South Sudan: A new country facing a New Revolution
A pamphlet by John Sunday Martin (May 30, 2016)
“The Revolution is all about introducing positive change. Positive change cannot be introduced in a nation by compromised individuals. Therefore, the New Revolution will start with ideological changes aimed at shifting us away from selfishness towards a clearer sense of nationalism”

INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………….3
PART 1 – THE SPIRIT OF TRIBALISM ………………………………………….5
PART 2 – THE SPIRIT OF PATRIOTISM ……………………………………….14
PART 3 – THE NEW REVOLUTION ……………………………………………..17
ABOUT THE AUTHOR ……………………………………………………………19
June 15, 2016 (SSB) — We are in the era of revolution. This era begins with changes in our individual attitudes toward our nation. Strong positive feelings towards our nation influence our actions. They compel us to do good things for our nation, both as individuals and as a collective.
The era of liberation is over. We cannot continue to talk of liberation struggles, because liberation carries with it certain ideologies which are unhelpful for national unity and peaceful coexistence. Liberation ideology promotes negative doctrines of sectarianism along ethnic, religious and political divides. Even when liberation is achieved, unity and reconciliation often remain unrealized because of the negative legacy of the word Liberation.
Many people have been complaining for a long time in our society. But we have not been willing to listen to their grievances. There was no intention to find solutions to their problems. So what once was just their problem, has become a national disaster. When things are not going well, people will be unhappy. When people are unhappy, they will become rebellious. They will strive to reclaim their lost happiness, and that is the foundation of revolution in society. And so it has been in our nation to date. It is unwise to blame the rebels in our society. It is far wiser to find solutions to the problems that gave rise to their rebellion. Because no person ever rebels without an unbearable situation that pushes them towards rebellion.
However, we cannot continue to call any rebellion a Liberation Struggle. The struggle for liberation is over. We are now in the era of revolution. It is the struggle of the people for meaningful change to improve their lives. To date, most south Sudanese are unhappy with governance in South Sudan under SPLM. Their mismanagement has sparked an outcry from every community. We are all looking forward to our salvation from the SPLM regime.
The discontent amongst the people of South Sudan is because of a lack of development and the neglect of democratic principles. These were the main reasons behind every struggle between the North and the South over the decades. Now, that we finally have our independence, they remain the main reason for struggle between us, the South Sudanese people, against the SPLM regime. A regime which has caused the death and suffering of many innocent souls.
The lack of democratic principles, the lack of development, the neglect of service delivery and the general hardship we are facing can be described as problems of our very own making. The real problem of South Sudan is our self-serving individualism. This individualism has manifested itself in political corruption. Power is misused by individuals and cadres of the ruling SPLM. The SPLM has become a political organization for the illegitimate private gain of party members. Consequently, the SPLM as an organization has consistently undermined democratic principles and failed to deliver services and social justice to the public.
Our self-serving and immoral ideologies are at the root of our national problems. They promote tribalism and a lack of patriotism. National unity, democratic reform and sustainable socio-economic development are required to rescue South Sudan from factionalism and an ethnocentric system of governance on a regional basis. There is a need for revolution. A social revolution that will target the immoral ideologies have become the problem of our nation.
Read the entire 20-page pamphlet here:
South Sudan: A country in need of revolution, but not rebellion (PDF)
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