Youth group calls on South Sudanese men to respect girls in the refugee camps
By Ter Manyang Gatwech, Kampala, Uganda

July 5, 2016 (SSB) –- The International Youth for Africa (IYA) is a South Sudanese non-governmental organization and non-profit making organization. IYA is working on the following areas Transitional Justice, documenting and reporting human rights violation against women, children’s rights, working with community groups to promote women’s rights through increased participation of women in local government, promoting the education rights of girls, and raising awareness of women’s rights through public campaigns and Refugee’s rights.
IYA carryout the research from Kiryandongo District in Uganda Camps settlement for refugees and our finding indicate that 1671 girls has been dropout from the school due to lack parental care, cases were reported since January 2016. The girls’ abuse is common in many ways through forced married; the reports further put child marriage at 70 per cent in South Sudan which very dangerous to our society. “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” Brigham Young.
Ter Manyang Gatwech probation IYA’s executive Director said there is need for urgent action to save young girls from abuse in difference camps in Uganda. “Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world, and ten to one but she has the means of settling well, without further expense to anybody’’. Jane Austen
IYA called on United Nations High Commission for Refugees (NUHCR) to construct more schools in camps so that young girls will continue with their education. Said Manyang urged South Sudanese communities not to used girls as ‘’property at home’’. Let our girls go to school. Women can help the society in various ways. They can engage in social activities and work for the betterment of the society for today and tomorrow.
Young educated girls can get engaged in a profession of her choice. We need more doctors, engineers, software developers, and social workers. The world cannot grow at good pace unless women come forward and take initiative for the development works. Stopped stereotyping about women in South Sudan. ‘’ My mother is a woman, my girlfriend is a girl’’ said Ter Manyang and let us respect our mothers, girls in order we can change our society from stereotyped.
According to feminist analysis, in all cultures, girls have been socialized into gender roles, although the degree to which behaviour is innate or environmentally determined is greatly debated. In most cultures and time periods of the world, girls have traditionally played with dolls and toy cooking and cleaning equipment, while boys prefer toys and games that require more physical activity or simulated violence, such as toy trucks, balls, and toy guns.
Girls are less often encouraged to pursue sports, with the exception of sports that might be considered “feminine,” such as figure skating or gymnastics; or those considered “gender-neutral,” such as tennis. [1] They may be prevented from participating in many of the same activities that boys participate in at the same age, as a matter of protecting them from perceived outside dangers, such as boys and men, or anything that may cause physical injury.
Sometimes boys are presumed to be more responsible than girls, except in the cases of caring for younger children, which is sometimes thought to be instinctual in girls. Girls, as a group, may be perceived as being more docile than boys, and as being less capable of rational decision making and more governed by emotional responses.
Measures taken
“We have initiated every possible means to ensure that our girls must go back to school. Mr Manyang said “end child marriage” aimed at creating awareness on the danger of child marriage. The IYA blamed the rise of child marriage on poverty among parents, which she said compels them to marry off their underage daughters to get bride price. We strong laws in South Sudan which can protect girls from being abuse.
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