PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

In your proxy media war, stop attacking the personality of General Paul Malong Awan

A respond to Kenyan writer Mr. Walter Menya’s article on daily nation: “It is the gossip columnist’s business to write about what is none of his business”.

By Bol Madut Ayii, Juba, South Sudan

July 23, 2016 (SSB) —- First and foremost I would like to thank General Paul Malong Awan, the chief of general staffs of Sudan people’s Liberation Army (SPLA) for his nationalistic stand during the recent fighting in national capital Juba. General Paul was able to command our national army in professional and disciplinary manner by ordering them to protect and respect the lives and properties of civilians which is the constitutional mandate of any national army.

Back to the topic, I was dazed to read an article authored by Kenyan writer Walter Menya which appeared on Daily Nation dated 15/ July/2016. The style of writing of this Kenyan who know nothing about South Sudan and General Paul Malong forced me to respond to his rubbishes.

Mr. Walter wrote and I quote, “General Malong is the real power behind the throne in Juba, he is the polygamist general who wields real power in South Sudan, he is from Dinka with president Kiir and was the one who formed Dinka Militia called mathiang-anyoor ” ended the quote.

Since this Kenyan miserably and ignorantly wrote about somebody he don’t know, I think it is astute to tell him who General Paul Malong is. Paul Malong Awan is one of the freedom fighters who dedicated his lifetime to liberate his people from the oppression and marginalization. He fought various wars with Arabs and sustained so many injuries in the frontline and he did not think of retreat or betray his people like what others who want to be the leaders did. General Malong is known not only by South Sudanese but Sudanese as a freedom fighter and peacemaker.

He is among few comrades who are loyal to the movement (SPLM/A) which fought a successful war of liberation with Islamic Regimes in Khartoum and later joined politics when he became governor of then Northern Bahr El Ghazal State. While in Northern Bahr El Ghazal, General Paul was able to maintain peace and security within Awiel as well as with neighboring communities like Rezigat of Sudan, not only that he laid some developmental projects in Northern Bahr el Ghazal and the citizens of Awiel shall proof me right on this.

After successfully achieved some developmental projects in Awiel, the President appointed him (Malong) in April 2014 as Chief of General Staffs which is a normal administrative routine. General Paul took the assignment from his Comrade James Hoth Mai at a difficult time when the country national army was fighting the rebellion after December 2013 failed coup. Within few months Paul Malong was able to address some of the challenges that were facing the national army like logistics.

As chief of General staffs it is his responsibility to protect the territorial integrity of South Sudan and people from any external or internal aggressor. Being the chief of General staffs does not mean that he is there to protect President KIIR because he is a Dinka, the mandate of any national army is to protect the constitution and the government but not personalities like the way this bastard Kenyan writer think.

Kenyan writer (Mr. Walter) who is fighting proxy media war should first clean his own house in Kenya before rushing to attack the personality of General Paul Malong.

His allegation that General Malong have formed the Dinka militia called mathiang-anyoor is baseless. Mathinag-anyoor is composed of young men and women who voluntarily and proudly joined the national army in 2012 to fight Sudan Armed Forces who were planning to invade South Sudan, those young men taught tough lesson to SAFs in Panthou (Heglig) and other neighboring areas to Sudan which Bashir was planning to invade. Mathinag-anyoor is a name of battalion like Koriom, muor-muor-, Jamus, Timsa, Lion, Katiba Banat, Tiger to mention the few.

The fact that the name mathiang-anyoor is a Dinka word is immaterial and therefore does not constitute Dinka militia, and to this point I salute my comrades in Mathinag-anyoor battalion for their heroic sacrifices to defend the sovereignty and the people of South Sudan. It is very unfortunate that some Kenyan who claimed to be columnist or political commentators like so called Walter just woke up in the morning with their left-over black label and red-wine seriatim all over the nerves and attack our freedom fighter General Paul Malong Awan.

As African, it is a normal practice to marry as many wives as you want which is in conformity with our customs and cultures and this is what exactly makes us different from Europeans of American where marriage is perceived to be social contract between one woman and one man as they use to do in so called marriage blessing in church.

It is illogical Mr. Walter to termed General Paul as polygamist general who wields real power in South Sudan. I doubt whether this so called Walter is really an African. What is your interest in the private or family affairs of somebody who is not even a citizen of your nation?

Why are you worried as if General Paul is going to ask financial assistant from you?

Support the rebellion as you think wise but don’t attack the personality of General Paul Malong, it is not a surprise to me to come across such irresponsible writings against the highly respected and freedom fighter because you are hired to write on behalf of South Sudanese rebels or oppositions group since your country (Kenya) is a center of rebellion declaration by some South Sudanese disgruntled and power greedy politicians.

Your whole article constitute defamation and therefore you must apologies as soon as possible unless if you are insane Mr. Walter.

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