SPLM ruling party: The dereliction of duty and betrayal of the liberation struggle
By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan

June 17, 2016 (SSB) — If there is a party which is to blame for dereliction of duty and subjected the people of South Sudan to the situation they are in now, it is disappointingly the ruling party. Even those around the president but who don’t tell him the public opinion have admitted their failures. If you want to cling onto power, improve the living standards of the people in all areas and nobody will bother about your powers.
There are people who still talk that we have liberated this country but they don’t see the suffering of those they claim to have liberated. Is it not a shame that our money should get depreciated thrice below the American money? We have well informed economists who can repair this economic damage but the liberators and their satellite parties’ collaborators plus other infiltrators do not give them any chance to do so. How can you say there is a government when the governed are suffering immensely?
Where are the peace dividends after the agreement? Why should we be made to suffer like this just because two men somewhere have differed over power? Is the God of this country not seeing how His people are dying in the hands of the people he created in the same image as them? What is difficult in deciding and rectifying this economic problem? I know it is a lucrative business, which has a detrimental impact on the people, to the people at the helm of power who want to enrich themselves at our expense.
However, how do you feel as a responsible person, putting yourself in the position of a father at home, to see mothers with babies on their back and small unruly street kids begging? Are we not insulting God’s mightiness by making ourselves poor seeing that He blessed this country with abundant resources? I was baffled to hear an honourable minister who is a golden boy in the president’s camp that there is no money and has not received his salary.
The FVP is not saying anything and neither is the President himself. We desperately want to be told of where this country is heading under their watch. We are opportune to have a disciplined army otherwise the Egyptian Sisi’ style could have happened. This dollar issue has become a nuisance and breaking up families.
I know it doesn’t pain the power wielders and their associates. Mr President with your two deputies, please rescue us and forgive us our trespasses.
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