South Sudan: An ailing republic in need of revolution, but not rebellion
“Revolution is defined by the acts of the revolutionist because these very acts, reflects the ideology – that may determine the claims of the revolution.”
By John Sunday Martin, Jungle, South Sudan

June 11, 2016 (SSB) —- South Sudan has remarkable history of rebellion – against her former colonial powers, as well her own local authorities or political structures. But all these series of rebellion never yield any results that south Sudanese as a nation is benefiting until now. Thus rebellions spirits seem to be alive in the minds, and hearts of almost every south Sudanese – yet nothing like revolution seem to be taking its’ cause – for bringing desired national changes – to enhance human happiness – that can bring an end to the ideal of rebellion that seem to be sustaining in our nation – whenever there is political disagreements, and unhappiness with Governance systems.
Today, with our contemporary politics and economic crisis, we intend to take rebellion as means for addressing our grievances against any authority, or national political structures. However, to our national misfortunate, the very rebellion we opts as means to resolves our problems, has always failed to address our national problems, than simple fulfillment of individual ambitions for power, and positions.
To understand why rebellion has failed us several times, first we need to look at the definition of rebellion as well its’ origin, then reason whether we need rebellion as a nation, or not. Rebellion can be defined as a systematic revolt against certain powers (authority) by individual or group for some interests that aim to replace the (authority) power by some authority, or power. In regard to the above definition, one is convinced that, rebellion is all about power struggle to control than to change undesired systems of governance or leadership – thus even when rebels takes over the control of even small towns (areas), they don’t bring that desired changes in these areas than continue manipulation of powers for sustainability of they (rebels’ authority) at the cost of the popular will, and interests.
Rebellion is indeed originated by certain evil spirit of corruptions and desire for power control than change of undesired systems that may be contradicting the popular will, and interests and this can be traced from biblical epoch from the books of Isaiah 14:12-15 that said. “Then the evil spirit enter into him so he said, I will build my Kingdom above the kingdom of God;” and 1 Samuel 15:23 which says, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king”.
The two passages clearly indicates that, rebellion is all about power control that aims to replace individuals in power position with individuals of some characters – some characters that can either be “good” or “bad” – but all depending on the purpose of rebellion and individuals behind the rebellion – when taken into an account the statement that said, “I will build my kingdom above that of God.” Since that first rebellion that started with rebellion of Angels against their own creator (God) that resulted in great struggle in Heaven between “good forces” and “bad forces,” or “the forces of God and the forces of evil” resulted in continues spirits of rebellions in human society as human seem to have adopted rebellion as a key for self-determinations and freedom from leadership of some kinds that they may not be pleasing with.
While in Africa; rebellion cannot be attributed to the spirit of rebellion that human adopted from “fallen angels under the command of Lucifer” during that great rebellion that took place in heaven – by some angels against God, but as simple influence of colonial powers on Africans. We African are forced to adopt rebellion as key for regime changes by our former colonial powers, “the Europeans.” Believe me or not, the the inspiration of the spirits of rebellion in Africa is indirect making of the former colonial powers – when they refused to give us Africans our freedom, we were left without any options than to adopt to rebellions against them that led to our independence, hence, spirit of rebellion remains since then active amongst Africans since rebellion became perceived as key for regime change, or instrument of attaining human freedom from any threats and wants imposed by any political systems, structures and leadership.
The ideal of rebellion is all about regime change – which is inspiration of strong desire of mankind to be free from any threats and wants; and referring to Europeans as inspirers of rebellion in Africa, it is on the bases of era of colonization of Africa by the Europeans, as well era of Africans struggle for their independence from the colonial powers (Europeans). The colonial powers when came to Africa, they made Africans believe that, they are here to help and build the capacity of Africans to prosper, and to stand on its own feet in union with them Europeans.
The good gesture that African leaders gave the colonial powers by then by welcoming them, the colonial powers turns to suppress, oppress and loot Africans for their own colonial powers’ benefits. At the time when Africans started to demand for their freedom from these threats of suppression, oppressions and servitudes caused upon them by their colonial powers; they, the colonial powers refused to give Africans their freedom in peaceful manner, and started to uses powers to torture, dictate and even execute the peaceful and unarmed African freedom fighters.
The colonial powers could not peaceful grant Africans their freedom until Africans has to adapt to rebellion as a means to attain their freedom. Hence the freedom of Africans or the independence of African from colonial power was never free and in peaceful manners, but through forceful means in form of rebellion. It was through rebellions, most African nations gained their independence from the colonial powers. Enhance Africans even after attaining their independence, still believes in rebellion as key for regime change in situation where regimes is not democratically, and fails to address the need of her citizens.
The other attributes of colonial power that has left negative effects in Africa are the spirit of political suppression, oppressions and dictatorship that are inspiring rebellions in Africa. Today, most African leaders are accused of political oppressions and suppression of their opponents, African leaders are accused of dictatorship and use of power to sustains themselves in power; today, African leaders are accused of corruptions and looting their nations to enrich themselves as individual leaders leaving the vast population in poverty – with no basic social services. But then, where does the spirits of political suppression or oppression, dictatorship, corruptions and looting of the nations in the most African leaders comes from? Is unanswered questions that makes still most of us to wonder.
