1O Reasons why Gen Taban Deng is better alternative to Riek Machar for lasting peace in South Sudan
By David Aoloch Bion, Juba, South Sudan

From the disinterested point of view, Gen Taban Deng Gai is better alternative to Dr Riek Machar for the everlasting peace in South Sudan on the following 10 reasons
- Gen Taban Deng has clean record in the history of liberation struggle from 1983-2005 unlike Riek Machar who have had bad records for rebelling in 1991, 2013 and 2016 respectively.
- Gen Taban has no problem with anyone unlike Riek Machar who seem to have problem with everyone
- Gen Taban has no bad relationship with President Kiir, unlike Riek whose degree of hatred between Kiir and him is major concern. Here, we are not surest of who hate who the most, between the two.
- Gen Taban can cooperate with President Kiir as the FVP unlike Riek who compete with Kiir as the Siamese twin president. Remember , here we want someone to cooperate with Mr. Kiir , because Kiir remained in Juba in 2013 and 2016 aftermath of each clashes, this imply that he is stronger than Riek .
- Gen Taban can serve as the First Vice President without private militia /army unlike Riek who want to have private army as the FVP.
- Gen Taban and Kiir will not think of getting rid of each other unlike Kiir and Riek who always think of ‘’liquidating each other’’,
- Gen Taban does not want to become the President before 2018 unlike Riek who want to become the President now, now.
- Gen Taban does not want two armies and the title of Commander in Chief unlike Riek who want the two armies and title of commander in chief. Remember two armies is the postponing of the war. We need peace since Riek failed to remove Kiir in December 15, 2013 and J1 battles .
- Gen Taban wants to be in power with support of civil population unlike Riek who want to be in power with support of armed forces.
- Gen Taban want to see peaceful South Sudan without him in power unlike Riek who do not want to see peaceful South Sudan without him in power.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the coming of Taban Deng has ended ‘’ the Siamese twin Presidency’’ in South Sudan since 2005,
President Kiir and his Vice President Riek were Siamese twin presidents since 2005. This is why Riek was referring to Mr Kiir as his ‘’colleague’’ not as his President in the public.
Again , the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (ARCSS) reawaken the same status by giving the two men , the two armies and made them two Commander in Chiefs of their respective armies in the same country .
The Siamese twin presidency was the origin of the language that was applied by the media and the international community when talking about South Sudan , they say ‘’ both leaders ‘’ both sides ‘’ ‘’forces loyal to Kiir ‘’ , forces loyal to Riek’’ . This unfair language was the one fuelling the crisis and escalating., this language gives state actors and non-state actors equal status .
The political marriage between Gen Taban and President Kiir will smoothen the implementation of the peace agreement and the whole of transitional period.
4 WAYS FORWARD FOR GEN TABAN . As Gen Taban Deng Gai sworn in as the First Vice President of the Republic , he outlined his vision of peace for South Sudan ,he stated it clearly , there must be President , First Vice President and the Vice President , one Commander in Chief , one Chief of Staff and one army not the other way around .
FVP Taban says 1. the salaries of SPLA IO soldiers should be his priority number ONE. The salaries will motivate them to accept peace and stop them from spoiling it. The spoilers are mobilizing money to pay IO soldiers to spoil the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGNU) in few coming months.
- he says , he would quickly integrate the SPLA IO soldiers into the national army.
3 . he said he would bring out all people from the UNMISS camp and settle them in their homes across the country.
4 he said he and President `Kiir should quickly reconcile the people of South Sudan so that `the nation can move forward.
To supporters of Dr Riek , it is time to evaluate him in light of your efforts and support you gave him in 1991 . Was it successful or failure? Secondly, you evaluate him in light of your sacrifices and support you offered him in 2013. Was it successful or failure? Thirdly, evaluate him in light of your sacrifices in J1 and Jebel – Check point you offered him. Was successful or failure? Ladies and Gentlemen , Riek has tried his best three time but unsuccessful therefore , let him take rest and give ways to others .. All in all President Kiir and Dr Riek can’t work togather in wharsoever case
To other bystanding South Sudanese, it is up to you whether to still watch the violent film /movie where your neighbours are killed for 25 years or stop watching it and stop admiring it . The violent movie of Riek Machar started in 1991 and has been running for 25 years. Are there no other movies to watch? There are other movies and Taban Deng is the new movie.
To international community, if you want peace in South Sudan then, support Gen Taban Deng , if you care about South Sudan stand with Taban . All in all President Kiir and Dr Riek can’t work togather in whatsoever case . Dr John Garang de Mabior once said ,’’ if I have other 10 Taban , I would capture Khartoum ‘’
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