Riek Machar is Pandora sent by enemies of South Sudan to make it ''failed State"
By David Aoloch Bion, Juba, South Sudan

August 1, 2016 (SSB) — In Greek mythology, Pandora was a woman. She was created by god called Zeus and sent to earth with box of evils in revenge for Prometheus having brought the gift of fire back to the world. Pandora let out all the evils from the box to infect the earth; Hope alone remained with humankind.
Prometheus, a demigod, one of the Titans, who was worshiped by craftsmen. When Zeus hid fire from man, Prometheus stole it by trickery and returned it to earth.
Riek Machar is the Pandora sent by the enemies of South Sudan, these enemies are Kenya, Ethiopia and UN who are calling for military intervention, which is the code name of military invasion
In the above story Zeus is Kenya, Ethiopia and UNMISS. Riek Machar is Pandora. President Kiir is the Prometheus…
Pandora Riek is punishing Prometheus Kiir because Kiir fought in the bush for 11 years when Riek Machar was sleeping in Khartoum. Riek is punishing Kiir because he felt jealous of Kiir declaring Independent of South Sudan .
In the December 15, 2013,Pandora Riek Machar opened his Pandora box; all evils came out and infected South Sudan. The war came out of the box and many South Sudanese died of the bullet wound. Hunger came out of the box and many South Sudanese died of hunger. Diseases came out of the box and many South Sudanese died of diseases.
Poverty came out of the box and many South Sudanese became poor. Economic crises came out of the box and the Dollar became a problem. Scarcity came out of the box and goods and services became expensive
As hope was the only thing which remained after all evils came of Pandora Riek box.
Our hope is to call SPLA IO not to listen to Pandora Riek for the third time round.
It is now high time for the SPLA IO soldiers to spend with their families after two years of separation. When the war broke out in 2013, SPLA IO soldiers were separated from the wives and children. The soldiers went to the bush to fight the unwinnable war. The wives and children were either went to UNMISS or ran to Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia. , it is not time to spend on Pandora Riek Machar unwinnable third war.
The SPLA IO soldiers never met with their loves one from 2013 to 2016. As the result of the peace agreement, The SPLA IO soldiers should come and meet their families . it is not time to spend on Pandora Riek Machar unwinnable third war.
The SPLA IO soldiers should go and wean their babies and conceive their wives with new babies. The SPLA IO soldiers should come and spend time with their children so that the children should not call them uncles if they grow up when they don’t stay together. It is not time to spend on Pandora Riek Machar unwinnable third war.
The SPLA IO should come and take their children to school so that their children shall not be mere soldiers like them in future. The SPLA IO soldiers should come and get their salaries like government soldiers. It is not time to spend on Pandora Riek Machar unwinnable third war
Enough is enough, Thank God IO soldiers survive in the 21 month war, so it is time to bring up their children not to be killed again in the unwinnable third war.