Today, African leaders are so contrast from their counterparties in West because of their heartlessness for the sufferings of their people, but then why? Is a still unanswered question in the mind of most Africans today; you may agree, or disagree with me, the gospel truth is that, the evil spirits in the African leaders that is resulting in political suppression or oppression, dictatorship, discriminations, political intolerance, corruptions and looting of the national resources are simple what African leadership inherited from the colonial powers. These behaviors or characters of Africans leaders are not difference from the behaviors or characters of the former Africa’s colonial powers.
The manner in which African political leaders are behaviors of political suppression and oppression, dictatorship and corruption as well use of uses to sustain themselves on powers are the same manners that former colonial powers used to sustain themselves in Africa and to enrich themselves during colonial eras that resulted in unhappiness of Africans with colonial powers, and caused African rebellions against the colonial powers decades ago – which led to Africans’ independence from Europeans.
Bring these scenarios bring it down to the case of south Sudan, rebellion and bad political leadership becoming real problems because:-
1.) Rebellion has been active amongst the South Sudanese both prior, and post-colonial eras against various dark powers, and the most remarkable are the Any-anya 1 and the SPLM rebellion that led strong foundations for the independence of South Sudan; and
2.) As we all know that, there is no rebellion without any cause and in this case, the rebellion spirits that has taken deep roots in the hearts and minds of many south Sudanese is the results of bad political leadership that south Sudanese leaders seem to have inherited from their former colonial powers – who still influences them today in the country’s national political affairs.
The activeness of rebellion in the history of South Sudan means sufferings is active too, because whenever rebellion takes places in certain society, people suffers indiscriminative, from its’ effects. History of rebellion in south Sudan is very clear, unfortunately, there has never been any desired changes seen or brought in South Sudan as may have demanded by any rebellion, than simple satisfactions of ambitions for power and economy; that is replacement of a certain powers by the powers of the some characteristics – that continue to lend us as a nation into rebellions – that has caused people from different part of the World to look at south Sudanese as people possessed with the spirit of rebellions against their own authorities.
De facto, the first rebellion that ended with Addis Ababa Agreement in 1972, and the second agreement that ended by Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005 and in between these two mega agreements or after, we have numbers of agreements between rebels and Governments, but all these agreements that ends each rebellions in South Sudan never brought about the desired changes, than simple fulfillment of power and economic ambitions of some few individuals, or political elites.
The Anya Anya 1 took up arms against the Khartoum but then when the leaders are given opportunity to govern South Sudan, the failed and this resulted in KOKORA. SPLA/M took up arms in claim for the liberation of Sudan and emancipation of south Sudanese in the National political system; it ends up in marginalization, discrimination of other tribes as well tribalism, more so looting the resources of the south Sudan for the enrichment of the individual political leaders. Of course apart from the two main rebel movements mentioned above, we had many other rebel movements that have ever existed in south Sudan, but by the very end, they end up on tribal lines, and satisfaction of the individual leadership ambitions for power positions as well economic freedom.
This made rebellion to be taken as establishment of individuals, or group of politicians with backing of few armed officers for targeting few individual, or group in power with objective of replacing them (those in power positions) with some individuals, or group starving for power positions. Hence, rebellion has indeed nothing to do with the national agenda than fulfillment of the individual politicians ambitions for power and riches – thus even when the so called rebel leaders take control of the government as SPLM did, or reached peaceful agreement like many other rebels did in south Sudan, they end up forgetting the popular wills and interests of the people that they once claims to be struggling for. Most surprising even to their local and international supporters, they ends up as worse enemy of people’s wills and interests as well against democracy for a reason of sustaining themselves in power control for the satisfactoriness of their selfish ambitions.
Indeed, the series of rebellions south Sudan has faced came with great witnesses of:-
a.) How rebellion has been destructive to our national resources in terms of lives, natural resources as well economy,
b.) How the rebel has become so destructive, and committed great atrocities against innocent souls.
c.) How the rebels acted in the same manners as the governments in policies and practices that it claims to be against.
Looking at the above three points of what we have witnessed as a nation through the series of rebellions in south Sudan, one is convinced without any reasonable doubts that, rebellion is not about changes of systems that may be affecting the nation, but struggle for power controls for some specific group or individual wills and interests on the expenses of the national peace, instability, security and economy.
Look at all these events on the bases of our national experiences of rebellions, one must be convinced that, south Sudan as a nation never needs any more rebellions because rebellion is never solutions for our contemporary socio-political crisis. South Sudan doesn’t need rebellion, but revolutions if we have to change the undesired systems of governance that is affecting us whole as a nation. It is true that we are not happy as a nation with our contemporary political systems and leadership, and therefore, we need changes in the systems of governance, as well of leadership. However, changes in the systems of governance or changes of political leadership cannot be through rebellion, but through national revolution.
