Ateny Wek Ateny: Beating the drum of outrageous controversies in South Sudan
By Amol Mabior, Liverpool, UK

June 25, 2016 (SSB) — Seriously, President Salva Kiir Mayardit appears to have lost crucial powers at the presidency and Bilpam in two years’ time, what a mess? Firstly, the whole nasty game started with the Hijacking of our national army, the SPLA, by Gen Paul Malong Awan and others in the period between 2013 and 2015. And this led to gradual replacement of the entire army, which was undergoing conventional military reforms, by the tribal army /militias.
Secondly, the same scheme of undermining president Kiir leadership, took on the coffers of the state which witnessed the rampant systematic looting of millions of dollars at presidency by the senior administrators and their aides in the office of the president. Although the justice has partial been done in that regard, the damage caused on our economy and the inflicted bad image at the presidency will remain visible for times to come.
Thirdly, the National legislature Assembly (NLA) which should be representing the voices of the people in the August houses is also in totality skyjacked by the so-called Jieng Council of elders and their sycophants.
For God sake, there is nowhere in a world where a competent national legislature could endorse a signed peace agreement, and just within two months the NLA vigorously embarked in violation of its implementation. It is a known fact that the Agreement on resolution of conflict in South Sudan (ARCISS) is clearly based on ten states which are constitutionally well spelt in the transitional constitution of South Sudan 2011.
In the light of this, it was unconstitutional and against the conduct of business for South Sudan parliament to amend the Transitional Constitution 2011, giving president Kiir a go-ahead to create the controversial 28 states, appoint the governors and expand the assemblies at the national and states levels. Sadly enough, the amendments were even imposed by a one third of the NLA members against the will of the majority.
Subsequently, it is this imposed creation of unwanted 28 states which has now resulted to the current communal conflicts and the economic meltdown in the country. It is needless to say, that the recent attacked on the town of Raga, and the continuous sporadic killings in Wau town are direct consequences of the imposed Establishment order #36.
As the level of sabotage continues, the press secretary at the presidency, Mr Ateny Wek Ateny is now in his full gear, misusing his so-called “constitutional mandate” to corrupt the presidency by writing false Op-ed and issuing false statements one after another at will without the knowledge of president Kiir.
It is unbelievable that the press secretary embroiled himself in two sensitive controversies within a month, and the man still has a gut to deny his fraudulent deeds, which not only shame the president Kiir, but the entire nation.
Now, considering the level of the damage caused by Ateny’s worst performance, reflected in his unethical writings, it is really high time for brother Ateny Wek Ateny to apologize to the public he gravely misled twice, and peacefully resign.
As a professional writer in the office of the president, I assume, one would expect the press secretary to confine himself to the ethic writing of creative nonfiction, and not the reverse.
To sum up, the continuation of the above malpractices are clear indications that Kiirdit has (un)knowingly conceded powers to his juniors. And one wonders as to what abilities the president still has to continuously run the country without being intimated by his subordinates?
You can reach the author via: Amol Mabior <>
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