always 6 months but the members of commissions have been in office for one and half months.
There are speculations that both Mr. John Wuoi Chuit and Agok Manyang Agok will be appointed commissioners of various counties recently created in Jonglei state.
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