We need revolution than rebellion because rebellion is an act of revolting against certain powers in demand of replacing these powers with another – thus rebellion is all about power struggle to control than to change the system that are affecting the people and nation – thus even when rebels are given opportunity to administer nation like SPLM/A was given, they normal fails to bring the desired national changes than simple infliction of more sufferings on innocents citizens. While revolution is systematic acts for socio-political changes through popular powers of the people in a will of protecting the popular wills and interests against certain systems of structures – thus revolution is about changes of the systems so as to control individuals in power positions from misusing their powers and positions for the fulfillment of their selfish ambitions.
Revolutionists are “Patriotic citizens” and “Heroes of the present and future generation” because it is revolution, the foundation of freedom, democracy, justice and sustainable development is laid- which is the solution to every bite of national problems, and sufferings of South Sudanese. Hence, revolution struggle is not supposedly to be against SPLM as political organization, or the current leadership of the Republic, but against the bad system itself- with reasons to “Restore the rights and dignities” of south Sudanese that, we as a nation has lost decades ago.
However, in order to restore the rights and dignities of the society that revolution aims to achieve, there are five revolution theories that confirms true revolution that revolutionists must adhere to it, as:-
1) Personal Change to enhance national changes: – Revolution is about change and therefore, revolution start with revolutionist as individual member of this Revolution. The ideal that revolution starts with revolution means the revolutionist must change in order to change – that is to say, ideological changes – to be positive about your nation and every human being, irrespective of human tribes in this nation. This requires you “a new birth” from your “tribal attitudes” and corruption thinking that is affecting our national “Unity”, “Peace” and “Development” as South Sudanese.
Indeed, we can change the SPLM’ regime and install our very own regime in this nation, but if we don’t change as individuals as well as group and put our nation first, we must not expect any good things to come from our very own government. Our government will be like any other governments people of this nation fought against.
Therefore, if we need changes in system of governance, we need the desired national changes to start by how we change our habits that may affects others and our nation – because any national changes, starts with the changes of the personalities of individuals in the nation.
2) Humanity: Revolution is about Humanity and therefore, you must be a complete Human being. First, before you call yourself a Revolutionist, a human being is made of “a mind”, “a spirit” and “a body” and complete human beings is that person whose mind, spirit and body functions for the good cause- that never affects innocent souls or bring trouble to his nation.
3) Responsibilities: Revolution is about responsibilities and you must be responsible first and then become Revolutionist. Being responsible is to “act” and “think” with care so as not to cause “Harm” to the people and environment because the people and the environment that makes up a nation are the sole reason revolution strives to save by brining that desired changes that may have positive effect on them.
A revolutionist must all the time “think” and “act” in a manner that will protect and save his “people” and “nation” and “every resource of the nation”. This starts with “true love for the nature, and humanity”.
Of course when one talk of responsibility in aspect of revolution, it simple means an act of that revolutionist must use any available resources for the cause of good of others and the nation. There is no way one can call himself or herself a national revolutionist while not caring about others and nations; there is no way one can call himself or herself revolutionist while at the same time misusing the available resource for the cause of destruction of the nation and people because what causes revolution is the cause of humanity.
Therefore if we as nation (South Sudanese) chose revolution than rebellion, our nation would have experienced that great changes that would have manifestation of better life our people may be living that is free from any threats and wants based on that facts how rich our nation is, in terms of natural resources and culture.
4) Scarifications: Revolution is sacrificial acts of individuals, an act where a revolutionist sacrifice his time, energy, resources (wealthy) and spirit that would have been useful for his own personal gain, for the interests of the nation and others; and he or she who is not ready to sacrifice his or her own valuable for the cause of nation or others is never a revolutionist. Today we have many fake revolutionist in our nation, we have people who calls themselves revolutionists while those are the very people that instead of scarifying their resources (Wealthy) for the national interests, or benefit of their follow country mates, they becomes de facto looters looting the national resources (Wealthy) for their own selfish interests and this is resulting in both “political or economic corruptions” south Sudan as a nation is sufferings from.
5) Unity of common purpose: no revolution exists without purpose – thus Revolution is act of “unity of common purpose” – hence, purpose it can be said in revolution that, purpose is the driving force of revolution – and this purpose can only be achievable through unity and in this regards, if the revolutionists are not united for the common cause of revolution, then revolution will not be successful common enemy. For divided people will never defeat a common enemy, or achieve common goal.
Unity is key not only in revolution but as a nation because when a nation is united, it stands firm to defend itself from any threats and these threats can be referred to as poverty, dictatorship, injustices, discrimination, marginalization which are the causes of any civil strives in any nation. In fact, if revolutionists are united, no any challenges may obstruct revolution from reaching its goal or materialization of its vision – for with unity; everything is possible.
If we unite today for common purpose, before this time tomorrow, we would have achieved our purpose. Therefore, South Sudanese as a nation needs unity more if we have to change odd practices and policies that is affecting us as a nation and this unity must be in spirit of a national revolution to save this nation from those without creed for humanity.
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